Steam project: how to find out the cost of an account

Today we’ll talk about the features of Steam. How to find out the cost of an account on this project, we will discuss in more detail below. Many fans of computer games have accounts in the specified system, which makes the question especially relevant.

General information

Sooner or later, almost every user asks how much Steam service costs him. How to find out the cost of the account will be described later. It is very difficult to translate what was conceived on our own.

Steam has always been owned by Valve. She did not disregard this issue. The main difficulty is to find out the cost of all the games on your Steam account. After all, the distribution network provides a summary of the cost of applications at a given time.

steam how to find out the cost of an account

Keep in mind that Valve strictly prohibits account trading. Severe punishment is imposed for such an action. Everything can reach a complete ban in the system. The official summary does not provide the selling price, but the total amount that was spent on the purchase of keys for activated games.


Above, we talked about some features of the Steam system. How to find out the cost of an account is a question that has two main solutions. The first is to use the SteamDB resource. This is a service that has been publicly recognized by Valve. By entering under personal registration data, and after specifying the ID for "Steam", you can determine the amount that was spent on the purchase of games. However, the capabilities of the service are not limited to this.

find out the cost of all games on the steam account

The Wotrth column displays the value of absolutely all purchases. Games owned indicates the number of purchased games. The Percentage column displays the percentage of the number of applications that were not purchased, to those that became the property of the player. To find out the cost of a Steam account in rubles, you can always use the exchange rate that is current on the date of verification. There is also a column in the service Games not played - here are the games that were purchased, but were ignored. The Hours spent item shows the total time spent in games.

Steam calculator

There are several services that make working with Steam easier. How to find out the cost of the account, and another resource will tell. He approximately calculates this indicator. It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that for any action in the project you should open your own Steam profile. If this is not done, it will not be possible to access statistics. The calculation using this resource is very approximate, there are several reasons for this.

find out the cost of steam account in rubles

Purchased DLCs are not considered by the system. The entire amount is shown in real time. That is, if the application was purchased quite expensively, but now its price has fallen, the service will provide a second option for calculations. The current price for the current time will be taken into account, also if the game was purchased at a discount. The latter fact can be attributed to the pros, as it allows you to make good money. If the game is now distributed at a discount, but previously the account holder paid the full price for it, the first option will be taken into account.


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