Immunomodulating drug "Derinat" for children: instructions and description

The drug "Derinat" refers to agents that modulate immunity. Often it is called an immunostimulant, although it is more accurate to say that it is an immunomodulator. It corrects the work of the body's defense system, allows you to resist viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Especially prone to colds are babies whose immunity has not yet formed, and pediatricians prescribe the Derinat medication for children to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The instructions describe in detail what specific diseases can be treated with this tool.

Therapy with Derinat, which does not require additional drugs

As a monotherapeutic agent, Derinat is prescribed for children with the following diseases:

Derinat for children instruction

  • ARI and ARVI.
  • Inflammation and dystrophic processes in the eyes (ophthalmology).
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities.

For colds, treatment should be started as early as possible, then the child will recover faster and the disease will not flow into a chronic form. How to use the drug Derinat for children? The instruction indicates that it should be instilled into the nose 2-3 drops for prevention 2-4 times a day for up to 2 weeks, for the treatment of colds on the first day up to 8 times, on subsequent days 3-4 times up to 1 month. Inflammatory diseases of the nasal sinuses and nasal cavity should be treated for 7-15 days, instilling 3-5 drops 4-6 times a day, and oral inflammation is treated with rinses 4-6 times a day.

Medication "Derinat" as an additional treatment

Derinat instructions for use for children
As a complex treatment, the drug Derinat for children is also prescribed. The instruction highlights the following indications for use:

  • Chronic and acute sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.
  • Burns, frostbite.
  • Long non-healing wounds, including infected ones.

This drug is also prescribed for the treatment of other diseases that are more common in adults than in babies.

When applied topically, this drug stimulates the process of cell renewal, normalizes the state of tissues, heals deep burns, restores ulcerative formations on the mucosa without scarring.

Forms of release of the drug "Derinat"

Is Derinat possible for children
The described preparation is produced in the form of a 0.25 percent solution for topical application in dropper or 10 ml vials. You can also find a 1.5 percent solution for intramuscular injection in 5 ml ampoules. However, doctors prescribe it in the Derinat dropper bottle for children, the instructions for which confirm the possibility of using it for babies from birth.

Additional Information

No side effects were noted while taking this medication, and also it has almost no contraindications, except for autoimmune diseases and individual intolerance. Therefore, today more and more often there are positive reviews about the use of the drug Derinat. Is it possible for children to instill these drops, the pediatrician will answer. In general, this is a very natural remedy that is obtained from sturgeon milk , its natural origin is already worthy of respect. If you consulted a doctor and purchased the Derinat medication , instructions for use for children and adults are contained in each package along with the medicine.


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