What is a ball? A ball is ...

What is a ball? For most, this is a fabulous event, alien to the modern information society, a relic of the past with its depressing formalities and excessive requirements. However, the ball is not a fairy tale, but an integral part of Russian culture. No other type of leisure can boast of such cultural and educational significance. This fact indicates the need for a revival of ballroom traditions in Russia.

Etymology of the word

The meaning of the word "ball" with its origins goes back to the Italian and French languages ​​- bal, ballo, which means "to dance." There is another version, according to which the word was borrowed from the Polish or German languages, in which bal means "circle". Thus, the ball is a social event, the central entertainment of which is dancing.

Until the 18th century, dance evenings in Russia were called assemblies. Only under Peter I, when Russian culture began to rapidly mix with European, did the word "ball" enter the Russian language. After 3 centuries, its historical significance has not changed and still means one of the most solemn events.

The development of ballroom culture in Russia

The first ball in Russia was given in 1606 in honor of the wedding of False Dmitry I and Marina Mnishek. However, along with the severance of relations with the Polish state, ballroom culture left Russia.

what is a ball

The tradition of ballroom festivities was reintroduced only 2 centuries later: in 1718, on the orders of Emperor Peter I, a magnificent ball was given in St. Petersburg. However, at the beginning of the XVIII century, this tradition did not take root. Only with the ascension to the throne of Catherine II, that is, by the end of the 18th century, balls passed from the category of a rare celebration to an ordinary event that they were happy to know, as well as honorary citizens of the city - teachers, doctors, etc. The first ball in Moscow was given within the walls of the Hall of the Noble Assembly at the end of the 18th century.

Balls were given almost all year round, with the exception of the period of Lent. The season began at the end of September (the time when the nobility returned to the city from overseas trips and country residences) and ended in the last days of Shrovetide. After the revolution of 1917, when imperial power was overthrown, imperial traditions sunk into oblivion along with the imperial regime.

Ball in Moscow

Typology of Ballroom Events

Balls varied depending on their venue - the main varieties were court and public.

Despite the fact that the ball is an entertaining dance event, the court festivals were distinguished by special stiffness and strict requirements. The guests on them were the city nobility and the intelligentsia, they were visited by the imperial retinue and the most noble families of the city. At court balls, deviations from the canons of ballroom rules were considered extremely indecent, and therefore the atmosphere of the festivities was extremely official.

Public balls were significantly different from court ones. Here guests could dance fervently, have fun, socialize and have fun. However, etiquette was important to observe here.

script for the autumn ball

Ball etiquette

Ball is a holiday, a magnificent celebration, the prerequisites for the organization of which were both weddings and birthdays, as well as memorable dates and national holidays. However, at the same time, he demanded that the invitees observe important formalities - ball etiquette. This is a whole set of rules in ballroom culture, from manners to the tone of the dress.

They invited to the ball with an official invitation sent to the father of the family in the form of a card or letter. It indicated the time and place of the celebration, and also, if the ball was thematic, the details of the clothes or appearance were specified, according to which the guests were required.

Within 2 or 3 days, the invited person should give an answer. Refusing to attend the ball was extremely indecent, and the only reason that exempted the invitee from responsibility for such uncultivated behavior before the organizers was mourning, urgent departure, or, in extreme cases, illness.

One should especially consider such an element of ball etiquette as appearance and, in particular, clothing.

Ballroom wardrobe

As the hero of the story of M. Bulgakov spoke with sarcasm: "That's all you have, like in a parade." This statement does not apply to ball etiquette, but fully reflects it. Guests are required to look at the ball as solemnly as at the parade: men in uniform tunics or ball gowns (a ball gown with a tie), and women in dresses of a strictly established style. For the ladies to appear twice in the same outfit was the culmination of indecency. Each self-respecting woman prepared a separate toilet for a new appearance. In this regard, invitations to events were sent out in advance, for 10-15 days, so that guests had time to realize all the preparations.

Depending on the theme of the ball, it could be costumed, monochrome, stylized. In addition to clothes, it was necessary to prepare attributes - masks, decorations, stylized elements, etc.

meaning of the word ball

Hands of gentlemen and ladies were decorated with snow-white gloves. It was impossible to remove them even in case of damage - for such cases, guests purchased a spare pair.

An important attribute of a women's wardrobe was a fan. With it, the ladies fanned the face and shoulders after groovy dances, used this accessory also in communication with men.

Modern ballroom culture

Cultural education of the nation is one of the priority areas. Newly organized ballroom events help to return to their origins and take a fresh look at the organization of celebrations, raise the level of their culture and join history. Ball is primarily a kind of intelligent relaxation.

Today, ballroom culture is being revived in Russia, and this has some success.

ball is a holiday

Modern balls are divided into historical ones, i.e. implying the reconstruction of famous events from the history of Russia, masquerades and stylistic ones. Stylistic balls are usually attended by people from the same social category, which is determined by the affiliation of the celebration. For example, in Moscow, a dentists' ball is held annually, and in Sevastopol, a culture of officer balls is developing. An important event of the past year was the debutant ball TATLER, which was attended by young men and women of the most famous families in Moscow.

Celebration organization

Recently, teachers have been interested in developing aesthetic taste among schoolchildren, as well as instilling the norms and rules of etiquette. To teach children and teenagers the rules of behavior in society will help the ball. Depending on the age of the participants, as well as the event for which it is timed, it is necessary to prepare a scenario. At the autumn ball, you can play a comic scene that will rally students after the holidays and help new participants who come to the team meet. The scenario of the winter ball can be timed to coincide with the New Year festivals, and the spring one - for the upcoming holidays or farewell to the educational institution.

ball is

Balls in the autumn season are very popular among students and schoolchildren, because this is the time when the exams are still so far away, and memories of a carefree summer are in my thoughts. Depending on the type of ball (historical, stylistic or masquerade), the scenario for the autumn ball is required to select the appropriate one. For students under 10 years old, you can take the plot of a fairy tale or cartoon as a basis, from 10 to 15 years - a film or a book. For high school students and students, you can hold historical balls, which will allow you to join the history of your country along with entertainment.

Moscow ballroom events

The tradition of organizing and participating in balls is gradually being revived in Russia. After all, a ball is primarily a cultural event, a place where people can intelligently relax.

The main event of 2017 in ballroom culture will be the Vienna Ball in Moscow, scheduled for May 20, 2017. Unfortunately, the acceptance of applications from girls has already been completed, but boys can try their luck and be at the specified event.

If you have the opportunity to travel abroad, please note that today many travel agencies offer tours to balls around the world. In Austria in January 2017 alone, about 12 such events will be held, including:

  • 01/13/2017 - Styrian ball.
  • 01/13/2017 - Ball of flowers.
  • 01/14/2017 - Ball of the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
  • 01/16/2017 - Ball of officers.
  • 01/19/2017 - Ball of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra , etc.

For children, until January 8, the Luzhniki Stadium will host the New Year interactive play-ball β€œThe Battle of the Troll”. Tickets cost from 500 to 2500 rubles.

ball is a holiday

A person who has attended the ball once will never be able to organize his leisure in a different way. After all, what is a ball? This is history and culture without vulgarity, this is solemnity and splendor without pretentiousness, this is aesthetics and a clear example of how an intelligent and well-mannered person should rest. If you consider yourself as such - welcome to the ball!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4554/

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