Branding meat: features, types, order and rules

All meat intended for sale in Russia has corresponding brands. What are they needed for? These prints characterize both the commodity value of the product and its well-being in the sanitary and veterinary sense. In the article we will analyze in detail the stigmatization of meat, the algorithm of this procedure, the types of stamps and seals, state regulation.


This procedure in the Russian Federation is regulated by the relevant Instructions on veterinary stamping of meat from 04/28/1994. It was approved by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation A.G. Efremov in 1994. The document is registered with the Ministry of Justice on 05/23/1994 under number 575.

The contents of the instructions are as follows:

  1. General provisions of the document.
  2. Veterinary stamps and stamps.
  3. The procedure for branding meat and various offal.
  4. Monitoring the implementation of the instructions, responsibility for its violation.

Appendix to the instructions

Two applications are approved for the instruction:

  • Samples of stamps and stamps for stamping meat and products for it.
  • A list with stamp numbers assigned to individual Russian entities by the veterinary department of the RF Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Consider the most important points from this document.

branding of meat

General Provisions

The main provisions of the instructions for branding meat are as follows:

  • Meat (and products from it) from all wild and farm animals, including poultry, must be stamped with special veterinary stamps in full accordance with the instructions.
  • Only veterinary specialists who have passed the commission certification in theory and practical issues on the subject of veterinary and sanitary discipline can use oval marks. They must also receive official special permission for their activities from the state veterinary inspector of a certain city, district.
  • As for veterinarians and paramedics of other organizations, when conducting sanitary and veterinary examination of meat, they can only use the stigma “Preliminary inspection”.
  • These stamps and stamps are made in the prescribed manner with the written permission of the chief state inspector of a certain area, city. They are made of bronze (or other stainless metal). Certain shapes and sizes are set. Rims, numbers, inscriptions are deeply cut. The purpose of this is to get a clearer impression on the product. As for the stamps, it is permissible to make them from rubber.
  • Veterinary stamping of meat is carried out only on the basis of sanitary-veterinary examination.
  • Brands can only be stored by a doctor or paramedic who have the right to brand. Storage conditions should completely exclude the possibility of unauthorized use of stamps.
  • Ink for branding meat is used from the list of colors permitted by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.
    meat branding procedure

Types of brands

Branding is carried out with special veterinary stamps and stamps, indicating the suitability of eating meat.

There are several varieties of them:

  • Oval brand.
  • Rectangular stamp "Vetervice. Preliminary inspection".
  • The rectangular stamp "Vetervice" with clarifying inscriptions - designation of the type of disinfection.
  • Additional rectangular stamps with a designation of a type of agricultural and wild animals.
  • Brands and markings for poultry meat.

Oval type

We will begin to examine in detail the types of brands for branding meat.

Veterinary oval hallmarks have three pairs of Arabic numerals in the center. They denote the following:

  • The first pair of numbers is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - region, republic, territory, autonomous entity, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • 2nd pair of numbers - serial number of a specific city or district.
  • The 3rd pair of numbers is the serial number of a specific organization, enterprise or other kind of institution where veterinary control takes place.

In the upper part of such a mark, the mark "Russian Federation" is mandatory. In the lower half there is another inscription - "Gosvetnadzor".

The impression with such an oval mark confirms that an examination of the meat and offal was carried out, moreover, in full. This product can be sold for various food purposes without any restrictions.

If this meat is subject to further neutralization, then only a stamp is placed on it, indicating the order of use of this product in accordance with current sanitary-hygienic or veterinary-sanitary standards.

meat branding instructions

Rectangular Preview

For marking, branding meat, rectangular stamps are also used. In their upper part there is a signature "Vetervice", in the center - the mark "Preliminary inspection".

Next, three pairs of numbers. They are deciphered in the same way as in the case of oval marks.

What confirms the presence of the stamp "Preliminary inspection"? This meat was obtained from agricultural animals that underwent both pre-slaughter and post-slaughter veterinary examinations. Animals are killed on farms that are safe for quarantine diseases.

However, the mark "Preliminary inspection" does not give the right to sell the product without fully relying on veterinary and sanitary expertise.

Rectangular type with type of disinfection

The rules for branding meat and meat products say that such stamps are marked "Vetervice" at the top, and the name of the type of disinfection to be applied to the product below:

  • On canned food.
  • To provarka.
  • For meat bread.
  • On boiled sausage.
  • To re-burn (in relation to shepherd or fat).

The following notes can also be made if necessary:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Foot and mouth disease.
  • Measles.
  • Junk

Next, as in the previous stamps, there are three pairs of numbers. The first is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation, the second is the serial number of the settlement, the third is the organization number.

meat branding rules

Optional rectangular type

Such stamps indicate the type of meat that has passed the test. In their center there is a corresponding inscription:

  • Beef.
  • Horsemeat.
  • Pork.
  • Camel.
  • Venison.
  • Medvezhatina and so on.

