As indicated by pedestrian crossing signs. Crosswalk: SDA

A special area on the carriageways is called a pedestrian crossing. It is necessary for moving passers-by from one side of the street to the other. Usually it is isolated in some way. Sometimes it can be artificial structures built above or below the road. Traffic regulations require that pedestrian crossing is indicated by road signs - special or marking.

crosswalk signs

"Zebra" and signs for people, as a rule, are installed before the intersection or near a trolleybus or tram stop. They can be found in other places where the flow of passers-by is too intense. It is here that it is so important to strictly follow the requirements of traffic rules. In accordance with the law, the traffic police (formerly called the state traffic inspectorate) is responsible for regulating changes on the roads and ensuring order.

Systematization of pedestrian areas

Where "zebra" markings are drawn, the pedestrian crossing is called ground. It is in this place that people can move from one side of the street to the other. This part of the pavement can be allocated in other ways.

The simplest are unregulated pedestrian crossings. It is on them that drivers of cars and other vehicles are obliged to give way to passers-by. Transitions of this kind are made on the streets, where the flow of cars is relatively small. And which sign is used here? An unregulated pedestrian crossing is indicated by 5.19. Very often, such sections of roads are equipped with traffic lights. But these devices are either turned off, or only the yellow lamp blinks at them.

By the way, at such crossings since 2010, especially in megalopolises with heavy traffic, they began to use additional means of allocation. Now they look like this:

  • The pedestrian aisle area is lit as bright as possible.
  • Before the transition you can meet a speed bump.
  • A duplicate sign is hung over the roadway.
  • Flashing yellow lights are installed.
  • The sign "Pedestrian Crossing" is surrounded by a yellow-green retroreflective edging.
  • There are sometimes noisy bands near it: four or five “speed bumps” located at different distances. Moreover, the placement frequency increases depending on the approach to the transition.
  • "Zebra" looms with white stripes interspersed with additional orange.
  • The light animation of the sign is applied.

pedestrian crossing sign
Regulated pedestrian crossings are called road sections equipped with working, operating in the ordinary mode traffic lights. As a rule, they are placed along the lines of a street intersection. Automobile and pedestrian traffic lights combine. Such crossings can be found outside intersections. But they are equipped with traffic lights with a button that turns on the green signal on demand.

Outdoor pedestrian crossings can be placed on the same level with the road, and at different levels. They are divided into aboveground and underground. The construction of such facilities is very expensive. Only therefore, both the above-ground and the underground pedestrian crossing can be found only on the streets with a large traffic flow. After all, a "zebra", applied to the carriageway in such places, would lead to a decrease in the throughput of the road.

Pedestrian crossings are built underground not only under the carriageway of highways, but also under the railway tracks.

Elevated corridors have the parameters of a bridge or viaduct. They are equipped both over the bridge and railway tracks.


How are pedestrian crossings traveling if a traffic light is not working or is missing? According to clause 14.1. Rules of the road on the roads of Russia (traffic rules of the Russian Federation), the driver must let people walking along the roadway.

Pedestrian crossing rules also state that if there is a traffic light on the “zebra” for cars or people, you should wait until the green enable signal lights up - and only after it start moving. In addition, the driver must let passers-by walking across the road on which he turns. This is indicated in paragraph 13.1. SDA RF.

For walks

What is called a pedestrian zone? These are urban lands designed exclusively for people. They are forbidden to travel on vehicles. The only exceptions are vehicles of fixed-route transport, special services, municipal vehicles, cars for the disabled, for servicing stores. And, of course, only when the car does not have an alternative route. It should be noted that the first zones of this kind appeared in Europe in the 1950s.

According to Russian rules

What do pedestrian crossings mean in general? GOST requires placing signs on each side of the street near its borders. And what is a pedestrian zone in Russian practice? This is a territory with a 5.33 sign on all sides. By the way, before the appearance of it they used the sign 3.2 "Movement is prohibited." As a rule, the border of such a section is located where the road sign 5.34 “End of the pedestrian zone” is installed. On this territory, any vehicles are prohibited to ride. But you can sometimes find tram and pedestrian alleys. In this case, an exception is made for trams.

pedestrian crossing markings

The first pedestrian street in Moscow was Arbat. Driving on it by car is prohibited for a long time.

Bridges for the population

Elevated pedestrian crossings are called off-street corridors for passers-by. They are made in the form of a kind of bridge. Only people can move on it. Such a crossing is usually located above railway tracks or the carriageway.

Advantages of walking bridges:

  • The level of safety is much higher than that of ground pedestrian crossings.
  • Compared to underground corridors for people, they have a lower cost.
  • There is no need to change underground utilities.
  • Round-the-clock lighting is not used. After all, everything that happens in the transition is perfectly visible from the outside.

The main disadvantage of such passages is a large elevation difference, which can not be said about underground structures.

The road sign "Elevated pedestrian crossing" according to GOST of the Russian Federation is included in the category of signs that carry information, and has number 6.7.

Underground structures

Underpasses for passers-by, as a rule, consist of a tunnel located under the railway or roadway. Steps from pedestrian paths lead to it. Very often, such a staircase has special descents for bicycles, wheelchairs and prams. Near it you can always see the sign of the transition.

underground pedestrian crossing

In the USSR, underground corridors were used by people in accordance with their functions. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, shops began to be built in them, and billboards appeared. Some, too large underground passages are converted into shopping centers. Entrances to them are usually closed at night. In those cities where there are subways, such corridors are combined with the nearest metro station.

The road sign "Pedestrian underpass" according to GOST of Russia belongs to the category of signs for information and has number 6.6.

