Neologisms, examples of processes of their occurrence, new Russian words

Once the appearance of the first radios, telephones and televisions shocked the whole world. It was truly amazing! New phenomena called for names. Thus, neologisms entered into Russian speech, which hitherto were not and could not be in it.

neologisms examples
Today, the words “telephone” and “television” are difficult to attribute to the category of “neologisms”. Examples of modern new words relate to other realities. “Computer”, “cellular”, “mobile” were also very recently neologisms. But they very soon left the pedestal of novelty. Today, every baby easily operates with these words.

"Promoter", "restyling", "rebranding", "nanotechnology", "franchising" - these words are not yet clear to everyone. Therefore, it is still possible to define them in the group of "neologisms." Examples of these new words are temporary. After all, very soon people will get used to them and begin to use them in everyday speech.

examples of neologisms
Although this often happens: neologisms do not take root in Russian speech! Examples of such rejection are words that are uncomfortable in pronunciation, dissonant. And although they are used in speech, however, many try to avoid pressing letter combinations. This happened with the word “Xerox”, which was formed from “photocopy”. And everything seems to be correct, but hearing is not very pleasant.

Basically, the words listed above were borrowed by the Russian language from foreigners, these are the so-called "neologisms that came from other languages". Examples of this phenomenon may carry another way of occurrence. For example, there are new words of authorship, individually stylistic.

This process is called derivational derivation. That is, someone, using well-known morphemes and generally accepted word models, forms a new word that is more brightly colored in the stylistic aspect. Examples of neologisms invented by writers are the Gogol adjective "green-wise", brought to light by Mayakovsky "sickly", "hammer", "huge." True, today these words can more likely be called archaisms: both the sickle and the hammer have disappeared from the country's coat of arms, and the image of the "green-birch birch" is present in every second poem.

neologism examples
There are several ways to translate foreign words into Russian. It can be a complete tracing of the word, for example, “Internet”, “computer”, “Skype”. To these words in the speech the ending is simply added.

Sometimes the process of transliteration is traced in the language. That is, the word is assimilated, as it were, under the influence of the pronunciation rules of the language that takes it. This happened with the Latin word "intonatio", which in Russian began to sound like "intonation".

Today it has become very fashionable to “joke” the language, composing your own words, mixing foreign words and Russian service parts of speech or morpheme. Often it turns out pretty ridiculous neologism. Examples are the expressions “face on table”, “skype”, “geymanulsya”.

Most literary scholars believe that excessive clogging of the Russian language is more likely to harm it than to help develop. Indeed, very many phenomena can be quite called in Russian. This is especially true for new names of professions and positions that, if you think about it, already exist.


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