Redevelopment of the apartment: what is possible and what is not? Procedure for approving redevelopment of an apartment

Many residents are now interested in the redevelopment of the apartment. What can and cannot be done in this case? What processes are considered legal? And what is not allowed to do with a particular property? There are a lot of prohibitions. It is worth considering immediately that illegal redevelopment of an apartment can deprive citizens of housing. Therefore, you should remember the rules that apply to this process in Russia. Only then will reconfiguration be completely legal and safe. In fact, if properly prepared, everything will pass without any problems. The main thing is that the redevelopment should be agreed and formalized. Remembering the prohibitions is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

What is a redevelopment

Redevelopment of the apartment is planned. What can and cannot be done in a particular case? Before you deal with this issue, you need to find out what kind of process is involved. After all, not everyone understands this.

redevelopment of the apartment what is possible and what is not

Redevelopment of an apartment is its alteration. During this procedure, the area of โ€‹โ€‹housing or the functionality of certain premises may increase. This process requires prior approval. Otherwise, it will not work legally to remake the apartment to your taste. What rules should be remembered?


To begin with, it is recommended to study several prohibitions that are most common. What is possible and what is not possible when redevelopment of housing? Many apartments have so-called technical cabinets. Or pantries in which there are pipes. These objects need to pay close attention.

The thing is that you can not close the exits to the pipes. If there is a technical cabinet, it is forbidden not only to destroy, but also to close it by any means. For example, wallpapering. Access to pipes as well as meters must be open at all times. Valves for shutting off water also remain in accessible places. Blocking them is prohibited.

The same goes for gasification communications. In order to somehow remake them, you must obtain an appropriate license. In practice, it is not issued to residents. Therefore, you can forget about this idea.

what is possible and what is not possible when replanning

Not suitable for living

But this is only the beginning. What other surprises does redevelopment of an apartment have? What can and cannot be done in housing when it is remade? The next popular technique is the modification of doorways, as well as the expansion of certain rooms. For example, unsuitable for living. Most often, they are kitchens and corridors.

It is forbidden to take any action that will bring the premises into a non-residential state. For example, you canโ€™t make an arch from the doorway of the kitchen when it leads directly into the room, and not into the corridor. In this case, the living space will automatically become non-residential.

Also, it is impossible to expand the area of โ€‹โ€‹non-residential territories at the expense of residential. For example, remove the partitions between the hallway and the room. In this case, the volume of non-residential space will increase. This is prohibited by law.

Building strength

Are you planning a redevelopment? What can and cannot be done in an apartment? Another prohibition is to carry out any work that could harm the strength of the building. For example, remove load-bearing walls or partially demolish them.

redevelopment of what is possible and what is not

To make sure the safety of the planned modification, it is necessary to obtain a plan of the apartment, on which all load-bearing walls will be indicated. You will also have to assess how serious damage will be caused to the building as a whole. Indeed, with an unauthorized and inconsistent redevelopment, even the most durable house can collapse or partially collapse. Therefore, it is recommended to know in advance which walls in the house can be changed to one degree or another.

Damage to neighbors

What's next? What can and cannot be done during redevelopment? If you managed to circumvent all the established prohibitions, do not rejoice. There is one more rather important point. The thing is that the redevelopment carried out in one apartment should not harm another.

For example, expanding a room at the expense of a loggia is not prohibited. But at the same time, citizens may be prohibited from this procedure. The fact is that as a result, the heated area of โ€‹โ€‹the premises will increase. If it turns out that due to expansion the neighbors receive less heat during the heating period, you can forget about the idea. This factor will have to be taken into account. And all re-planning is therefore coordinated in the manner prescribed by law. A special technical worker is invited to assess the situation and issue a verdict regarding the drafted work plan for the conversion of housing.


Some believe that it is possible to destroy or close the ventilation outlets. For example, put a refrigerator in them. Or even concreted. Such a procedure for approving redevelopment of an apartment will not work in principle. Indeed, according to the established laws, it is impossible to touch the ventilation passages at all.

