Apple tree Mantet - variety description

An apple is a juicy, tasty and very healthy fruit that contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. A huge variety of varieties allows each person to choose exactly the fruit that will fully satisfy his taste preferences. Apples are good for teeth, help with many diseases, with them you can cook a huge number of dishes. These fruits are grown in many countries of the world, breeders and to this day continue to work on the development of new varieties. In this article we will tell you what the Mantet apple tree is.

General information

apple tree mantet

This variety was bred in Canada from Moscow seedlings of the Grushovka variety. In Morden, free pollination was carried out at the test station. The fruits on the trees ripen in the summer. To date, the Mantet apple tree is listed in the State Register for the Central and Middle Volga regions.

Many countries with a climate similar to that prevailing in the area of ​​cultivation of these apple trees are seriously engaged in the cultivation of this variety.

The main disadvantage of the fruit is its short shelf life. Even in the refrigerator they can be kept for no more than three weeks.

Apple tree Mantet - description

The plant has a powerful skeleton. Its branches, growing, stretch up. The oval neat crown of apple trees is very thin.

apple tree mantet description

The apple tree Mantet has strong shoots. Lentils of a grayish color are located directly on them. The foliage of the Mantet variety has an unusual appearance. The leaves are glossy, with a leathery surface, bright green in color. They differ in large dimensions. In addition, they are elongated, resembling an ellipse in shape. The central vein is not bent. At the tip of the sheet is a long, slightly elongated, folded upward. Its base most often resembles a wedge in shape. The surface is even and smooth, and the edges are jagged and slightly raised. Small stipules are awl-shaped.

Petioles are thick, expressive anthocyanin color. They deviate strongly from the escape. The leaf bud is shaped like a cone, convex and not too large.

One year after planting, the seedling is straightened. Its trunk is evenly thickened, slightly pubescent, with very large lentils. Growth power is average. Fruiting in this variety is quite plentiful, occurs on the glove.

Appearance of flowers and fruits

Blooming apple tree Mantet is strewn with large saucer-shaped flowers. The petals are soft pink, elongated. Anthers rise higher than short pistils. The buds are pinkish white with a faint purple hue.

apple tree mantet photo

Bright apples are saturated red, not too large, slightly ribbed. Fruits on average have a mass of from ninety to one hundred grams. The maximum weight they can reach is 130 grams. The shape can be oblong-round and conical.

A very large seed box and a small funnel - this is the difference between the Mantet apple tree (photo above). The fruit seeds are brown, with three faces and blunt tips. Most often, apples are painted in greenish-yellow tones. The more the fruit ripens, the yellow its skin becomes. The integumentary background is red-orange, with a bright, striped red blush. The skin is smooth and very thin. The pulp of apples is white, very juicy and very fragrant. On the palate, the fruits of this dessert variety are sweet, with tangible sourness.


The fruits of this variety are very popular in the Russian market. Despite the fact that you can’t store Mantet apples for a long time, they make wonderful jams, jams and juices that retain an amazing aroma and excellent dessert taste.

It is worth noting that one of the most positive qualities of this variety is its early ripening period. Most apples begin to ripen only in the fall. The same fruits can be enjoyed in the summer, freshened by biting off the juicy pulp in the heat. It is at this time of year that the human body needs to get as many vitamins as possible from fresh fruits and berries, which are an unattainable luxury in winter.


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