How to wash a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin: ways, means and useful tips

Little kids love to draw. It is through drawings that they reveal their creative potential. Young artists like to leave their drawings not only on paper, but also on walls, doors, tables, floors and even on their skin. Therefore, parents are wondering - how to wash the felt-tip pen from the skin of the child? Let's try to understand this article with the fastest and most effective ways to get rid of such a nuisance.

How is the world known?

So, how to remove the felt-tip pen from the skin of a child? For most parents with small children, this issue for several years becomes one of the most relevant. It cannot be otherwise. Kids learn to learn the world, they are interested in literally everything. Any item can attract their attention. What to speak about bright felt-tip pens?

When a bag with these “magic” wands gets into small pens, the kids immediately think of drawing on any surface that they see in front of them. It is no less interesting for them to paint their body. Indeed, it is so much fun when beautiful flowers bloom on the pink tummy, and the sun shines brightly on the arms and legs or rain drips from the blue clouds!

Children's drawings made by felt-tip pen

How to wash a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin, especially when it comes to a native face? After all, the skin of a little tomboy is so delicate and sensitive to any irritant.

You can try a number of auxiliary tools, which will be discussed in this article. Only rubbing heavily is not recommended, so as not to cause an allergy.

For younger artists

Such recommendations are suitable for those parents whose children are still very small, but already love to draw. It is believed that these are the most gentle, gentle ways to remove the consequences of "art".

Among them:

1. Makeup remover. How to erase a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin if the marker is sufficiently resistant? The tool with which mom removes makeup is suitable. It will dissolve the paint and its effect on the skin will be quite gentle. To remove traces of a felt-tip pen, a tonic or milk for removing cosmetics is suitable.

Moisten a cotton pad in the product, gently wipe off any traces of paint. When the previous cotton pad is dirty, it is changed to the next, new and clean. The remaining paint and makeup remover are washed off with warm water and soap.

Baby learns to draw with felt-tip pens

2. Baby oil for massage or skin care of newborns. This is another completely safe way to wash off traces of felt-tip pens. An ordinary cotton pad is impregnated with oil, and all the soiled areas are wiped with it.

3. Toothpaste. It would seem that it is intended solely for brushing your teeth or drawing New Year's pictures on glasses and mirrors before the winter holidays. But no! The consequences of painting on the skin with paste can also be removed. Squeeze out a small amount of the product, grease the created pictures with it and rub it into the skin with light massaging movements. It is with a paste that you can wash a permanent marker and fat-based felt-tip pens.

Napkins, soap, oil - friends of parents

How to wash a felt-tip pen from the skin of a child’s face? To the process of removing the consequences of drawing lessons was not too stressful and unpleasant for the child, you can use the following tips.

We use wet wipes or special ones designed to remove makeup. This option is suitable if the baby got dirty not at home, for example, in a kindergarten, and there is nothing else at hand. The contaminated area is wiped with such a cloth, and then everything is washed off with water.

Antiseptic or soap. An ordinary washcloth is taken, soap or an antiseptic is soaped on it and the place where the picture is painted is rubbed. The main thing is to make sure that the soap does not get into the baby’s eyes.

Children's products for bathing and washing felt-tip pens

Any cream may come in handy, but it’s better to choose one with a greasy consistency.

Butter or coconut oil. Apply oil to the painted skin area and leave for 3 minutes. Wipe the pattern with a washcloth. Wash off with soap. Remember the baby's eyes!

If none of the above helps, then in the most extreme case, acetone can be used. Moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe the contaminated area. Medical alcohol is also suitable. Only its concentration should be at least 9%. But this method is not recommended for use every time. Only as a last resort!

But if the baby is allergic, it is better to just bathe him in the bathroom. It is unlikely, of course, that the traces of the felt-tip pen will go away at once, but for several sessions of water procedures - for sure.

Basis - paint and varnish

How to remove the felt-tip pen from the skin of the child in this case? This is a rather complicated problem. It turns out that such objects for drawing have the most corrosive composition, therefore it is difficult to derive them. You can remove traces of such a marker with some solvents.

