
The benefits of breastfeeding are an undeniable fact. What are the reasons for such statements? And why does artificial feeding not withstand any competition in breastfeeding ? The answers to such questions lie in the psychological, physiological and practical field.

The psychology of the newborn baby is still unstable. The baby was born from a warm and protected place in his motherโ€™s stomach. Sounds, light, temperature difference - at the level of sensations cause discomfort in the baby. The process of feeding a child is a way of communication and communication of the mother with her baby. Psychologists say that children who are applied to their breasts immediately after birth are much more likely to tolerate the stress caused by their appearance in the outside world. Being next to mom, feeling bodily contact in her, hearing her heartbeat, the baby calms down, feeling that protection is nearby. No wonder the first means of calming a crying baby is breastfeeding. In later life, the crumbs who have gained invaluable experience in communicating with their mother through breastfeeding are much less exposed to the danger of stress, they are distinguished by a higher intellectual development, are better adapted in the external environment.

There is no doubt in the physiological benefits of breastfeeding. Breast milk is safe for the baby, sterile, it cannot be prepared incorrectly. The erroneous opinion is the danger of infection of the baby through breast milk, in case the mother has a cold. Moreover, breast milk provides the newborn baby with antibodies and white blood cells, which together represent a reliable protection for the baby from infections. It is proved that breast milk reduces the risk of asthma, the baby's body is less prone to allergic reactions.

Breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the formation of the correct malocclusion in the child, and the child's caries are much less susceptible to those babies who were breastfed. Breast-feeding a baby makes the baby work actively while sucking, while bottle-feeding does not require any effort from the baby. The benefit of active sucking movements is that these are the first active actions that a newborn takes.

Do not forget that breastfeeding allows you to provide your baby with individual nutrition that is optimal for his needs. For each specific period of development of the baby, motherโ€™s milk produces the required amount of protein, vitamins, trace elements, hormones. The remarkable properties of breast milk are such that during the heat, milk contains more liquid, and during the cutting of the tooth, the milk will be saturated with calcium, during the period of the disease, the mother needs the antibodies, lysozyme and macrophages so necessary for the baby.

Even the taste of mother's milk is much nicer. The taste sensations from the artificial mixture remain much less pleasant, while it immediately feels that the food has a canned origin. Breast milk always remains fresh, natural, sweet.

What else is in breast milk? Four hundred different components represent the composition of breast milk, while the artificial mixture allows you to provide the baby with only 40 types of components. In addition, breastfeeding is of practical value to mom. After all, it does not require attachment to bottles, allowing mom to travel with the baby, regardless of the hours of feeding and the presence or absence of warm food. Momโ€™s breast milk is always there, always ready, always tasty and fresh!


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