Advantages and disadvantages of underground structures

An advantage of the underpass is its shallow depth of about two or three meters. A great opportunity for the development of small and medium-sized businesses is also the use of space under the streets for commercial purposes.

The disadvantage of these structures is too expensive construction. After all, during the construction, they block the streets, carry out excavation work, and sometimes even the re-construction of utility lines is required.

Interesting Facts

The first underground passages were built in Moscow in 1959. In St. Petersburg, there are also such objects. The longest originates from the lobby of the Vyborgskaya metro station, located on the surface of the earth.

Traffic violation

Since September 2013, according to the latest issue of the fines table, the punishment for ignoring passers-by has been tightened. Article 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses clearly states: the fine for the crosswalk is 1,500 rubles. A driver who does not want to give way to people or cyclists will pay so much.

If the driver violates this rule at the regulated passage, the punishment will be much more serious. Namely: Art. 12.12 h. 1, which interprets the movement to the red light, will reduce your budget by 1000 rubles. But if there is a repeated violation, the fine is paid in the amount of 5,000 rubles, and the rights are seized for 4-6 months. Didn't stop in front of the stop line? According to Art. 12.12 h. 2, this incident will ease your wallet by 800 rubles.

pedestrian crossing

Oh, this crosswalk! Traffic regulations say that when approaching a "zebra", near which there is no traffic light, the driver must slow down and let people through, even if they started moving from the opposite side of the street.

When will the pedestrian pay a fine?

Are drivers always guilty of accidents at road crossings? After all, there are many cases when passersby suddenly jump out in front of the car. In fact, a person must first assess the situation on the roadway and only then start moving across the road. Typically, the sign "Pedestrian crossing" is placed at a convenient distance, in the range of visibility, so that it is easier for people to move around the streets.

The car owner can use the DVR. This device will help him prove that it was a passerby who suddenly jumped out in front of the car. The motorist will be able to demonstrate that, according to the instructions, he reduced speed and assessed the situation on the road. And then a pedestrian can expect a fine of 500 rubles. This option is also suitable for those cases when people are in a hurry to cross the road, and the traffic light is still red. Practice shows that it is very difficult to talk with pedestrians, especially if they are elderly people. Therefore, it is better not to create emergency situations. It is just necessary to understand a little human psychology. It is better to show a citizen with a gesture that you are missing him than to pay fines later. Moreover, there are many video recording cameras on city streets now.

zebra transition

If the inspector stops you, invite him to call a pedestrian. After all, only he can tell if you made him change the speed and direction of movement? You can ask the pedestrian if the zebra crossing was dangerous for him or not. After all, he did not have the right to start moving across the road at the prohibition sign of traffic lights or in general where there is no crossing. The traffic police inspector must inform the victim that, according to Art. 51 of the Constitution, he has the right against himself not to testify. After clarification, the passer-by will claim that you did not interfere with him, and he appreciates and respects the sign “Pedestrian Crossing”. Well, at least he will just be silent.

If the traffic police officer does not want to talk with the victim, ask to write to the protocol: "The inspector refused to invite a pedestrian. By this action he violated my right to present evidence in accordance with Article 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. I did not interfere with the movement of the pedestrian. There is no evidence of an offense."

Who is the traffic controller and why is a traffic light needed

Traffic controllers can turn any intersection into an adjustable pedestrian crossing. Pictures denoting it can be found in the SDA. If you saw a traffic police officer on the road, then you must obey his actions, and not traffic signals.

The traffic controller, as a rule, demonstrates special gestures:

  • The right hand is raised above the head - in this case, pedestrians are prohibited from moving.
  • If the traffic controller extended his right hand forward - people are allowed to go from the side of his back.
  • And if he extended his arms in opposite directions in the form of the letter T? This gesture means that the movement of pedestrians is allowed both behind and in front of the traffic controller.

In practice, the traffic police use completely different gestures. Very often they allow passersby to move with the usual wave of their hands in the right direction.

But how does the intersection adjust the traffic light? To perform this function, it must work in red-yellow-green mode.

There is a special pedestrian traffic light. It is made of two sections, which depict red and green men. This traffic light allows citizens to go if the green signal is on, and prohibits them from moving if the red signal is on. Failure to comply with the device’s signals is a violation of traffic rules, for which an administrative fine may be imposed on a pedestrian .

Unregulated Zebra

The rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing unregulated are quite strict, but fair. They say that a person must take care of the safety of his movement. You should not rush under the wheels of approaching cars, as most Russian pedestrians do.

When crossing a motorway away from a crossing, you need to take care of your own safety. After all, there is no marking "Pedestrian crossing". Remember that you can not get out because of other cars. You should not interfere with the movement of the car. It is necessary to cross the road in such places at a sufficient distance from the approaching transport. Far from crossings, pedestrians are almost always the culprits of traffic accidents.

Roadway intersection

We continue to study the crosswalk. Traffic rules prohibit making stops when crossing the road. And only when you need to ensure traffic safety, you have the right to stop. Theoretically, each person at any time can rest on the roadway on a special islet of safety, referring to this rule. But in practice, doing such tricks is not recommended.

You can stop on the line dividing the opposite directions of traffic flows. It is not recommended to do this on busy roads. It’s better to calculate your strengths in advance and overcome the roadway completely.

By the way, the line dividing the opposite directions of traffic flows is some imaginary line that you are invited to determine yourself, and not road markings on asphalt.

transition sign

And the last: a person walking along a pedestrian crossing should not give way to cars that have only flashing lights and no special sound signal.


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