How much tax can be returned from buying an apartment: size, step by step instructions, documents

In the Russian Federation, the legislation provides for the population a lot of different rights and opportunities. The main thing is to know how and when to use it. Nothing difficult, if you look at the corresponding goal, no. I wonder how much tax can be returned from buying an apartment? The answer to this kind of question will be given below. In reality, everything is simpler than it might seem at first.


Can I refund the tax on the purchase of an apartment? Yes, but not all citizens have such a chance. Tax refunds are only possible subject to certain conditions. As a rule, the majority of the population is endowed with the appropriate authority.

What tax will be refunded from the purchase of an apartment? We are talking about the compensation of personal income tax. This process is commonly referred to as tax deduction. It is different. And the return amount of funds will directly depend on its type.

Return Types

Is it possible to return the tax on the purchase of an apartment, we have already found out. Usually, almost every buyer of residential real estate has this right. But there are exceptions too. All this will be discussed later.

Income tax refund after buying an apartment

Deductions of personal income tax for the acquisition of housing are, as we have said, different. Today they distinguish:

  • basic return;
  • mortgage deduction.

Next, we will talk about the features of each type of income tax deduction. And after that it will be possible to deal with the direct execution of a particular return. This, with proper preparation, will not cause any particular trouble.

Basic deduction - description

How much tax will be refunded for the purchase of an apartment? Sometimes it happens that a citizen does not have the right to compensation for personal income tax at all. If such powers exist, it is a sin not to use them. The main thing is not to delay - the process of applying for a deduction in Russia is considered to be very long and troublesome. Is it so? Yes.

The main tax deduction for the purchase of residential real estate is provided in the first place. In this case, the money spent on the purchase of housing without a loan will be refunded. The tax base in this case is the amount prescribed in the DCT.

Mortgage Return - Description

How to return income tax after buying an apartment? Before answering this kind of question, you must first understand what the citizen will be dealing with.

Mortgage deduction allows you to return to a person part of the money spent on a mortgage. More specifically, interest on a home loan. It can be issued both with the main return, and separately.

Important: if citizens apply for a mortgage, it is better not to neglect the possibility of reimbursing part of the interest on the loan.

Refund Percentage

How much tax can be returned from buying an apartment? The answer to this kind of question is of interest to many citizens. Especially those who plan to spend money on housing in one way or another.

To date, a tax deduction allows you to return thirteen percent of the costs incurred by a person. At the same time, for each type of deduction in Russia, their maximum refundable amounts are set. They are described below.

Basic Return Limits

How much tax can be returned from buying an apartment? We have already sorted out the interest rate. And what are the current restrictions in Russia regarding the main property deduction?

Size of property deduction

At the moment, the maximum amount of funds returned in this way cannot exceed two hundred sixty thousand rubles. As soon as this limit of funds has been exhausted, the right to compensation for personal income tax in this way will be abolished.

Mortgage Limits

But what if citizens decide to take housing on a mortgage? Not everyone can afford to purchase real estate immediately at full cost. A home loan is a fairly common occurrence. Over the years in Russia, it is becoming more popular.

In the case of the return of interest paid on a mortgage, a citizen can apply for three hundred and ninety thousand rubles. This is maximum. It is not possible to reimburse more of these funds for mortgage interest. Less is easy.

How often can I ask?

Thinking about how much income tax will be returned when buying an apartment, you should also find out how often you can apply for the corresponding "bonus". One or more times?

By law, a person can apply to the authorized body for a tax deduction an infinite number of times. The right to tax refund for the purchase of housing is canceled only after the expiration of the above limits.

This means that someone in his entire life can submit a request only once, someone - two, and someone three or more. It all depends on the value of the acquired property.

Conditions for obtaining

I wonder how to return the income tax from buying an apartment? Then the potential applicant must understand that he will not always have such an opportunity. If legally established requirements are not met, you can not hope for a personal income tax refund.

