Food for dogs "Gourmet": composition, reviews

One of the tasks of the owner of the dog is high-quality feeding. And here the opinions of the owners are divided: dry food, natural food or canned meat for pets. Gourmet dog food is being chosen by more and more owners. Reviews about him are the most enthusiastic, and the quality suits both people and their pets.


The brand appeared on the Russian market a little over 14 years ago. And it is produced, strangely enough, in the vast expanses of our Motherland. The products first appeared in 2005, then they were instant cereals for dogs. After 2 years in the network of pet stores "Four Paws" began to sell dog food "Four-Legged Gourmet". Today, the manufacturer focuses on the production of canned meat for dogs, cats and ferrets.

Veal again


The company characterizes its product as a super premium class. If you believe the manufacturer, then in the first place for him - high-quality and natural ingredients that make up the feed. On the official website, this composition is described very "tasty", and you want to buy a jar for a sample of your favorite dog. Yes, and opening the jar, you catch a delicate meat flavor. The contents look quite respectable: pieces of meat under a thin layer of jelly. And the composition of canned food (feed) for dogs "Gourmet" pleases the eyes of the owner. You just read what is in the jar of lamb feed for adult dogs:

  • In the first place - lamb (lamb), which the manufacturer reports on the packaging.
  • On the second - gelling additive.
  • The third line is salt, and the last is water.

Only four ingredients in the composition, which delight the owners. But is it really worth praising Gourmet dog food like that?

Lamb is very healthy, it is useful and low-calorie. In addition, it does not cause allergic reactions, but it is meat. What is hidden behind the vague word "lamb", in what quantities? The answer to the question was left on the conscience of the manufacturer. The thing is that it can be understood as natural meat, and offal, and industrial waste such as skin, wool and bones.

Now about some mysterious gelling additives. Why its specific composition is not indicated, what is hidden under this phrase? And again, what is the percentage of the claimed supplement? We do not know, the manufacturer preferred to remain silent when describing the composition of his product.

Most complaints are caused by salt in the composition of food for dogs "Gourmet". Experienced dog lovers know that this supplement is not at all useful for pets. Moreover, you can not regularly give salty food, this leads to serious health problems in dogs.

Water is a harmless product, but how much of it in the composition of our feed is incomprehensible. We will not stop on the water, from the above it becomes clear how much the manufacturer is honest with customers.

By the way, Gourmet dry dog ​​food is also available. There are a lot of incomprehensible things in its composition, and for such a price you can purchase better products.

Composition of feed with lamb


The choice from the manufacturer is quite extensive. The buyer is offered food for puppies and dogs in the form of canned food, vermicelli and instant porridge, dry food. The most common canned food, so we will indicate here what they are:

  • With chicken and rabbit for feeding puppies.
  • Also, kids are invited to try canned beef and chicken.
  • Kids can be pampered with a jar of food with chicken and giblets.
  • Adult dogs will appreciate horsemeat food.
  • For them, a product is produced, in the composition of which - a rabbit.
  • If the dog is too picky in food, then she can be offered a jar of lamb food.
  • The most inexpensive will be chicken feed.
  • Beef is a must for dog food.
  • And finally, the turkey, already known to the reader, is one of the most popular components of Gourmet dog food.
Canned Turkey


We were so carried away by the description of the composition that we forgot to mention some feature of the product.

The manufacturer marked the feed as Grand Human. And this means that their composition is fully suitable for human consumption. Just do not need to experiment, deciding to try the product, it is produced for dogs after all.

Type of feed with chicken

Release form

Canned foods are produced in iron cans weighing 100, 340 and 500 grams. Dry feed can be packaged in a 300-gram bag at a minimum, and the maximum package weight is 13 kilograms.

Beef food

Price category

Canned food costs from 262 to 305 rubles per jar of 340 grams. Those wishing to purchase a pound of feed will have to fork out for 350-420 rubles. It all depends on the region in which the buyer lives and the prices established in his stores.

The largest package of dry food weighing 13 kilograms will cost from 4200 to 4600 rubles.


Gourmet dog food reviews can be found in our article. As mentioned above, most of the owners are delighted with the composition, smell and appetite of the pet. But there were also those who did not like the food in question.

Positive reviews

By tradition, we start with positive reviews about the Four-Legged Gourmet dog food. Here is what the owners whose pets eat them say:

  • Appearance pleases. Pieces of meat are cut large, but neatly, under a layer of jelly they are visible.
  • It is worth opening a jar, and a hungry person starts to drool, this food smells so delicious.
  • The dog eats it with great pleasure.
  • The hosts note the quality of the composition, very many like it.
  • The price category, according to the majority, is quite decent for a super-premium class feed.
Type of feed with lamb

Negative opinions

Not all owners share enthusiasm for this food. There were those few in whom the composition was perplexed. And not only this makes dog owners think:

  • The quality of food for dogs "Gourmet" leaves much to be desired. Experienced owners, as noted above, are puzzled by its composition.
  • The price category does not suit everyone. Others find the feed too expensive.
  • Not suitable for large dogs, at least in canned form. For the volume of cans is too small, go broke on the stern alone.
  • For representatives of small breeds, one jar is enough for 2-2.5 times.
  • Other owners note the changed color of excrement in their pets. And their number increased after the animal was transferred to the canned "Gourmet".
  • Some dogs, much to the chagrin of their owners, refuse to even try the offered food.

Instead of a conclusion

To give or not to give is the question. In other words, is it worth it to transfer your dog to Gourmet food or not, each owner must decide individually. Reviews are a good and useful business, but as you know, until you buy and offer your dog yourself, it is difficult to draw conclusions. Each animal individually, for some, the food will seem tasteless, and another dog will eat for a sweet soul, it will also require supplements from the owner, faithfully looking into the eyes.


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