Spruce Konika: description, planting and care at home

Various coniferous trees fit well into garden landscapes thanks to beautiful crown shapes and pleasant green shades. One of the most popular representatives of conifers is Konika spruce. It is often planted by modern gardeners, using on sites of classical or modern style.

We will consider the description of Spruce Konik, the features of caring for it, and many other interesting facts related to culture.

Spruce Konika

From the history

The first mention of Konika spruce was recorded in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then, in 1904, the tree was first discovered on the Canadian mountain slopes. Outwardly, this tree copies the bluish Canadian spruce, with the only difference in size: it is a smaller version.

Scientists believe that the dwarf spruce Konika is the result of a natural mutation of the spruce Picea glauca. The species got its name due to its conical shape. Scientifically, it is called Sizu or Canadian, but Konika is only one of the varietal varieties of Sizu.

Growing Konika spruce

general description

Canadian spruce Konika refers to the decorative forms of conifers. The height of the tree reaches one meter, but sometimes reaches the mark of 3 m. Konik spruce at home usually does not exceed a level of 30 cm.

Externally, the tree is different:

  • conical shape;
  • dense crown;
  • attractive bluish-green color;
  • soft tender needles with a diameter below about 80 cm.

Root structures are located close to the soil surface, so loosening work is carried out very carefully.

Spruce growth is slow, adult specimens add 2-3 cm per year. Active growth is observed up to 10-15 years, during this period Konika spruce grows 6-8 cm in height annually.

Konika lives 300-500 years, feels great in the climatic conditions of the middle lane.

Dwarf spruce Konika

Seedling Tips

If you liked the description of Konika ate and your choice fell on this prickly beauty, then when buying, consider the following points:

  • You should not buy spruce treated with various decorating compositions: sparkles, aerosols. From such substances, the tree dies.
  • The volume of the pot matters. If it is too small, it means that part of the roots was cut off during the transplant. This will cause the tree to die.
  • If new shoots formed on spruce in winter, this indicates the use of growth stimulants. Similar drugs can cause tree diseases.
  • The color and density of the needles should be uniform. This indicates the health of the tree.
  • The trunk should hold tight in the soil. His precarious position indicates a recent transplant.

Konika spruce at home: growing

Growing this beauty is not always easy. This is due primarily to temperature conditions. In winter, the temperature should not rise above 10 degrees. For this reason, for the winter, Konik fir in a pot is taken out to the balcony.

It is also important to monitor the necessary level of humidity and prevent drying out of the soil. Watering is performed weekly. More frequent wetting may cause darkening of the crown. If watering is rare, the needles will begin to crumble.

The spruce does not tolerate direct sunlight, the needles can burn. In the hot season, the crown is sprayed to maintain the desired moisture balance.

In an apartment, spruce is grown only at the seedling stage, followed by planting in open ground. As a houseplant, the culture is not suitable. But if you really want to look after her at home, you should definitely put a fir tree on the balcony for the winter.

Growing Konika spruce

Secrets of growing in an apartment

In order to grow Konik spruce in an apartment, you should pay attention to such points:

  • As a suitable place for a seedling, you should choose a window sill, to which sunlight falls only in the evening. It is good if the diffused light flux will fall on the spruce. For uniform lighting, the pot with a tree needs to be turned once a week. The same measure will protect the needles from yellowing and shedding. If it is difficult to hide a pot with a plant from direct sunlight, you can build a cover from an ordinary sheet of paper. This is especially important in the period from February to March.
  • As already mentioned, the winter temperature for Konika should not be higher than 10 degrees. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to take the pot out onto the balcony for the winter. The tree will transfer a zero mark of temperature without problems. The main thing is to ensure that the soil does not undergo freezing. High summer temperatures will not harm the spruce. But it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  • The soil for growing spruce should not contain lime, otherwise the tree will die. This should be considered when selecting soil.
  • High humidity is a necessary factor when caring for Konika. In a dry room, the needles dry and fall. Well, if next to the spruce will be a humidifier. If this is not possible, the usual spraying of needles will help. You need to water the spruce with warm water, which has previously settled.
  • Spruce Konik in a pot must be fertilized at least once a year. Best in spring or fall. Konika loves nitrogenous fertilizers. When choosing a mixture, it is worth buying those that are designed specifically for conifers. Formulations that can be dissolved in water are preferred. Popular are: "NV-101", "Kemira", "Zircon".
  • Immediately after the purchase, the Christmas tree is transplanted into a permanent pot. The root system of the tree is sensitive to a change of place, can take root within three months. Usually transplants are engaged in the spring. But if there was a need to do this in the winter, the root ball is carefully transferred to a new container with soil.
    Konika in the pot

Outdoor landing

A seedling at the age of 3-4 years becomes able to take root in the open ground. At this age, the plant manages to build up a sufficient root system for planting.

First, the necessary soil composition is prepared. To do this, take two parts of fertile land, two parts of turf, one part of peat and sand.

When choosing a planting site, it is worthwhile to prefer a non-sunny place where the soil is not exposed to excessive waterlogging, but also the hills for this plant are not suitable. The proximity of groundwater will negatively affect the tree, so this factor should also be avoided. The place where the Konik dwarf spruce will grow should be protected from the wind.

A tree with an open root system is planted in spring, summer, autumn. If the roots are closed, planting can be carried out in spring or autumn. Transplantation is carried out on a sunless day, then the seedling is covered with matter. So delicate needles can be protected from the sun, to which the plant has not yet become accustomed.

Planting Spruce Konika

Care Activities

The described Christmas tree is not too demanding to care for. The main thing is to carry out moisture and sun protection events on time. If Konika spruce does not receive proper care, it is possible that diseases will appear and the appearance will worsen. And recovery can take a lot of time.

Common diseases

The spruce in question is susceptible to certain diseases:

  • Tracheomycosis. This fungal pathology affects the roots of conifers, especially at a young age. The disease manifests itself in redness and decay of the needles. Treatment of the tree is not provided, the plant will die in any case. But if you burn the affected specimen with the roots, you can save other seedlings.
  • SchΓΌtte disease. It is also a fungal disease. The needles blacken, then a white coating appears, then the needles fall off. With pathology, you can treat the tree with a solution of copper sulfate, followed by spraying with Trichodermin. If the spruce has a strong degree of damage, it is burned.
  • Rust. This is a fungal disease manifested by orange growths on the branches. The needles turn yellow and fall. For treatment, spruce is treated with Gliocladin and Vectroem weekly for a month.
  • Spruce false shield. The parasite insect appears in late spring and affects the spruce. The female false shields lays one and a half thousand larvae in the form of miniature brown balls. Due to this parasite, the needles fall off. To combat insects use "BI-58".
  • Bark beetle. It is a parasitic bug that harms the tree by gnawing its bark. The beetle lays eggs under the bark. Reproduction of bark beetle is happening at a rapid pace, so disposal is considered impossible. The affected tree is disposed of.
    Needles ate Konik


Konika spruce does not require care too complicated. Subject to the basic measures for watering and protecting the tree from the sun, spruce will delight its owner with a pleasant appearance for decades. If the description of Spruce Konik presented in the article and in the photo impressed you, feel free to go to a specialty store to buy this green beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4572/

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