How to treat a cat wound at home: a list of drugs

A pet constantly needs care and attention of its owner. This is not only feeding and regular tray changes. This includes examining the pet and treating the wounds if necessary. This is especially true for animals that live in a private house and walk around the surrounding area freely. The need for restoration of the skin can also occur during veterinary interventions. Therefore, each owner should know how to treat the cat’s wound.

how to treat a cat’s wound at home

Causes of Wounds

These creatures are not only very curious, but also extremely smart. Therefore, they often return home with a variety of damage to the skin. This is a consequence of fights with members of their family or with dogs. Of course, before deciding how to treat a cat’s wound, its condition must be assessed. A lot can depend on the origin of the wound.

You will have to independently determine the nature of the damage and their size. It is from the conclusions made that the choice of the therapeutic method depends. Choosing how to treat a cat’s wound, you need to look for something that will maximize ease the condition of the animal and accelerate the healing of tissues.

Primary processing

If the damage does not pose a danger to the life and health of your pet, then you can postpone the visit to the veterinarian. But you need to do the processing immediately to prevent infection of the wound and its subsequent suppuration. Primary rehabilitation can be performed using ordinary potassium permanganate. Dilute it in water to make a pink solution, and wash the wound using a cotton pad.

how to treat a cat’s wound


Quite often, veterinarians are asked: “Can a cat treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide?” Yes, the protective functions of the skin, as well as blood cells, in us and in pets are practically no different. Therefore, peroxide helps to prevent infection and suppuration. A solution of “Chlorhexidine” gives approximately the same effect. It is also often found in every home, so in emergency cases you will not have to run to the pharmacy.

We create conditions for healing

Primary processing has quite understandable tasks and functions. It is necessary to wash away contamination and dried blood. This will reduce the likelihood of wound infection. But this is not enough. Speaking about how to treat a cat’s wound, it’s also necessary to think about how we will ensure restoration of the skin integument.

The first "rescue" tool that should be in every medicine cabinet is Levomekol. It has a bactericidal effect. But that is not all. Ointment "Levomekol" is also famous for its analgesic effect. Before processing, it is very important to clean the edges of the wound and remove all hair in the area of ​​damage. Do not forget to bandage and bandage the wound. Such measures can avoid complications. The wound heals quickly, and the animal recovers.

Can cats treat wounds with peroxide?

Deep damage

Not always your pet gets off with light scratches. If he wandered into neighboring territory and ran into a dog, then the consequences can be very deplorable. Deep open wounds - this is an occasion to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Only a specialist is able to assess whether conservative treatment methods can be dispensed with or whether surgical intervention is required. Often you need to sew a lacerated wound in order to accelerate its healing.

Of course, this does not eliminate the need for primary damage treatment before visiting the clinic. Such actions are important in order to prevent complications. If suturing of the edges of the wound is shown, this does not cancel further therapy. Treatment will be prescribed individually, depending on the severity of the condition of the animal. For one, it is antiseptic treatment. And another will need a course of antibiotics. Do not forget that general sepsis is a consequence of improper treatment, and skin damage can be small.

If the surface is festering

Not all owners know what is meant by this. Usually the wound does not secrete a large amount of exudate and does not have an unpleasant odor. But if you see that the wound is being delayed by a yellowish coating, then it is affected by some kind of bacterium. Treatment of purulent lesions in cats is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. He pursues several goals at once. Firstly, it is necessary to destroy the focus of inflammation. The main thing is that the infection does not spread to neighboring tissues and does not enter the bloodstream.

In addition, it is important to provide quality pet care, good nutrition, which will restore the strength and immunity of your pet. It is best not to pick up medicines experimentally and not to ask friends what to treat a purulent wound in a cat. Such soft tissue lesions are treated only by a veterinarian. The entire process of treating an infected wound is best left to a specialist. He has much more experience and knowledge, and also has special equipment.

how to treat a wound after castration of a cat

Antibiotic prescription

As a rule, local therapy alone is not enough. Usually, veterinarians prefer the injectable antibiotic Streptomycin. It can be replaced with Bitsillin-5, but the decision should be made only by the attending veterinarian. If you do not know how to do injections yourself, then you can bring an animal to the clinic every day. The doctor will also tell you how to treat the cat’s wound. Most often, veterinarians prescribe the same hydrogen peroxide, "Chlorhexidine" or "Levomekol."

The surface of the lesion can be dried using crushed Streptomycin tablets. They have both anti-inflammatory and drying effects. The treatment regimen is approximately the following: antibiotic injections are prescribed twice a day for a furry patient. Additionally, three times a day, the surface of the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution. An ointment is applied to it, which “draws out” pus, relieves inflammation and helps restore damaged skin.

Open or closed wound

You need to understand where your area of ​​responsibility ends and the scope of the professional veterinarian begins. Open wounds must be washed, cleaned of dirt and treated with an antiseptic solution. In no case should iodine or brilliant green be used, as they cause a chemical burn. Is it possible for cats to treat wounds with hydrogen peroxide? Yes, it’s great for disinfection. This can be done at home. Such a simple and cheap tool will avoid serious consequences. If the pet has an abscess, then you will not be able to cope with it yourself. Usually it looks like a bump or seal on the body of the animal.

An abscess is opened in the veterinarian’s office under anesthesia. The wound cavity is cleaned of pus and filled with disinfectants. After that, the doctor will write a prescription and explain how to treat the cat’s wound at home. Often these are already listed drugs or their analogues.

is it possible for a cat to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide

Cat care after castration

This is a fairly simple surgical operation, which in most cases does not involve additional veterinary care. Often the doctor does not even tell the owners how to treat the wound after castration of the cat. It is simply not required. The animal itself will lick the damaged area, and it will quickly heal. But in the hot season, most often doctors recommend that you pay increased attention to your pet, because suppuration is most likely. You can treat the wound every day with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of Furacilin, silverfish. It is permissible to lubricate the joints with brilliant green, but it should not fall on open wounds. With iodine solution, only the area around the surgical site can be lubricated.

how to treat wounds to a cat

If the cat chews seams

When a pet shows increased anxiety and constantly licks the seam, this threatens with unpleasant consequences. In the saliva of the animal there are many microorganisms that can lead to contamination and infection of the wound. Every day you must monitor the status of your pet and examine the place of surgical intervention. If the seams are open, a yellowish necrotic tissue will be visible. The appearance of yellow or brown discharge, soreness and an unpleasant smell from the wound are signs that you need to immediately contact a veterinarian.

how to treat a purulent wound in a cat

In this case, the cat is put on a special collar so that he can no longer lick his wounds. After that, they treat the affected area with an antiseptic, remove the crusts and pus. You can use drugs such as a solution of “Furacilin”, “Chlorhexidine”, “Dioxidine”, “Miramistin”. The procedure is performed up to 5 times a day. After that, special ointments are applied: Levomekol, Tetracycline, Streptocidum. The result is usually noticeable after just a few days of treatment.


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