A gift for a girl of 7 years on New Year's Eve: ideas

Probably, only children so selflessly love the New Year and all its attributes - a Christmas tree and lights, tangerines and tinsel, balls, toys and, of course, gifts. What a holiday without them! Yes, and parents, family and adult friends of the family are pleased to feel like wizards and present the kids with what they want. What to give a girl 7 years old for the New Year to surprise and delight a child? If there is a little girl in the house where the invitation to the holiday was received, then the presentation option can be discussed with the child's parents. After all, they probably know what their daughter would like to receive as a gift. Parents can learn the cherished desires of their child by writing a letter with him to Santa Claus.


Do not think long about what to give the girl 7 years for the new year. Toys are a wonderful present: even after becoming schoolgirls, babies often play with them. It’s good to know in advance from the baby what she likes best. Some girls love dolls more, others stop at the window with plush animals.

gift girl 7 years old for the new year
The toys presented in stores are very diverse. Special doll series such as Bratz, Winx, Monster School and Ever After High, or Liv dolls (LIV) are very popular . They are collectible. Therefore, another doll will definitely not become superfluous.

A very fashionable gift for the new year to a girl of 7 years old is a Lalalupsi doll with accessories. For little animal lovers, a little pony will be a wonderful present . Such a horse has clothes and jewelry. They come in different colors, with and without a house. Equestria dolls resemble Ponies: they have tails and wings, and they are painted in the same way.

what to give the girl 7 years for the new year
For girls who like to babysit babies, a good gift will be realistic babies from the Baby Born series who can drink from a bottle, go to diapers and even cry. They are accompanied by everything that a real child needs - beds and strollers, nipples and toys.

Another version of collectible toys is Sylvanian Families. These are small animals up to 8-10 cm tall in Japan, they are sold both individually and in large families. From them it is already easy to choose a gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year. These toys are soft coated, pleasant to the touch and very cute. All over the world there are fans of Sylvanian Families. After all, you can add houses and cars, shops and clothes to the animals as a gift.

New Year's gift to a girl of 7 years
Often girls stare at emotional interactive toys that talk and move. Among these robots are dogs and cats, minions and monkeys, and, finally, still fashionable Furby. If parents do not intend to have a live pet, such a toy will be a great alternative to a live puppy or kitten.

a gift to a 7 year old girl for the new year
There is an opinion that seven-year-old girls can not give soft toys - in fact, everything depends on the child himself. Some babies are very fond of plush animals, especially since there are also collection ones among them - for example, Basiki cats and Mi bunnies.

Fashionable things

A wonderful gift for a girl of 7 years for the New Year is children's cosmetics. Babies, even at such a young age, like to dress up and paint, imitating their mother. Therefore, a whole series of elegantly designed children's hypoallergenic cosmetics will delight the child. Such collections typically include eye shadow, blush, lip gloss, nail polishes and perfumes. Children's cosmetics from good manufacturers are usually safe, but you should carefully look at the date of manufacture.

what to give a girl 7 years old for New Year's toys
A set of different jewelry will also be a great gift. Beads, bracelets and rings made of bright multi-colored plastic will allow the girl to learn how to choose accessories for her clothes and dress up dolls. Beautiful hair ornaments or a nice handbag, purse or backpack will also please a little fashionista.

Whether it is worth giving clothes, each adult decides for himself. Usually children do not consider her a gift. But, perhaps, some girl will be glad if she gets a magical beautiful dress "like a princess" or a fancy dress for the New Year.


What gift for a 7 year old girl for the New Year will always be appropriate? You can pay attention to various games. Board now very diverse. They are aimed at developing the child’s logical thinking and abstract, memory and intuition, mindfulness and imagination, and counting skills. These games help to consolidate knowledge in various subjects - biology, geography, history. However, we must remember that they all require at least one partner. Will the child play with whom? If so, then the game will be a wonderful gift.

what to give the girl 7 years for the new year photo

Many children are not interested in board games now, preferring computer games to them. Quests and arcades, rpg games and other non-aggressive ones are also suitable as a gift for a girl of 7 years old for the New Year. A good option would be music consoles, which allow girls to imagine themselves at a ball or disco. You can sing and dance with them. For dancing, a music mat connected to a TV is also suitable. Perhaps the girl has a cherished dream - a mobile phone or tablet. And the fulfillment of this desire will bring her unforgettable joy for the New Year.

Various designers can become a wonderful gift for a girl: both traditional Lego sets and more original ones made of wood or cardboard, puzzles or soft ones, a finger theater or a cardboard castle with a princess.


Teachers and parents complain that children read little now. But a good book that matches the interests of the child can be a gift that will attract him to read. Magical modern fairy tales, children's detective stories or science fiction, stories about animals and children - all this may interest the girl. The book must be of good quality, on thick paper, in hardcover and in large print. Beautiful illustrations will also come in handy.

Children's transport

Of course, the summer holidays are still far away, but you can pay attention to children's transport, choosing a gift for a girl of 7 years on New Year's. For example, it can be a bicycle or a scooter, rollers or a skate. Such a present will be useful, if the girl is active, loves movement and walks in the fresh air. Skates or skiing will also please such a child.


Perhaps the girl is engaged in dancing or attending a sports section. Then the question of what to give the girl 7 years for the New Year is solved simply. The baby will be pleased with what she may need in the classroom. For example, for a young dancer or figure skater - a charming costume for a performance.

If the girl has more relaxed hobbies - for example, she likes to draw, embroider, make soap or sculpt from plastic, do origami, quilling or beadwork, then you should give something that is useful in crafts.

Original gifts

A seven-year-old beauty can be pleased with an original surprise gift, for example, tickets for an excellent New Year's show or a certificate for a photo shoot. Girls are very fond of attending master classes, where they are taught the most unusual things - to cook or make toys, forge or sculpt, make bouquets or ride a horse. A ticket to such an event will also be an unforgettable surprise.

a gift for a girl
Having decided what to give the girl 7 years old for the New Year, a photo of the child with a gift must be taken so that many years later, looking at the shining face of the child in an embrace with a present, relive these wonderful New Year emotions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F457/

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