Age qualification is the basis of morality and law

Modern society is so free to choose that it needs constant restrictions, paradoxical as it may be. One of the main and mildest types of restrictions is the age limit. This is an age limit determined by law and other acts for performing certain actions.

Goals and objectives of qualifications

age qualification is

It should be understood that in order to carry out certain actions, especially in the legal field, the full capacity of a citizen is required, or at least that he understands what he is doing. Thus, the age limit is a kind of additional security measure for this citizen in the first place (so that he does not harm himself), as well as to protect public and state interests. Of course, all qualifications are too objective, and it is far from the fact that after reaching 18 years of age a person has formed enough to dispose of the right to a political vote or, in general, his actions in general. Nevertheless, their definition is necessary for the normal functioning of the state.

The value of qualifications in elections

Imagine that you are going to take part in the presidential election, and 5-year-old children are controlling their right to vote with you. They have not yet formed a worldview, they are far from politics (fortunately), and this is far from the choice a child can make. To prevent this from happening in nature, an age-related qualification is valid in the Russian Federation. According to him, one can only take part in voting in the selection of local governments, federal government bodies and the election of the president of the Russian Federation only when he is 18 years old. The law also determines that it is enough to achieve legal capacity, which can be obtained as early as 16 years with the help of emancipation.

age qualification

Professional qualifications

There are many professional qualifications in our state, the purpose of which is to prevent persons who, due to their age, still do not have enough experience, from gaining serious leverage in managing society and the state. So, there is an age qualification of a judge, which is divided by instance: for a magistrate court or a district court, reaching the age of 25 will be enough.

If you want to become a judge of a subject of our huge state, for example, a regional or regional court, a court of republics or cities of federal significance, then you will need to wait another 5 years, that is, become a 30-year-old citizen. We also have the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which considers the most important social issues, resolves cassation complaints, and indeed creates practice. The judge of this instance should be 5 years older. Finally, the omnipotent, but many forgotten Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, to work in which as a judge you need to live another 5 years. This is not to mention the other restrictions, which are many.

There is also an age qualification in politics: this is a rule for candidates for executive bodies or local self-government, for higher bodies, for example, to become president.

judge age

Morality and Public Order

Regulation of public morality and order is also a task of age qualification. This is done in the public interest, although someone may suggest that the qualification noticeably narrows the spectrum of human rights. Suppose, for the purchase of alcoholic beverages established age limit. It is strictly protected by law, so there are even a number of sanctions for selling alcohol to minors. This qualification is aimed at establishing and cultivating morality - when a generation grows up, then it will decide with an adult head whether there is a need for alcohol.

Also in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is an age qualification for films - from those that can be watched, as they say, from birth to those whose screening is not recommended for people under 21 years of age. True, in this case this is more likely a recommendation than a rule - cinemas are obliged to follow it, but Internet resources can safely show anything.

age qualification of films

Is he needed?

At the moment, almost the whole world lives in democracy, he is proud of it, and some countries even try to dictate it to everyone else. Democracy, in addition to political nuances, implies a level of civilization development when a person himself realizes what actions are harmful to society or the state, what actions can cause harm, which is better to refrain from, and what is simply necessary to do.

In a utopian sense, in such a state the possibility of state control and management is nullified. It only organizes, helps, acts in the international arena. The age limit is that type of restriction that is unacceptable for a civilized society, because everyone himself understands who and what can be offered, who and what can be done. However, at the moment, most people, unfortunately, do not have such an important regulator, so its replacement by the state is simply necessary.


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