DIY treasury: master class, step-by-step description and recommendations

Why are guests invited to the wedding? To celebrate a significant day in the life of the newlyweds together, rejoice for them and give them a whole sea of ​​gifts. But the most convenient gift for guests and practical for the heroes of the occasion is money. The wedding treasury, made by hand for the celebration, will become not only a convenient place to store future family savings, but also the decoration of the holiday itself.

do-it-yourself wedding treasury master class

Treasure chest

Money is hidden in a chest, it has been led since ancient times. And the wedding treasury, made in the form of a chest, will be the first repository of the family budget. You can make this item of wedding decor from thick cardboard according to the proposed pattern.

DIY treasury

In order for the wedding treasury, made by hand, to have a beautiful shape, without creases and distortions, all the fold lines along which the chest should be folded must be pressed with a sufficiently narrow but not sharp object, such as knitting needles, sushi sticks or, finally , blunt side of a knife with a rounded end. The triangular marks on the side flaps need to be cut, removing the falling out parts. This trick will allow you to carefully glue the side panels to the main panels. Strengthen the paper or cardboard from which the wedding treasury is made (making yourself such beauty as in the photo is not so difficult, believe me), you can use another layer of paper. This must be done if it is supposed to place a voluminous and weighty decor on the chest.

First house

It is important for each family to have their own housing, albeit small, but always their own. And the first such house for newlyweds, of course, symbolic, may be the wedding treasury, made with their own hands on the eve of the celebration. You can make a pattern of a house-treasury for a wedding according to the drawing below.

do-it-yourself wedding treasury out of the box

Such a piggy bank can have absolutely any decor. Weighting the form with additional details is not necessary if the piggy bank is a house made of Whatman paper. After the pattern is transferred to thick cardboard, all fold lines must be drawn with a thin blunt object without cutting through the paper. Windows, a slot for money must be cut before the product is assembled into a single whole. The wedding treasury-house, made for the celebration, can have a removable bottom, on which the whole structure is installed. How such a little thing looks can be seen in the photo below. Nice, isn't it?

how to make your own wedding treasury

Boxes - to the point!

The wedding must be beautiful! How to make a wedding treasury with your own hands, so that it serves as a decoration of the holiday? You can do with very simple details, such as, for example, shoe boxes of different sizes. In shape, these elements of the future piggy bank of the newlyweds can also be diverse. Shoe packaging is already a dense and reliable material that does not require strengthening, so that a solid wedding treasury is made from it . With your own hands (a master class of such work is given below), you can decorate it as you wish. You can borrow some ideas from us. Well, for the job?

  • It’s good, of course, to choose shoe packages in such a way that they are of different sizes, but also identical in size will also suit.
  • Place the boxes on top of one another so that you get an interesting design.
  • On the bottom cover with a pencil, mark the location of the top in all tiers.
  • Remove the covers, set aside.
  • From the inside of the upper box, mark the hole in the bottom through which the money will go into the lower tiers of the structure. This hole should be made as wide as possible so that the bills do not get stuck, because there will be a lot of them, but at the same time you need to leave the sides to glue all parts of the structure.
  • Alternately, combining the previously indicated contours, in addition to the bottom box and the top cover, designate large openings for money.
  • Cut all openings on the lids and boxes using a clerical knife.
  • On the top cover, outline and cut a hole for money.
  • Fold all the boxes into a single design by checking the alignment of the holes inside.

DIY treasury do-it-yourself house

  • Using reliable glue, glue together all the lids and boxes, except the bottom ones: the bottom box should open, providing access to the donated money.
  • You can proceed with the decoration of the treasury.

DIY treasury

Cake piggy bank

If the newlyweds love sweets, for them there is an interesting solution - a wedding treasury, made with their own hands in the form of a cake. The principle is as follows:

  • Three round boxes of different diameters are located one on the other in the same center.
  • Holes are cut between the boxes - exactly the same as in the previous version.
  • Boxes are fastened together, it turns out, as it were, one with the decor on the lid.
  • A large cake box is decorated. The wedding treasury is ready! With your own hands out of the boxes, anyone who has at least a drop of imagination and a little patience can do such a miracle.
  • "Cake" is placed on a special stand.

DIY treasury

Important details

Why is the wedding treasury set for the newlyweds? So that guests can give a lot of money to the heroes of the occasion. So, in any such design, the most important thing is reliability, ease of use and, of course, beauty. Reliability does not mean that money is not stolen, although this is also important, but that the product does not fall apart during the holiday. So it must be strong. If the treasury is made of whatman paper, it must be put on a hard bottom, strengthening all the walls as much as possible. To do this, whatman can be decorated using wallpaper. Yes, oddly enough, but it is this accessible material that is used most often, since it comes in amazing colors. In addition, many types of wallpaper, vinyl, for example, will serve as a sufficient strengthening of the basis of whatman paper. So first, wallpaper is glued to the sheet of whatman paper for marking, and only after the glue dries well, it will be possible to cut out the pattern. Bonding valves should not be closed with wallpaper.

DIY treasury

The money hole can be made in a standard size - 10-15 mm wide and 180-200 mm long. It is located either on the lid of the treasury, or in the upper part of the walls - where you like it.

how to make your own wedding treasury

Wedding decor

From whatever and in what form the wedding treasury was made (with its own hands, of course), it should be beautifully wedding. If the celebration is held in a certain style, then the treasury must correspond to the general trend in order to become an integral part of the holiday. If there is any color feature, then it must be reflected in the piggy bank. Otherwise, the decor of the wedding treasury can be anything - organza and chiffon, lace and silk, beads, rhinestones, flowers, birds, butterflies, pebbles, shells, marbles glass ... You can use funny pictures, for example, in the style of world famous chewing gum "Love is ..." or photos of the newlyweds. Everything that will only create an atmosphere of love and celebration will harmoniously complement the decor of the wedding treasury. It is convenient to fix all the elements with a hot gun, but if it is not there, then you can use transparent universal glue - “Moment” or “Titanium”.

do-it-yourself wedding treasury master class

Seams, especially in designs such as a chest, can be decorated with lace braid - it will hide flaws in the work and unobtrusively complement the decor. The same option is perfectly suited for decorating slots for money. But do not forget that if the structure is not too strong, then you do not need to pile a lot of jewelry on it, otherwise it will simply collapse under their weight. Pastel shades of the top cover and several decorative elements, coupled with lace braid - sufficient decor for the wedding treasury, made with your own hands with the wishes of love, happiness, wealth and prosperity.


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