How long is the work week?

Almost every person of working age goes to work. Therefore, any of us must know about how long the working week lasts. This is necessary in order not to become a victim of an unscrupulous boss, but also just to have an idea of ​​the norms established by the Labor Code.

work week

First you need to determine exactly what the term “work week” means. According to the Labor Code, this is the distribution of the total working time for one calendar week (that is, seven days). Kinds:

  • normal
  • shortened;
  • incomplete.

First of all, everyone should know that the norm is exclusively a 40-hour work week. This means that the average worker must fulfill his professional duties no more (and not less) than forty hours for seven days. As a rule, all plants, manufactures and companies work five days a week, and the working day lasts for 8 hours.

If the head establishes a rule in which the working week is not 5, but 6 days, then the length of the working day is usually 7 hours. It is assumed that on Saturday people will work several hours less than on weekdays. During business hours, a one-hour lunch break is not included.

Many people confuse the concepts of “shortened” and “incomplete” work week. Indeed, for a simple layman, these phrases mean the same thing. However, in fact, there is a significant difference between them, as indicated in the Labor Code.

40 hour work week

A shortened working week is a kind of full working week for some categories of citizens (that is, labor is paid in full). Who belongs to them? For example, people with disabilities (1, 2 groups), workers in hazardous or harmful work, minors and others.

An incomplete work week implies, first of all, an agreement between the employee and the employer. However, the number of hours by which the duration of labor can be reduced is also established by law. Such work is paid, respectively, not fully. It is assumed that workers under the age of majority must fulfill their prof. responsibilities for less time than the rest. For example, for those aged 15-16, working hours of no more than 5 hours per day are set.

part-time work

However, the concept of part-time work may also apply to citizens who have already reached the age of majority. For example, these are pensioners who are not able to work at full strength, but who still want to do it. However, those citizens who are of working age have the right to part-time work. These include mainly students, as well as adults, combining work with obtaining a second (or even third) higher education.

Labor is an important component of the life of almost every person. When working, it is important to know not only your responsibilities, but also your rights. We hope our article has helped you sort out some contentious issues.


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