How much can deduct deductions in the Russian Federation for housing

In order to be able to submit a request of the established form to the authorized bodies for income tax refund, it is required that:

  • the citizen had an official place of employment;
  • the person had official income taxable income;
  • the applicant was a citizen of the Russian Federation (dual citizenship is allowed);
  • the one requesting the deduction had a residence permit in Russia;
  • purchased property must be registered in the name of the one who requires income tax refunds.

It follows that a conscientious citizen of the Russian Federation, who works officially, can buy housing, and then demand from the state to reimburse part of the costs incurred.

If not working

But what if the potential buyer does not have an official place of employment? Is he really not entitled to a tax deduction for the purchase of housing?

There is such an opportunity, but a strictly limited time. If a person is a pensioner, a woman on maternity leave, or simply does not have an official place of employment, then he can without so much difficulty get the so-called transfer of personal income tax.

This opportunity remains for three years from the date of dismissal of a citizen. At the same time, when calculating the returned personal income tax, the taxes paid by the person for these same three years are taken into account.


Want to refund the tax for the purchase of an apartment in Sberbank? This can be done only in certain authorized bodies. And Sberbank is not one of those.

How to be an entrepreneur? They officially work, but it’s not clear whether they are entitled to a tax deduction.

Theoretically, yes. In practice, achieving such a service is not so simple. A property refund can only be issued to entrepreneurs who work on the OSNA and pay 13 percent of income tax. There are no more options for the development of events.

This means that entrepreneurs working under special taxation regimes, as well as being self-employed, will not be able to claim deductions. Denial of service under such circumstances will be completely legal.

Third-party investments

What tax can be returned from buying an apartment? As already mentioned, income tax will be reimbursed to citizens under similar circumstances. There is nothing difficult in this, but you still have to prepare in advance.

Sometimes apartments and houses are bought using maternity capital or other forms of government assistance. What to do in this case? Is it really impossible to arrange a deduction?

Citizens have such an opportunity. Simply, when calculating the tax base for further actions, it will be necessary to take away the amount invested "from the outside." For example, deduct maternity capital.

Important: with all this, no one cancels the observance of the previously specified conditions. Without them, it is simply impossible to achieve the desired result.


Do you want to return the tax for buying an apartment in a mortgage? Before that, it will not be superfluous to know how much time a citizen will have to submit a request. Tax deductions have a so-called statute of limitations.

Making a property deduction for a mortgage

He is three years old. This means that the right to deduct a deduction for a transaction made earlier will be abolished only after thirty-six months.

Moreover, the applicant may demand cash immediately for the entire specified period of time. It is very convenient if personal income tax refund is issued for a mortgage or training. You will not have to contact the authorized bodies every year.

Where to go

How to return the tax on the purchase of an apartment at a time and not only? You need to understand where to turn for help, as well as what is useful in order to achieve the originally set goal. Practice shows that tax deductions are accompanied by considerable paperwork. But we will deal with it later.

At the moment, deductions can be made through tax authorities, as well as multifunctional centers. It is allowed to appeal to private intermediary companies, which, when paying for intermediary services, will help to draw up a tax type deduction for the expenses stipulated by law.

For some time now, income tax refunds have been allowed through employers. True, so far people have not appreciated such an opportunity too well. It is often abandoned.

Return tax for the purchase of an apartment through the "State Services" will not work. The service simply does not have such options. But each citizen can submit a tax return in the form of 2-NDFL through the e-government website before processing income tax refunds.

Features of return through the employer

How is the procedure for applying for a property deduction different from applying directly to the tax service for the corresponding service?

The thing is that in the second case, a citizen will receive cash in the prescribed amount in the form of a lump sum payment. They will be credited to the account specified by the person.

Documents for deduction for property

If a citizen decided to turn to his employer for the service being studied, he will have to be patient. In such circumstances, the deduction will be presented in the form of exemption from income tax on the specified amount. That is, the employee will begin to earn money without personal income tax. This is not very convenient for many. And therefore, such a technique, as already mentioned, is often abandoned.

