Brick fences - a reliable fortress

Brick fences have been built for centuries. Ancient walls were always considered a symbol of reliability. They correspond to this status today, despite the emergence of new materials for fencing.

brick fences
Modern brick fences consist of a foundation, pillars and spans. The base is made of concrete, or of the same brick. Their average height is about 2.5 m, the span usually reaches 4.5 m. As a rule, these are metal pipes buried in the ground and lined with bricks. In addition to providing strength, the pillars make the fence more attractive externally. Almost all fences of this kind are covered with metal cladding from above, and pillars with caps. These elements perform both a protective and a decorative function. Due to the fact that the fence is built from small elements, it is possible to carry out various decorative patterns or gaps during masonry.

Types of brick fences

Full fences . This view is completely made of brick: both poles and spans. Visors and cladding are necessarily present, additional decor is possible.

Fencing with cladding . Such brick fences have a relatively low cost. For their construction, used bricks can be used, which is covered with facade material from above.

brick fences photo
Fences with wooden decor . These are simple constructions based on a reliable strip foundation. The upper part can be decorated with wooden elements, as well as be a regular picket fence.

Brick fence with forged details . This is a standard version of the fence, decorated with forging on top. In this case, the metal part can occupy both the entire span and part of it.

The foundation may be lined with natural or artificial facing stone or tile. As a rule, combined fences with decorative elements are erected around private areas. When fencing industrial buildings, warehouses, car depots, simple structures are used, or even solid fences made of concrete or profiled sheet.

The advantages of a brick fence

The most important advantage that brick fences have is a high degree of reliability. They ensure the security of home ownership, protect from the views of others and the penetration of intruders. But it should be borne in mind that in addition to solid fences built on a solid foundation, there are decorative brick fences that do not have such a high level of security.

brick fence
Another, but no less important quality is durability. It is believed that subject to construction technologies, such a fence will last about 50 years without requiring special care, such as painting. Although the proximity of highways, high humidity, groundwater, and atmospheric influences reduce the service life, in any case, it will last at least 20-30 years.

Attractive appearance

Brick fences (confirmation of the photo) really look rich and elegant. Their aesthetics can easily be improved with cladding materials and decorative elements. They combine perfectly with trees, shrubs and other plants, and are also an excellent basis for installing landscape lighting.


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