Grapes Gift to Irina: variety description, characteristics. How to cover grapes for the winter

Many summer residents, choosing planting material, pay attention to the quality characteristics of the variety and its popularity in the commercial market. Grapes Gift Irina has many advantages. Among them, one can distinguish excellent taste and quality of berries.

Grapes Gift to Irina: Description

It was bred by Ukrainian breeder N.P. Vishnevetsky by crossing Keshi-1 and Glasha. Then, the obtained sample was combined with the supreme early elegant. The grape variety Gift Irina is a hybrid. Refers to varieties with early ripening. Berries can be harvested already in mid-August, while the growing season is 125-130 days.

grapes gift to Irina

Given the low frost resistance, Gift Irina was widespread in the southern regions, in the western part of the country to grow this variety will be problematic.

The bush grows to medium size, the vine ripens well, on the basis of this, fruiting occurs on time, and the vineyard brings a good harvest. The flowers of the variety are bisexual, which means the possibility of independent pollination and tying of berries.

The disadvantage of this variety can be poor resistance to fungal diseases and pests. To avoid their appearance, experienced gardeners recommend timely preventive measures.

characteristic grape gift irina

Fruit characterization

Characteristics of grapes Gift to Irina begins with a description of the berries of this variety. They are distinguished by their excellent taste and quality.

The variety belongs to the red grapes, it is also a table. This means that it can be consumed fresh or used in cooking. One berry weighs 18-20 grams, its size is similar to a five-ruble coin. The pulp is fleshy, the skin is dense, but it bites easily. The taste is sweet and sour.

The weight of one bunch can reach up to 1.5 kilograms, the berries in it are arranged densely, which contributes to good transportability and a long shelf life. On the branches holds until the first frost.

grape gift irina description

Also, the grape Gift Irina is not cracked and does not tend to peel, that is, the berries in any case will be large.

Growing Tips

Even taking into account the fact that the grape Gift Irina is an unpretentious variety, it is also necessary to properly care for it properly:

  • Drying of the roots should not be allowed, therefore it is advised to water the vine bush at least once a week. To avoid sunburn, you can not water the leaves of the plant, only the soil should be moistened.
  • To obtain the greatest amount of oxygen, it is necessary to weed the earth around the bush in a timely manner.
  • This variety needs potash, phosphorus and organic fertilizing. It is necessary to produce them so that the soil is more nutritious.
  • Also, the bush must be properly formed, removing dry, infected or excess branches that interfere with the proper penetration of sunlight.

grape variety gift irina

Pest and Disease Prevention

Each gardener must carry out sanitary pruning of the vineyard to get rid of dry and infected branches. You also need to get rid of last year's foliage, which can become a place for the reproduction of spores of fungal diseases.

Even despite the fact that the grape Gift Irina feels great even in rainy and humid weather, it is worth remembering that solar heat and dryness are preferable for this culture. Therefore, to avoid mold, it is recommended to build a cover for the bush.

A good way to strengthen the immunity of a plant is to spray it with fungicides.

Another misfortune for grapes can be birds and wasps, which can destroy a huge amount of the crop. The eaten bunch will have a shorter shelf life and a less attractive presentation, so you need to get rid of these pests in time:

  • You can scare away the birds with the help of several cut plastic bottles that will make noise and rattle during the wind.
  • There are many more ways to combat wasps. For a small garden, protection in the form of special bags that are worn on every single bunch is suitable. You can also spray the garden with repulsive substances with a pungent odor, build a sugar bait or completely get rid of the nests.

How to cover grapes for the winter?

Young shoots need the best protection from cold and wind, so you need to use only durable and high-quality materials. For such purposes, various containers are best suited, such as pots, buckets or glasses. Then the structure is covered with cloth, hay or straw, warm blankets or old clothes can also come up.

Before proceeding to shelter, the vineyard must be prepared, for this you need:

  • Trim all the vines.
  • Treat the plant with copper or iron sulfate.
  • Water the grapes well. It is worth considering that the sheltered part of the soil will retain moisture for a long time and, accordingly, it will be easier for the root system to survive frosty weather.
  • To avoid damage to the bush by rodents, you first need to lay out the bait for pests.
  • In regions with a cold or changeable climate, it is recommended to immediately plant grapes not in fields, but in trenches (a hole in the ground is not more than 40-50 centimeters).

Methods for preparing grapes for winter

After the question of how to cover the grapes for the winter is resolved, you need to decide how this procedure will be carried out.

Hilling is suitable for both young and old plants growing in areas with a warm climate. In order to cover the grapes Gift Irina in this way, you need to bend the bush to the ground and cover it with earth. Also, to avoid the possibility of debate, before hilling, the plants are covered with a black film or a special plastic burlap.

how to cover grapes for the winter

Half-shelter is suitable for areas with a temperate climate, where the temperature does not fall below -16 degrees. To use this method correctly, the lower parts of the shoots are spudded, and the upper parts are covered with straw. Then the bush is covered with a cloth, film or burlap, then tied with twine.

Full shelter is intended for areas with a cold climate. First you need to remove the vine from the trellis and lay it on the ground, then metal arcs are built over it, on top of which a layer of warm materials, such as blankets or old clothes, is laid out. The top for protection against excessive humidity is covered with a plastic film. The final step will be to fill the resulting structure with earth.

Grapes Gift Irina is distinguished by excellent taste and unpretentiousness in care. Both an experienced gardener and a beginner can grow this variety.


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