Connecting a warm floor to electricity: diagram, device features and recommendations

In the heating season, many owners are thinking about installing alternative heating appliances. Such equipment should be energy efficient and create high-quality space heating. One of the best solutions today is an electric heated floor. It consumes less energy compared to other heaters. The principle of its operation allows you to create the most comfortable heating.

Mounting such a system is very simple. Connecting a heated floor to electricity, the scheme of which is presented in detail in the manufacturer's instructions, will help with this. Before installation, it is necessary to study the installation process in stages. If everything is done correctly, the manufacturer’s warranty will be valid during the operation of the independently connected system. In some manufacturers, it reaches 20-25 years.

Electric heating principle

The popularity of underfloor heating is growing every year. The reason is the many features of such systems. You can install an electric heated floor under almost any coating. In each room the presented system is mounted. Unlike convectors, radiators, and other similar devices, an electric wire heats the floor covering. Therefore, at the bottom of the room, the highest temperatures are observed. At the ceiling, the air is colder.

Connection of underfloor heating to electricity

Therefore, this heating principle is as comfortable as possible for a person. Convectors, on the contrary, contribute to the accumulation of the most heated air masses at the ceiling. Below, the lowest temperatures are determined. But people are in this zone. Therefore, they use energy inefficiently.

Connecting a warm floor to electricity, the scheme of which is presented in the instructions, is very simple. This process is easy to do on our own.

Types of systems

Studying the question of how to connect a warm floor to electricity, it is necessary to consider existing types of systems. Most often, wires are used for the purposes presented. This product consists of a nichrome core, around which various insulating sheaths are created.

Connecting a heated floor to electricity circuit features

The cable is of different sections. If the diameter of the product in the section reaches approximately 7 mm, it is mounted in a screed. According to building standards, this layer is from 3 to 5 cm. If the screed is less, the heating is distributed unevenly. Warmer and cooler areas will be felt.

If there is no way to make a screed in the room (raise the floor level by 5-7 cm), a thin wire is used. Its diameter is 3.5 mm. This system is mounted immediately in tile adhesive. The solution layer is only 5-8 mm. This system heats up faster, but also cools down literally 30 minutes after a shutdown.

Infrared underfloor heating

Classic versions of the warm floor are poured with mortar. But if a wooden base is already ready in the room, this type of system is not suitable. In this case, an infrared warm floor in the form of a film is used.

Scheme of connecting a film underfloor heating to electricity

Advantageously, the carbon paste is the heating element in such a device. The scheme for connecting a film underfloor heating to electricity is almost no different from a wire. But there are several nuances.

The operation of infrared film is similar to solar heat. Rays do not heat the air, but the surrounding objects become warm. On the film you can not put the solution, glue. Such systems are designed specifically for dry installation. Tile glue or screed corrodes the film over time.

But under the laminate, linoleum or thin carpet, the film is installed very simply. In this case, its effectiveness will be maximum. The scope of infrared warm floor is extensive. It is even mounted in animal enclosures, behind mirrors, in incubators and so on.

System purpose

Heating with underfloor heating can be comfortable or autonomous. In order not to use any heating devices in the room, except for electric wires, it will be necessary to cover with them about 70% of the room area.

Wiring diagram for underfloor heating instructions

Screed or tile adhesive will heat up and give off heat to the environment. This can be compared to a heated convector panel located around the base of the room.

Features of connecting a warm floor must be considered when creating heating in each room. Comfortable heating is created if the system is mounted under a small area of ​​flooring. Feet walking on this surface will be warm, but other appliances should be used to heat the room.

Film underfloor heating was originally designed for comfortable heating. The wooden base requires heating no higher than +30 º. Therefore, infrared film creates only comfortable heating.

Temperature controller

Whatever system the owners of the apartment or house choose, it must be connected to the network through a thermostat. This device controls the degree of heating. On sale there are various temperature controllers.

In the simplest version, the device has an integrated or remote sensor that measures the temperature. In the simplest version, the device has an integrated or remote sensor that measures the temperature. In some models, both types of metering are present at the same time. There are also two-zone varieties in which there are 2 remote sensors at once.

The temperature controller can be controlled mechanically or by setting the program for a week. On the reverse side, the device can have from 4 to 9 terminals. But most often there are only 6 of them.

Connecting a warm floor to electricity is easy

Two terminals are for connecting a remote sensor. If it is built into the housing, there will be 4 sockets for connection. The two following terminals are used to connect wires from the network (phase and zero).

Next, the underfloor heating is connected to electricity. The circuit, the features of which are determined by the type of thermostat and the system itself, involves connecting 2 wires from the heating element to the last 2 terminals.

Single wire

On sale there are heating wires of a single-core and two-core type. Their connection is slightly different. Any temperature controller is suitable for such systems. Most often, these devices withstand a load of 3.5 kW. But there are temperature controllers with smaller parameters.

Therefore, before connecting, the total power of the system must be taken into account. The solid wire has connection terminals on both sides. This must be taken into account during the layout process. Both ends should return to one temperature regulator. Next, the underfloor heating is connected to electricity. How to just do this job will help the manufacturer's instructions.

Features of connecting a warm floor

The heating wire is connected to the cold connection via a sleeve. For installation in a single-core system, 3 wires come out on each side (blue, brown and yellow-green). Before connecting, contacts of the corresponding color are connected and inserted into the terminals of the thermostat.

Twin wire

A two-wire wire is more often presented on sale. It is easier to install. Its first end has a coupling and a cold wire for connection. The second edge, unlike a single-core system, is sealed. No wires for connecting come out of here.

Therefore, the sealed end can be left far from the temperature regulator when laying out the system. Corresponding cold wires are included in the terminals of the device. This is a simpler connection scheme for a warm floor (the instructions are always attached to the product by the manufacturer).

Infrared underfloor heating

Somewhat different is the connection of an infrared warm floor. The film comes on sale in the form of a roll. It can be cut in certain places to lay a film on the necessary area.

How to connect a heated floor to electricity

Special clamps are also included. You will need a wire and bitumen insulation. Metal clips are put on the contacts of the film, a wire is brought to them. Compounds are isolated using bitumen material.

Next, the underfloor heating is connected to electricity. The circuit is completely identical to the wired system. Two wires extending from the clamps are connected to the thermostat.

Self-regulating wire

For heating pipes, tanks in the winter, a self-regulating wire is used . It is acquired less frequently than the listed systems. But in some cases, it is indispensable. This wire is not afraid of overheating. It can be mounted without screed.

Thanks to a special device, this product is able to change the level of heating depending on the ambient temperature. Therefore, in this case, the temperature controller is not required.

Connecting a warm floor to electricity (the scheme involves the use of a thermostat) is simple. It can be performed even by a master who does not have much experience in carrying out such work.


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