Terms of service

How much tax can be returned from buying an apartment, we found out. How long will the application be considered by one or another authorized body?

Usually it all depends on where the request was sent. Tax authorities usually review applications for about two months. And the same amount is spent on transferring money to the recipient by one or another bank.

If we are talking about filing a property return through the employer, the application will be considered much faster. Typically, a deduction is provided from the first salary following the submission of a request to superiors. So, on average, it takes one month to consider it.

Instruction - contact the Federal Tax Service

How to return the income tax from buying an apartment? We have already familiarized ourselves with the key points of the corresponding task. Now you need to understand what action algorithm to adhere to.

Let's start with the most common case - when a citizen personally applies to the Federal Tax Service for the corresponding service. Then he will need:

  1. Prepare the certificates necessary for further maintenance.
  2. Fill out the application, as well as the tax return of the established form.
  3. Contact the Federal Tax Service for registration minus.
  4. Wait for a written response from the tax authority.
  5. To receive money in the account indicated in advance.

That doesn't sound scary at all. But even this process causes certain inconveniences. Say, at the stage of preparing the necessary statements.

Mail address

From now on, it is clear how much tax can be returned for the purchase of an apartment. Sometimes citizens contact the authorized services by mail. This is not the fastest solution, it can take more than two months.

To achieve the desired result, you will need:

  1. Check the readiness and completeness of the documents collected in advance for further action.
  2. Take copies of prepared papers, and then certify them. Without notarization, the documents will be invalid.
  3. Submit an application for deduction by registered letter to the Federal Tax Service. Copies of certificates prepared for a refund are attached to it.

All that remains now is to wait a while. The request will be processed and authorized services will respond to the applicant. If everything was done correctly, you can safely expect the required funds. True, to a bank account or card. Cash deduction is not issued.

How much will make a deduction for the acquisition of housing

To the employer - instructions for requesting a deduction

What if a person wants to arrange a property type return through an employer? In this case, you can use the first guide. Only instead of the Federal Tax Service will have to contact your employer.

In this case, paperwork in this case will not be so large. For example, you do not need to file a tax return, as well as request income statements.

Documents for return - basic

How to return the tax on the purchase of an apartment? Documents may be required different for this kind of operation. First of all, consider the main paper. Without them, achieving the desired result will not work.

At the moment, the implementation of ideas into reality requires the following information from a person:

  • passport;
  • completed application;
  • income statements;
  • 3-personal income tax;
  • title document for housing;
  • receipts confirming expenses on a mortgage or ordinary purchase of property;
  • USRN statement.

But this is usually not enough. Especially if a citizen has a family. In this case, you will have to prepare a lot more references.

For family - documents for deduction

What tax can be returned from buying an apartment? As already mentioned, income. But what if the applicant is a family citizen?

He will have to take with him additionally:

  • a stamp certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • statements on the birth or adoption of minor offspring;
  • marriage type contract;
  • evidence that the applicant’s personal funds were spent on the transaction.

It is recommended that all of the listed documents be provided in the originals. Their copies are also useful, but without originals or notarization, they will not be endowed with legal force.

If refused

It also happens that people are refused a property deduction. There must be good reason for that. They are prescribed in the response of the tax authority, which is sent to the applicant in writing.

Usually, a citizen is given 30 days to correct mistakes. During this time, you can, for example, provide missing documents or update invalid certificates.

If the refusal is connected with the citizen’s lack of work, the expired statute of limitations, and also with the exhaustion of the established limits for deductions, you just have to put up with the refusals.

Where to return income tax in the Russian Federation


Now it’s clear how and when you can apply for a tax refund for the purchase of residential property. This process should not be difficult.

If there is no time to independently contact the authorized bodies, you can go to intermediary companies. They for money not only send applications for deductions to the Federal Tax Service, but also help to prepare a tax return of a standard form.


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