Pensions in Ukraine. Minimum and maximum pension

Pensions are cash payments to the population that depend on a personโ€™s age, length of service, and social status. Pensions may be granted by age, disability and breadwinner. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Disability pension

Pensions in Ukraine for disabled people are assigned depending on the group and age of the patient. For example, if a child is a disabled person, then the payment, as a rule, consists of two parts - a pension and a bonus. The second part of the allowance is assigned in the case when the child cannot attend the kindergarten or school, and one of the adults is constantly forced to stay with him. A person who cares for a child should not work or study. The amount of disability benefits depends on the current living wage. The maximum pension is provided for persons with disabilities from childhood of group I of subgroup A. The maximum allowance with a care allowance is approximately 2500 UAH, and the minimum pension in Ukraine for a disabled child is 1300 UAH. Moreover, the cost of living per child is 1167 UAH.

pensions in Ukraine

The amount of disability pension in Ukraine for an adult depends on the length of service. The maximum pension is 100% of the average monthly salary. This applies to those pensions that have been granted in connection with an injury received at the workplace. Disability pensions are paid only in case of passing a special medical commission. As a rule, it determines the period for which the payment is scheduled. The commission also establishes a disability group.

Retirement age

Old-age pensions depend on many factors: the gender of the citizen, profession, the number of officially worked years in a particular position, etc. The size of a pension in Ukraine, as a rule, depends on the length of service (for women, the minimum length of service is 30 years, and for men - 35 years). Almost every year in Ukraine, the retirement age changes, certain amendments are made to the law. Since 2016 in Ukraine, the retirement age for men is 60 years. For women, it depends on the date of birth. In 2016, citizens born at the end of 1958 and at the beginning of 1959 will retire. Their age will be 57.5. Next year, women who will turn 58 years old (born in 1959) will retire. The retirement age is changing upward by 6 months. Citizens of Ukraine who were born in 1961 and later will retire at age 60.

Pensions for civil servants

Pensions in Ukraine are one of the most sensitive topics, but not for everyone. Former civil servants and judges practically do not complain about the amount of payments received by them. It is precisely this layer of the population that receives maximum pensions. Only civil servants who have been working in the state apparatus since January 1, 1994 have the right to pension. It was on this day that the Law "On Public Service" was enacted.

minimum pension in Ukraine

On January 1, 2016, a new law came into force, which states that the maximum pension for a civil servant will be 10740 UAH, including all allowances. Previously, these pensions, like many other types of social assistance, were calculated on the basis of living wages for different categories of citizens. Now, due to high inflation, the cost of living will increase, but the size of the pension for civil servants will not change. The minimum pension in Ukraine for a civil servant is 3600 UAH.

Working pensioners

In 2015-2016, Ukraine adopted a series of laws relating to social payments and salaries, and did not forget about working pensioners. Many people who are already supported by the state are also forced to earn extra money, because they are sorely lacking money for living. We are talking about retirees who receive minimum pensions (about 1000 UAH).

new pension in Ukraine

Given the increase in prices for products and utilities, it is simply impossible to do without additional earnings. However, Ukrainian officials passed a law stating that 15% of the payment amount will be withheld from working pensioners. Letโ€™s try to calculate what pension is now shining for a working pensioner in Ukraine. For example, a teacher with a working experience of 35 years, while retired, is arranged at half the rate in the library. The allowance that the teacher receives is an average of 1350 UAH. It turns out that after this pensioner goes to work, his pension will decrease by 202 UAH and will amount to only 1,148 UAH.

Retirement pension

Old-age pensions primarily depend on seniority and the profession of a person. The average pension in Ukraine is 1570 UAH. Medical workers, teachers, cooks, etc. can count on such a pension. Many are interested in the question of if the maximum pension is 10 thousand hryvnias, why the average is so small. It turns out that in reality everything is very simple. There are about 13 million pensioners in Ukraine, however, only 900 thousand receive the maximum payment. So it turns out that the majority of pensioners live on only UAH 1,000 per month.

average pension in Ukraine

How old age pension is calculated

Pensions in Ukraine are calculated according to the formula: P = * , where - the size of the pension, - the income of the insured person from July 1, 2000 (in hryvnias), - coefficient of insurance experience.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine has created a special online register of workers. The site has the opportunity to see the entire working experience of a person, in what months and at what enterprise he worked, what salary he received. Possessing this information, it is easy to calculate your own old-age pension.

Retirement benefits

There may be various allowances for old-age pensions: for exceeding the seniority rate, for deferring pension payments, for harmful working conditions.

A premium for exceeding the seniority rate may be assigned if the insurance experience is longer than the norm. The premium is 1% of the minimum retirement pension. For example, if the experience was exceeded by 5 years, then the premium will be about 50 UAH.

pension in Ukraine [

An allowance for deferral of pension payments is given if the person has finished his labor activity, but decided to take a deferral of payments. The premium is about 6% per year. However, given that the inflation rate in Ukraine is about 13%, it turns out that a pensioner will lose half of the payment for the year. For example, a new pension in Ukraine (minimum) will be 1300 UAH, the premium in this case will be 78 UAH, and if you take the previous minimum payment of 1200, the difference in only one month will be 100 UAH. Given the fact that a pensioner, for example, did not receive payments for 12 months, the losses will amount to 1200 UAH, and the profit - 864 UAH.

pension to a working pensioner in Ukraine

For harmful working conditions, not only a financial allowance is applied, but also a reduction in seniority. There are several lists that indicate particularly harmful and less harmful working conditions. Particularly harmful include: work at metallurgical enterprises, in chemical laboratories, in pulp and paper production, etc. In total, there are about 20 different industries on the list. Pensions in Ukraine with an allowance for less harmful working conditions are accrued to electricians, welders, machinists, locksmiths and others.


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