How do the Japanese relate to the Russians? Features of national character and culture

Even though we live in the information age, not everyone is given the opportunity to understand Russian nature. Some foreigners still think in stereotypes about Russians. However, in addition to stereotypes, one cannot but notice the true depth of the Russian soul. Japan is a country friendly to us. Many probably saw crowds of tourists from Japan, with excursions walking on Red Square. And surely, passing by, did you think more than once about how the Japanese relate to the Russians? After all, we have a completely different mentality. And more than that. How do Japanese people treat Russian girls?

Culture of the Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese culture

Japan has a fascinating and multifaceted culture. On the one hand, the country is immersed in the deepest traditions dating back thousands of years, and on the other, it is a society in a continuous state of rapid change, constantly changing trend and fashion. Technological development constantly tests for strength and pushes the boundaries, and if they talk about something unusual, then, of course, it is in Japan.

Manners are very important in this country. When meeting, it’s customary to bow slightly to each other, but if you go to a Japanese store, you don’t have to bow at the staff’s greeting, they are well aware that you have come to shop, and if you greet everyone, then spend too much time on this . Talking in the subway is not accepted. Also, they do not give way to the elderly and disabled, for the simple reason that no one ever takes them.

Touching each other is indecent: the Japanese are very respectful of personal space. And kisses in public places - even more so under the ban. Money is shy to show in public, so if you pass it on, then wrap it in a piece of paper. At the box office, they just put it on a tray.

The Japanese are really workaholics. According to the rules of etiquette, everything is stably processed for two to three hours, or even more.

With gifts, they have a completely different situation than ours. They are not accepted to be deployed at all; this is a sign of greed and impatience.

Despite the fact that this is a wealthy country, you will not distinguish a successful businessman from hard workers from the factory. They are not accepted to boast of affluence.

Now it becomes clear that the Japanese respect Russian personal space better than Russians.

Japanese men

Japanese man

It often happens in Japan to observe such a cultural phenomenon as the denial of a compliment. If a Japanese man played excellently on a guitar and was praised by his friend or musician, he would refuse a compliment. It's all about social status. Compliments of equal will not be accepted. However, if the social status of the one who praised is lower, the compliment provokes a response.

Workaholism, as a rule, manifests itself precisely in Japanese men. Due to the busy schedules, capsule hotels appeared, created exclusively for sleep. Absolutely normal is neglect of family or love relationships for the sake of work.

The men of the Land of the Rising Sun are very modest and indecisive, which sometimes prevents them from starting a relationship. Despite this, they are polite, responsible and attentive.

Japanese girls

japanese girl

They, as a rule, are not able to stand up for themselves and express their opinion, instead they endure everything silently and in themselves. In society, this is especially noticeable, since they will never defend their position.

For example, if it turns out that a guy is cheating on a girl, she will not argue with him, but will try to be better than her rival. If they laugh at her, or, worse, start to scoff at her, she will apologize for causing these feelings to the offender. Of course, all this happens to a reasonable limit, but each person has his own. Russians, for example, are not so patient.

Girls of the Land of the Rising Sun try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. For example, if a girl puts on a dress that does not suit her, her friend will still say that she is pretty.

However, progress does not stand still and, as the samurai gradually sunk into oblivion in Japan, the woman’s submissive role also recedes. Their career is now causing more interest.

Having appreciated the difference between our cultures, we can understand how the Japanese relate to Russians.

Russian culture

Russian culture

One of the most striking features is, of course, simplicity. In ancient times, Slavic houses were often plundered and completely destroyed, so household issues were greatly simplified. We have really kind and open people. “They will feed and drink and put to sleep” - this is well-known Russian hospitality, one of the manifestations of the broad Russian soul.

Compassion and mercy have been taught since childhood, and also to help those in need, not to create an image or status, but because it is in good conscience.

The Russian family is in the first place, this is respect for parents and love for children. However, from here sometimes what is called nepotism also spills out.

The difficulties of the socialist past, coupled with the current state of affairs and the harsh climate, tempered the people, but left a kind of gloom on their faces. However, the breadth of the Russian soul is always visible with friends.

Russian men

Russian man

If they do something, then it is imperative from the heart. As a rule, household and home-made. It is believed that a man should do something around the house. They work for conscience, but more often than not they try to overdo it.

Russian men can be very generous and gallant. And if we talk about a date, then it is accepted that they pay for a girl in a restaurant, unlike foreigners.

They like holidays very much and try not to miss a single one.

Russian girls

Russian woman

Very neat, spend a lot of time on caring for their appearance, as well as shopping. As a rule, they spend a lot of money on the purchase of clothes, shoes and bags. The fact is that it is important for Russian women to look attractive and spectacular.

They love communication. They have a large number of friends with whom they discuss their life problems at a meeting, tell stories, give advice, share the latest events.

Most of them know how to cook well, and cleanliness reigns in the houses, because it is important for them to take care of someone.

They have a strong character, it’s not without reason that they are said about them: “And the horse will stop its gallop, and it will enter a burning hut.” This phrase means that they will do everything they can for their near and dear ones. And, perhaps due to the harsh climate, Russian women are hardened and morally strong. But what do the Japanese think about the Russians?


attitude to Russians

This summer was an important event for the whole world. The World Cup, in which many foreigners visited Russia. Including from Japan. And now many are interested in how the Japanese relate to the Russians. Based on their culture, they draw their own conclusions.

Russians are very emotional, disorganized, but courageous - as the Japanese say about Russians. Silent and harsh people who rarely smile, possibly because of the climate.

It is believed that the Russians do not like to work, and if they work, it is extremely small. What surprises them is that there are sick leave or just holidays that are used in Russia.

They don’t quite understand why there are so many high-rises, because there is a lot of land around.

If the Japanese sees the Russian man walking, he will not forget this. Craving for parties and drinking, in their opinion, is enormous in Russia.

At the same time, they are sure that the Russian people are strong and with a soul: this is felt.

Attitude towards women

about russian girls

They believe that Russian women are very beautiful. All. Without exception. If in doubt, do not hesitate. European type is considered ideal for them. Long legs, volumes, a figure represent a big difference with the proportions of Japanese women.

Especially the cut of the eyes. No wonder all animes are painted with big eyes. Many Japanese women agree to surgery to change the shape of their eyes.

By the way, it is prestigious for them to have a girl or wife of European appearance. I like the character of Russian women, because, in their opinion, they are independent, in contrast to Japanese women.

Japanese women are very sandwiched and reserved, and never say what they have in mind. In this regard, the openness and sociability of Russian girls defeats the Japanese on the spot. Especially if they don’t like something, they speak directly, that is, it is immediately clear what they want. Men from the Land of the Rising Sun like that Russian women always look after themselves. Each of their simplest walks is like going out into high society. Japanese women treat Russian women as a standard of beauty.


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