Installation of a profiled sheet on the roof: the cost of work. Installation instructions for roofing from profiled sheet

Professional sheet - material is inexpensive and reliable at the same time. In addition, its advantages include ease of installation. Mounting such sheets on the roof will be completely uncomplicated. We will talk about how to do this, as well as how much the cost of the work can cost, and we will talk later in the article.

What is a professional sheet

Before you begin to understand how to install a profiled sheet on the roof, let's see what, in fact, is this material. Also, you first need to determine its variety. Corrugated sheets of metal coated with zinc by the method of cold rolling are called profiled sheets. Paint is applied to the steel on top. Sometimes the profiled sheet is covered with a polymer decorative protective layer. At the moment, several of its varieties are produced. To cover the roof, you need to take roofing sheets of the brand H35 - H114.

Project drafting

Before proceeding with such an operation as installing a roof from a profiled sheet, draw the necessary drawings. Typically, the design of the roof is included in the design of the building itself. However, it will not be superfluous to make a separate drawing of the roof in the profile and frontal surface. You can also draw a plan of the roof and its sketch. In this case, it will be easier to avoid construction errors. Of course, first of all, you should determine the angle of inclination of the ramp. This indicator directly depends on what wind and snow loads can act on the roof during its operation. The easiest way to determine the angle is from special tables.

roof sheet mounting

You will also need to calculate the length of rafters, girders, Mauerlat, etc. Well, of course, you will have to perform calculations of the roofing material. The length of the rafters is calculated using trigonometric functions. To determine the amount of required profiled sheet, the area of ​​the slopes is first calculated, and then the resulting numbers are added up.

How much can it cost to install a profiled sheet on the roof

The simplest way to determine the price of a roof covering with this material is the use of special computer programs.

So, how much exactly can the installation of a profiled sheet on a roof cost? The price of such work directly depends on the area of ​​the ramps. The calculation of the required number of sheets is made by simple division. Based on their value, determine the final amount. Among other things, the cost of skates, valleys, aprons, ventilation elements, snow retainers, a drainage system, end plates, etc. will need to be added to the obtained result.

mounting profiled sheet

The cost of one sheet of corrugated board, depending on the thickness, can be from 150 to 250 rubles (for 2015). A meter of the ridge element usually costs about 200-250 rubles.

So, you have figured out how much it will cost to install a profiled sheet. The price for the construction of the roof itself will add up, including the cost of the rafter system. Also, the final amount depends on how much you have to pay for a waterproofing film, as well as fixing materials.

Well, of course, the cost of the roof will depend on how much material is needed to erect the rafter system.

Rafter system

Installation of a roofing profiled sheet should be done on a reliable crate. First, of course, the rafter system is being built . This work is carried out in several stages. After the walls are erected, Mauerlat are laid on them. In order to fix them, anchor bolts are poured into the reinforcing belt. For Mauerlat, they usually take a bar with a section of 100 * 100 mm. He is lifted onto the wall, laid on bolts and tapped with a hammer. Holes are drilled according to the resulting marks. Next, the Mauerlat are mounted on the wall.

installation of roofing from profiled sheet

After that, they begin to install the racks, and then they cut and mount the rafters. The latter are fastened on nails with a β€œknot” or on corners. For greater reliability, they need to cut out the landing nests.


Before performing an operation such as installing a profiled sheet on the roof, the latter must be waterproofed. For this, strips of plastic film are horizontally attached to the rafters. Fix them on the legs with the help of bars. The overlap between the individual strips should be about 15 cm. The film is fixed with a slight sag (no more than 2 cm). The fact is that during the shrinkage of the building, as well as during strong winds, the elements of the rafter system can move slightly. If the film is stretched too much, it may just tear.

Installation of the profiled sheet should be performed on a reliable crate. You can make it, for example, from the board. Do not take too wide. The fact is that such boards are more prone to deformation and cracking. The board is stuffed with nails (two for each beam).