Nail polish remover. Its composition is potent solvents acetone and alcohol. Thanks to this combination, an indelible marker is removed. It is enough to soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover and wipe the contaminated skin.

Bathing little artist

If the traces of the marker are in no hurry to disappear, you can hold a cotton swab moistened with acetone on the surface of the picture for several minutes. But it is better not to experiment with the skin of a child. It’s more correct to use acetone-free nail polish remover. She is less dangerous.

Wet wipes containing alcohol will also help. To remove impurities, it will be enough to carefully wipe the place of the picture, and then rinse it with warm soapy water.

Water or chalk base

How to wash a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin that has this kind of coloring matter? These are perhaps the easiest ways.

Option 1. Moisten a contaminated area of ​​the skin of the child, thoroughly soap with liquid or ordinary soap. If liquid soap is selected, a washcloth should also be used. If the usual, then you need to lather directly with the whole whetstone.

Little girl painted and fell asleep

If a fairly large area of ​​the body is contaminated, then the most practical will be to bathe the baby completely in hot water with soapy foam.

Option 2. Sometimes you need a quick and effective result. In this case, an antiseptic for the hands is suitable. It must be applied to the area of ​​contamination, rubbing for twenty seconds. Then it is good to wash off the skin of the child.

Banana to help you!

How to wash a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin yet? This advice is for parents who are ardent opponents of these methods, considering them harmful to the delicate skin of the baby.

One of the unconventional ways to solve this problem is to use peel from a regular banana. And everything is done very simply. A heavily contaminated area on the skin must be wiped with the inner layer of the crust. Then, for several minutes, press the peel to the skin of the child. Now you can rinse this place with plain warm water.

Bananas can also remove traces of markers on the skin

This method of getting rid of stains has both its supporters and opponents. Proponents convince everyone that this is the most natural method in solving the problem of how to wipe a felt-tip pen from the skin of a child, especially a small one. Opponents argue with them, saying that it is difficult to remove pictures with an ordinary banana. In some cases, it’s almost impossible.

In any case, before you try, you don’t know if this is so. Moreover, opponents of the "banana" method advocate removing such spots using a lemon wedge - as when bleaching things. Here, only the parents themselves must decide which option they should use.

Skin cleansing methods for children over ten years old

Since the skin of small children is very delicate, the options for washing traces of felt-tip pens should be gentle. Those children who are already 10 years old will be suitable - in addition to those considered earlier - and those that are acceptable to use in this childhood.

Hair fixation spray. Each mom, among other cosmetics, must have a bottle of hairspray. It will help if you need to fix the entire hairstyle or individual locks. He will become a help in this case too.

Since the smallest varnish can cause an allergic reaction, then there is no need to apply it, or very carefully. And for older children, it is suitable. It is the varnish that will be the answer to the question - how can you wash the felt-tip pen from the skin of a child? And you need to act like this:

  • spray a little varnish on the soiled area on the body;
  • rub the resulting liquid into the pollution zone;
  • After the paint has been removed, wash the skin well with soap and running water.

Since there is alcohol in the hairspray, it can quickly dissolve the trace from the felt-tip pen on any basis. But if the child painted his face, using this method is not recommended.

Kid bathes

Salt scrub

Since salt can cause irritation on the skin of a small child, it is better not to use this method before they reach the age of ten.

A sea salt scrub will help clean up impurities if nothing else takes them. And you need to do the following:

  • add water to a tablespoon of table salt so as to get gruel;
  • grate the stained place with this gruel;
  • rinse the area with warm water for two minutes.

We clean with alcohol

Alcohol can also cause irritation on the skin of babies, so it can be used for children not younger than 10 years old. Alcohol or vodka are quite effective means with which you can wipe off traces of felt-tip pens from the skin in a short period of time.

Using this method is simple: a cotton swab is dipped in liquid, then the problem area is wiped. All traces of markers and felt-tip pens should come down.


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