Planting seeds for seedlings in February. Tomato Seedlings

Any experienced gardener knows that the planting of seeds for seedlings in February will take place in low light conditions, and the temperature on the windowsill (the usual place for containers with plants) will be low.

planting seeds for seedlings in February

Soil preparation work

Growing seedlings from seeds requires careful preparation of the soil. The ideal way for inexperienced gardeners is to buy universal soil, which is just created for growing seedlings.

The most economical will be the independent preparation of the soil mixture. To do this, you can use previously composted from the garden, leaf litter, river (preferably) or any sand, ordinary soil. The proportions of mixing depend on the cultivated culture and the stage of work with seedlings.

Gardeners (even experienced ones) need to remember that planting seeds for seedlings in February is always a big risk if the soil is not properly prepared. Particularly dangerous can be the defeat of the "black leg", in which all seedlings may have to be thrown out. To prevent this from happening, the soil with self-preparation must first be calcined in the oven (at least half an hour), then disinfected with a potassium permanganate solution.

tomato seedlings

It must be remembered: growing seedlings in February, she needs to provide lighting and warm air.

Where to get good seeds?

Usually in February gardeners plant tomato seeds for greenhouses. These plants have a long growing season, by the time the seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse, the tomato should produce at least one flower.

In order to start planting seeds in time, usually from the first ten days of February, they must first be bought.

Some gardeners work with their own seeds, focusing on certain varieties that are time-tested for germination and yield.

Usually amateur gardeners buy seeds in specialized departments of supermarkets, small shops, or even from hawkers.

Advanced gardeners order tomato seeds for seedlings through the sites of seed companies specializing in growing conventional and elite seeds. This method involves buying a month before working with seedlings - this time must be taken into account, as well as the fact that the order must be for a certain amount.

Seed preparation

In order for seedlings to be strong, you need to carry out a number of necessary actions.

1. Sort. Put the seeds in water. Those seeds that after some time do not drown may not be viable. It’s better not to count on them.


2. Hardening of seeds. There are several time-tested methods:

  • After soaking the seeds in a canvas bag, place it for five days in the refrigerator (not in the freezer, but on the middle shelf).
  • After wrapping the seeds in a cloth, alternately dipping them in cold (below ten degrees) or hot (a little over fifty degrees) water five to seven times.

3. Disinfection. To prevent disease, the seeds should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Soaking. Several methods are recommended for this process, you just need to remember that the temperature should be at least 25 degrees:

  • Place the seeds in an aqueous solution (1: 2000) of Baikal EM-1 liquid fertilizer for 12 hours. Seed germination will increase from 10 to 60%.
  • Place the seeds for a day or two before swelling in ordinary water, wrapping them in gauze.
    tomato seeds for seedlings

How to grow seedlings from seeds?

Prepared seed needs to be sprouted. Planting seeds for seedlings in February involves the use of three options for germination:

  • Traditional - the seeds germinate immediately in the soil mixture after soaking.
  • Soaking germination.
  • Germination in peat tablets.

Each option has features, in order to understand which method is right for you, you need to try to use all. If several varieties of tomatoes will germinate at once, you need to separate them, since each has its own growth characteristics and sizes.

The traditional way of germination

A soil mixture is being prepared. Universal purchased soil is poured into a prepared container (needed at the bottom of the drain hole) measuring no more than 20x20 cm, no more than 5 cm high. Proportions for non-purchased soil: compost - 10 parts, sand - 10 parts, ordinary soil - 20 parts. Leaf litter is not needed.

Pour the soil mixture into a container to a height of not more than four centimeters, spill until wet. Allow to stand until the excess fluid flows out.

Lay grooves at a distance of no more than 2 cm, place seeds in them, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil (no more than 2-3 mm), sprinkle with water a little.

Place the container under glass or in a plastic bag. Sprouts appear within five to seven days.

Some gardeners for seedling use large seedlings at once.

growing seedlings from seeds

Soak before germination

Having placed the seeds wrapped in a napkin in any small container, pour them into the bottom of warm water (25 degrees). Water should not cover the seeds - they need oxygen.

To protect against drying, place in a bag. Put next to the radiator. Ventilate periodically and look for the appearance of roots. After three to four days, the seeds will germinate.

They need to be placed one at a time in prepared small (100 ml) cups for seedlings or in a wide few pieces.

Compared to the traditional method, this immediately gives you the opportunity to know how many seedlings will grow. Plants in small cups are formed separately, and from the point of view of possible diseases, they are easier to protect and reject.

Sprouting in peat tablets

For germination in this way, it is better to take the smallest tablets. They need to be placed in a container with water until they completely swell. Then, gently in the very center, make a small indentation, place one seed, sprinkle (cover) a little with peat from a tablet.

Put tightly tablets with seeds of the same grade in a deep container (up to seven centimeters high), place in a bag. Make sure that the tablets do not dry out by constantly adding water. Maintain the temperature in the container at least 25 degrees (place near heating radiators).

Sprouts can be expected no later than seven days. The development and growth of seedlings in a tablet is possible up to one month, no more. After that, they must be placed (as a whole, without removing the shell from peat) in a large seedling pot.

This method does not allow truncation of the roots for the development of additional ones, as many gardeners do. But tomato seedlings with this method grows no less strong, with the same ramified root system as with the traditional method of germination. The only drawback of this method may not be one hundred percent growth in each tablet (it can be used for other types of seedlings).

Work on the formation of mature seedlings

Planting seeds for seedlings in February suggests that by the end of February - mid-March, plants need to be replanted in larger containers. In the traditional method of germinating seedlings, a tomato requires a dive after the appearance of two true leaves.

how to grow seedlings from seeds

To do this, prepare cups of medium (200 ml) volume (do not forget to make a few holes at the bottom if the cups are polyethylene or from dairy products). Put them in a container to drain excess fluid, pour the soil mixture, spill.

As always, you can use universal soil, although this is a fairly expensive option - it needs a lot. You can prepare the soil yourself. The proportions should be as follows; leaf litter - 20 parts, compost - 20 parts, sand - 10 parts, ordinary soil - 20 parts. To mix everything.

Seedlings in the container must first be shed. Their roots without difficulty should be separated with a lump of earth from the container. The roots of each plant can be carefully trimmed by no more than one third, placed in a glass, and sprinkled with soil mixture. Do not forget to water, so that the roots straightened.

Picking a plant involves building additional mass of roots in a natural way. But you can use any purchased rooting agent.

What flowers can be germinated in February?

Almost four months remain before planting the plants in the ground, so flower seeds for seedlings must be chosen reasonably: only with a long growing season. If petunia is not planted in January, it is not too late to do this. By the end of May, it will bloom.

Terry petunia seeds are sold in granules. Pour them on the prepared soil, put in a bag, maintaining the desired humidity and periodically ventilating. In a week, small sprouts will appear. Throughout February, they will develop; by March a transplant is required. In mid-late February, annuals can be planted: balsamins, fuchsias, lobelia.

how to grow seedlings from seeds

By the end of February, you can start preparing seedlings of perennial flowers, such as: aquilegia, violets, bells, primrose, cross.

Cucumber: is it worth planting it in February?

The plant has a special vegetative period: from the beginning of emergence to the first flowering - only 30-45 days. Therefore, the seeds of cucumbers for seedlings should be prepared a month before planting in the ground. You can grow a plant on the windowsill, but it is worth doing this by mid-March, when daylight hours increase.


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