Crate Stuffing

The lath for the profiled sheet should be continuous only when the slope of the slope does not exceed 15 degrees. In all other cases, the boards are filled at a certain distance from each other. Specifically, the step depends on the thickness of the roofing material. Usually it is 30-60 cm. A step of 50 cm is considered the best option. Fasten the crate from the bottom. Two nails must be driven into each fastening bar.

installation of a valley at a roof with a professional sheet

Fixing the lower valleys

Installation of an endow at a roofing with a professional sheet begins first. Fixation is performed on self-tapping screws with a step of half a meter. Installation begins from the bottom up. The overlap between the elements should be about 15-20 cm. In the future, a sealant will need to be laid between the profiled sheet and the lower valley. The professional sheet is mounted at a distance of 10 cm from the central part of the valley.

installation of a profiled sheet on the roof Price

Installation of roofing material

After the crate is ready, they begin, in fact, to perform such a procedure as installing the profiled sheet on the roof. First of all, establish a cornice strip. Its edge should protrude 3-5 cm beyond the ramp. A sealing tape is placed between it and the profiled sheet. Cutting sheets is easiest with a circular saw. However, this method is only suitable for a material without a polymer coating. In the latter case, metal scissors are used.

Sheet alignment is performed on the bottom edge of the ramp. In this case, the overhang will turn out equal. The installation procedure of the profiled sheet is performed in the following order:

  • The first sheet rises to the roof, is leveled so that 4 cm is left on the overhang, and is fixed on the ridge by one self-tapping screw.
  • The second sheet rises to the roof and is leveled on the first.
  • After this, the sheets are fastened to each other with screws on the crest of the wave in increments of half a meter.
  • Next, another sheet rises and is also fixed at the ridge and attached to the second.
  • After that, all three sheets are once again aligned overhang and attached to the crate with screws. To the crate, the sheets are fixed at the bottom of the wave, after three.

In the event that the angle of inclination of the ramp does not exceed 12 degrees, the joints of the sheets are laid with sealing tape.

How to fix the skate

As soon as the installation process of the profiled sheet is completed, proceed to fasten the ridge. Fix it on each vertex of the wave without a seal. There should be at least 5 cm between each sheet and the top edge of the rafters. Thus, there is room for ventilation under the ridge. The skate is mounted on special roofing screws.

professional sheet installation Price

Installation of the upper valleys

The upper valley is also beginning to be fixed from the bottom up. In this case, the overlap should be 10 cm. Fixation, as well as in the case of the lower valley, is performed on roofing screws with a pitch of 50 cm. The sealant is not installed in this case.

How to fix a pediment

The cost of installing the roof from a profiled sheet will also include the cost of the material necessary for sewing the gables. When buying it, you need to consider that there will be a lot of waste in this case when cutting.

It is best to fasten sheets on the pediment with a wave across. In this case, the roof will look more attractive. First, the material is cut, and then fastened with screws to a pre-packed crate of timber. The ends of the pediment are closed with special strips, which are fastened to the screws with a step of half a meter.

Fixing the pipe apron

Between the chimney and the professional sheet, there are always small, but gaps. Subsequently, during rain, moisture gets into them. To prevent this from happening, the pipe must be wrapped with a special apron. It is installed as follows:

  • The apron straps are applied to the pipe.
  • Further on them are marked.
  • Strobes are made about 2 cm deep.
  • Installation of the apron starts from the bottom. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The overlap between the elements of the apron should be 15 cm.
  • After installation, the strobe is washed from dust and filled with sealant.

installation of roofing profiled sheet

How to fix snow retainers

On steep slopes, snow in the winter period of time first accumulates, and then "avalanche" goes down. Of course, this is pretty dangerous. In addition, on roofs equipped with gutter systems, snow clogs the gutters. To prevent this from happening, special snow retainers are installed on the slopes of the roof. The kit consists of the actual bar itself, delaying the "avalanche", and corners. Snow retainers are mounted at a distance of about 35 cm from the cornice. A special seal is placed under the bar on the profiled sheet. Mounting is done on top of the waves. Screws should be screwed into the strip itself along the bottom edge.

Well, now you know how to install a roof from a profiled sheet. As you can see, the operation is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you want to do it yourself and save on hiring a team will be completely uncomplicated.


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