Arched hangar: main advantages

Arched hangar is a reliable structure, built on the basis of a metal frame covered with sheet metal. Most of the external coatings of arch hangars are protected by galvanization, which significantly slows down the development of corrosion processes and extends the life of the building.

Design features

arched hangar

An arch-type hangar is distinguished by a geometrically verified arched shape. That is why the structures of this type have greater stability, size, capacity compared to other types of such buildings.

The base of the arched hangar is a solid metal frame. Each of the arches is separately fixed to the foundation. Therefore, the length of such hangars is limited only by the available area, capabilities and needs of the owner. Thanks to the installation of the cover on racks, a significant increase in the height of the hangar is possible.

Bearing structural elements of arch hangars are fastened with girders from a specialized metal profile. Alternatively, the use of wooden, antiseptic-impregnated profiles is acceptable.

Building on the basis of arch technology in the presence of a galvanized roof covering provides an impressive service life of an arch hangar, which reaches about 50 years or more.


prefabricated arched hangars
Despite the above advantages, the arched hangar has one obvious drawback. We are talking about the extremely limited mobility of such a structure. In fact, the construction of an arched hangar is an installation of a capital structure, which is difficult to move from place to place. Therefore, if it is necessary to free the territory, it is better to limit ourselves to designing a mobile collapsible frame without fixing the arches to the foundation.

Reliability level

Reliability indicators are the main requirement for most hangar owners. Arched-type structures, thanks to their exceptional design features, have an impressive margin of safety.

In the case of arched hangars, it is possible to erect a structure that will meet any load. In other words, giving preference to high-quality arched hangars, you can not worry about the likelihood of a structure collapse under the weight of precipitation or with strong gusts of wind.

Simplicity of construction

arched hangar Price
As they say, all ingenious is simple. The same applies to the construction of arched hangars. Any experienced construction team is able to understand the features of assembling a metal frame for an arched hangar. At the same time, there is no need to search for and use expensive specialized equipment. In general, you can compare the construction of such a structure with the assembly of a designer on a large scale.

Internal volume

One of the main advantages of the buildings under consideration is the presence of an effective geometric shape. Most arched-type hangars are hexagonal construction covered with a semicircular roof. This feature contributes to the most productive filling of the internal space of the structure, if necessary, storage and storage of products.

Costs and construction time

arch type hangar
Technologies of arch construction allow you to build an arched hangar, the price of which can be truly democratic due to the absence of the need for significant personnel, material and technical costs. The construction of an arch hangar with an area of ​​about 1000 m 2 will take no more than 3 weeks. And this is not surprising, because the foundation of the structure is a prefabricated prefabricated frame and galvanized steel coil . Thus, the erection of a full-scale functional object takes only a few items of materials.

Quick-erected arched hangars are often built for the purpose of conducting commercial activities. Given the short installation time for the construction of such structures, the return on the budget spent on construction will come earlier, and the money spent will return faster.


Modern arched quick-erected hangars are easily insulated with any kind of heat-insulating materials, whether it’s polystyrene, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. At the same time, arched structures, where capital supporting structures are not provided, are insulated with materials that are applied directly to the inner surface of the roof by spraying.


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