Brands for poultry meat

The instructions for branding meat about them say the following:

  • For branding rabbits, poultry, as well as all kinds of offal, small oval stamps are used.
  • As for poultry farms, meat and poultry farms, it is permissible to use special electric brands without rims. They put a mark - the number 1 or 2, which depends on the category of meat. The impression is made on the outside of the tibia of birds.
  • If the carcasses are packed in special bags made of polymer film, then the marking of the category and variety of meat is applied by printing directly to these bags.
    instructions for veterinary stamping of meat


The instructions for veterinary branding of meat also describe the procedure for this procedure. Stamps and hallmarks for different categories of meat are placed according to the following algorithm:

  • Carcases and half carcasses. Brands are placed strictly one at a time in the area of ​​each thigh and shoulder blade.
  • Quarter carcasses or pieces of shpig - one brand.
  • Heart, head, kidneys, liver, tongue, lungs - one stigma. The mark is required for veterinary laboratory sanitary examination.
  • Carcasses of nutria and rabbits. Two brands are imprinted - in the area of ​​the scapula and on the outside of the thigh.
  • Carcasses of birds, game. During examinations in the laboratories of sanvetekspertiza, only one mark is put - either on the neck or on the outside of the thigh.
  • Poultry farms, poultry farms, poultry plants - a special electrical stamp is put on the outside of the drumstick. For carcasses of chickens, guinea fowl, ducklings, chickens - on one leg. For carcasses of turkeys, geese, ducks, goslings, turkeys - on both legs.
  • Poultry carcasses, which should later be subject to industrial processing, must have a special brand with the letter "P" on the back.
  • The meat of camels, deer, bears, donkeys, horses, mules, passed through sanitary examination - is put not only vetclame, but also a special rectangular stamp indicating the type of meat.
  • Raw Fat Brands are not set. Instead, labels containing prints of the vetkleym are pasted.
    meat branding

Features of the procedure

The Instructions for branding meat also focuses on some important features of the procedure:

  • If meat and offal are obtained in such conditions where it is not possible to complete the necessary veterinary and sanitary research, then they put the stigma "Preliminary inspection". Further, the products must be sent to one of the veterinary state institutions or state enterprises for the examination in the appropriate amount.
  • If meat and offal are to be released only after neutralization, sent for processing to sausage and similar meat products, then only a stamp is set that determines the method, or the diagnosis is revealed. As for the veterinary stamp, in this case it is not affixed.
  • In addition to the stigma, a special stamp “Boar PP” is put on boar meat. In this case, the abbreviation PP means "industrial processing".
  • Several labels containing prints of veterinary stamps are attached to packages with carcasses of birds to be further rendered harmless. According to the rules of sanitary examination of meat and products from it, they indicate the method of neutralization - boiling, canning, etc.
  • According to the results of the sanitary-veterinary examination named unsuitable for food, carcasses of all types of wild and farm animals must be supplied with at least 3-4 veterinary stamps with the words "Utility".
  • If the meat has changed its sanitary, veterinary characteristics due to violation of the conditions of its transportation or storage, then it is sent for re-examination. Next, re-branding of all stamps and stamps applied to it is carried out. Previous prints are previously deleted.
branding meat types of stigma

Control and liability

Here we can note the following:

  • All veterinarians endowed with the right of stigma, in the prescribed manner, are responsible for the sanitary and veterinary examinations they conduct.
  • Responsibility for the implementation of the instructions on branding meat lies with the management team of enterprises, farms, organizations where animals are slaughtered, processed products, in which industrial refrigerators, cold stores and transport services operate, as well as citizens who own livestock.
  • The instruction to which the article is devoted is mandatory for all veterinarians and paramedics, citizens who own livestock, departments and ministries without exception. And also for all heads of enterprises, farms and other organizations for the processing of meat of cattle and poultry, heads of refrigeration plants and industrial refrigerators, markets, regardless of their registered form of ownership.
  • Regardless of the subordination, ownership of public catering and trade enterprises, they are allowed (according to the applicable regulations) to accept, process and further sell poultry and livestock meat in quarters, half-carcases and carcasses, which must have the corresponding veterinary stamp of oval shape, accompanied by a certificate or certificate.
  • The control over the implementation of the voiced instructions is assigned by the state to the system of veterinary state supervision.
    ink for branding meat

Why is meat stigmatized? This procedure is the result of a sanitary and veterinary examination. She confirms that meat is safe for further processing, marketing, and eating. There are hallmarks that indicate the category of meat, the method of its disinfection, the presence of diseases, the need for scrap.


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