Potato Rocco: variety description, photo

Today, one of the most famous varieties of vegetables is Rocco potatoes. The description of the variety comes down to the fact that it is a mid-ripe vegetable crop. He left the Dutch selection, and is appreciated, first of all, for his excellent taste in the cooking process and in the preparation of french fries.

Rocco potato variety description

The main characteristics of the variety

This is the so-called table potato variety. Such a plant, as a rule, has an average height and has purple-red inflorescences, and its shrubs are semi-erect. In this case, the tubers are characterized by an oval shape with a red peel, and when cut, such a potato has a creamy tint. The mass of one such tuber is about one hundred and twenty grams, and up to twelve tubers are present on one bush. As for productivity, it reaches four hundred centners per hectare. It is also worth noting that the Rocco potato, a description of the variety, the photo of which is given in this article, has an excellent taste, and the starch content in it reaches up to fourteen percent.

Excellent taste and popularity of Rocco potatoes

The so-called Rocco potato on the territory of the Russian Federation appeared in 2002 and after that it quickly began to spread throughout Europe.

Rocco potato variety description photo
The percentage of its yield shows very positive results, since from one bush, for example, you can have about ten beautiful oval red tubers. At the same time, this vegetable has an excellent taste, regardless of whether it is boiled or fried. Therefore, Rocco potatoes, reviews of which are known almost throughout the world, are a very tasty and common product.

Indeed, this variety has gained its well-deserved popularity due to its excellent taste characteristics and qualities, as well as due to its high drought tolerance and due to the annual stable harvest.

High yield and external characteristics of Rocco potatoes

This variety belongs to mid-season crops, because it ripens within about a hundred days. It is intended primarily for tableware use. To put it bluntly, Rocco potato, the variety description of which can be very voluminous, has a very pleasant taste, its core is always white, even during cooking, and the tubers have good lightness. In addition, it has a high resistance to drought.

Such varieties are considered high-yielding, as from each shrub you can get a large number of tubers, the mass of which can reach one hundred twenty-five grams.

rocco potatoes reviews
Moreover, the shrubs are medium in size and belong to the intermediate and upright type. As for the leaves, they usually have an average size and open appearance, and their edges have an average waviness. And such shrubs bloom extremely rarely, or there is no flowering at all.

Description and characteristics of Rocco potatoes

Rocco potatoes (variety description, photo can be seen today in many sources) are now far from uncommon. And this is not surprising, because he is so popular, first of all, because of his excellent taste and pleasant appearance. And such a potato ripens on the ninetieth day.

Rocco potato grade description reviews
Based on this, we can say that the Rocco potato variety, reviews of which are quite positive, has the following features:

1. High productivity. This is true, because twelve tubers can ripen on one shrub, and each of them has a weight of up to one hundred twenty-five grams.

2. The shape of a round oval in tubers. They are characterized by a red tint with white flesh.

3. The percentage of starch in this variety is from fifteen to thirty.

4. A mature bush is of medium height and belongs to erect plants.

5. The leaves have a bright green hue and are presented in average size, and their shape is medium-wavy.

6. Stable increased productivity and firm resistance to various harmful viruses, low demands on the environment in which it grows, as well as excellent survival during a drought.

Characteristics of Rocco Potatoes

7. Rocco potato (description of the variety can be found in many sources today) is characterized by increased resistance to cancer, in addition, to late blight.

Rocco Potato Variety History

This potato variety was bred in Holland, and in modern times is very widespread in numerous countries around the world. This potato has been enjoying great and well-deserved popularity among many gardeners and farmers engaged in growing vegetables on a personal plot for more than twenty years.

Such a potato wins also by the fact that it is quite easy to distinguish it from other similar types of such a vegetable only by external signs. After all, only Rocco potatoes have upright bushes with an average size, not very large leaves with wavy edges present, red and purple inflorescences. In addition, it is characterized by smooth tubers with creamy pulp, which are covered with a red peel on top.

Features and characteristics of Rocco potatoes

This variety, as mentioned earlier, refers to mid-season types of potatoes. At the same time, the vegetation stage (depending on the weather) lasts from about a hundred to one hundred and fifteen days, so today a lot of people love a product such as Rocco potatoes. Description of the variety, reviews of such a culture can be found in any special literature. As a rule, they are exclusively positive.

One of the most attractive qualities of this variety is its stable yield, characterized by constant high rates. On average, the crop is up to four hundred centners per hectare, and in some cases reaches six hundred centners.

Positive properties and signs of Rocco potatoes

If we talk about resistance to various diseases, then we can say that this is another very valuable sign.

Rocco potato variety description
The characteristic of Rocco potatoes boils down to the fact that this vegetable has practically no drawbacks. The way it is. It is not only highly resistant to cancer, the golden nematode and the Y virus, but also shows a high degree of resistance when twisting the leaves, as well as with a wrinkled mosaic and late blight of tubers.

In addition, it is very attractive for gardeners who are engaged in the cultivation of such a culture that this variety has an excellent presentation and at the same time is preserved for a long time and perfectly transfers transportation over relatively long distances. These factors make such a culture ideal for sales and retail.

Rocco Potato Care Features

The features characteristic of caring for a crop such as Rocco potato, which is described in this article, are not too complicated. These plants require very minimal care. That is why a rich and excellent crop of Rocco potatoes can be grown by any novice gardener.

This will require loose soil in the garden (with dense soil, the roots develop rather poorly and slowly), and the tubers can be deformed. Immediately before planting, they need to be sprayed with a special solution of copper sulfate or treated with manganese acid potassium and boric acid. In the process of planting, you need to put a small amount of wood ash in each hole (thanks to it, the level of starch in the tubers increases).

Indeed, Rocco potato is a variety that has not just earned its popularity. It is actively used by many people not only in Russia, but also around the world. And this is not surprising. After all, such a product is not only useful and high-quality, but also has everything that is necessary for eating: excellent taste, pleasant smell, attractive appearance, ease of care and cultivation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F464/

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