Closing, cleaning, and also subjecting to any other changes that will restrict ventilation is prohibited. After all, this technique brings a lot of inconvenience to neighbors. If a person decided to such a redevelopment, then according to the complaints of the other tenants he will be fined for illegal action, and will also be obliged to restore ventilation. The requirements are completely legal.

what can and cannot be done when replanning


This is not all that the redevelopment of the apartment has prepared for the citizens. What can and cannot be done in housing? Heated floors are gaining popularity. This technique allows you not to freeze, and even further heats the apartments. It would seem that they do not apply to redevelopment. But this is not so.

It is not allowed to install underfloor heating from common house hot water and central heating systems. This is due to the fact that hot water in the system is provided only for domestic needs. Using it for heating can lead to a decrease in temperature in the pipes. Therefore, installing heated floors will violate the rights of neighbors.

What can

In fact, there are many prohibitions regarding redevelopment. And then what is allowed? What can and cannot be done when redeveloping housing? What procedures are allowed by law?

master class on redevelopment of what is possible and what is not

Among them, one can distinguish several common tricks that are often used by citizens. The apartment may undergo the following changes (of course, only after legal approval in the prescribed manner):

  1. If several apartments are combined, then it is possible to increase the living space (rooms) due to the second kitchen and corridors.
  2. You can combine the kitchen with the living room. An important element in this is finding the so-called wet spot. If it is located in the kitchen, then the operation is allowed.
  3. The expansion of bathrooms is possible at the expense of any territories. Only kitchens and living rooms are prohibited. But if you want to increase the bathroom due to the utility room or the entrance hall, there will be no restrictions.
  4. In the bearing walls, doorways and arches can be made. But for this it will be necessary to coordinate these changes. It is important to comply with the established standards for arches and doors located in load-bearing walls.
  5. Make a winter garden out of the balcony or increase the room with a loggia. It should be remembered that this is not possible in all cases. But there is a chance for a legal expansion of the living space.
  6. Perform any manipulations associated with the dismantling or alteration of gasification and water supply systems, but only with the appropriate permission.

Perhaps this is all that citizens should know before considering redevelopment. This process, as already mentioned, should be agreed upon in the established manner. How exactly? What will be required to do this?


Do you want the apartment to be redeveloped normally? How to make it legal so that there are no problems later? To do this, you must comply with all the previously listed prohibitions, as well as coordinate the process with the appropriate service.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. The main problem is the creation of a project that meets the wishes of the owner of the apartment, and also does not violate the norms established by law. By the way, if real estate has several owners, then everyone should agree with the redevelopment. You should also pay attention to the fact that the interests of all owners of the apartment should not be violated. Otherwise, the process will not be considered legal.

apartment redevelopment approval procedure

The re-planning approval procedure can be briefly described as follows:

  1. The owner orders a technical passport of the apartment. This is done in the housing inspection.
  2. Next, a redevelopment plan is drawn up. For this, people from special services are invited. They will need to point out violations, if any, as well as correct them together with the homeowners.
  3. A specific set of documents is being collected to agree on a redevelopment.
  4. Previously collected papers are submitted to the housing inspectorate for final approval. Within a month, a citizen will be given a decision.

Nothing more is needed. If the drawn up redevelopment plan meets the established standards, then they will not refuse this undertaking. Therefore, you can easily legalize the process. By the way, without approval it is impossible to take even actions permitted by law.

Package of documents

In order to conduct a master class on redevelopment, what is possible and what cannot be done, a person must know without fail. Usually, special people are invited for this venture - they listen to the requirements, and then draw up a plan that does not violate the law.

redevelopment of an apartment how to do it legally

What documents will be required to coordinate the process? What is needed for redevelopment? Among the main list distinguish:

  • certificate of ownership;
  • permission from the remaining owners to the procedure (if any);
  • plan of the apartment with redevelopment (project);
  • registration certificate for real estate;
  • statement of the established form.

No more documents will be required. It is with them that you need to go to the housing inspection. As an option - to a multifunctional center. You can start redevelopment only after obtaining the appropriate permission.


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