Male German names are ancient and modern. Rare and common German names

There are male German names known to the whole world, the carriers of which have determined the glory of Germany for centuries. Johann Sebastian, Ludwig, Wolfgang, Berthold - humanity without these people would not be what it is today.

male german names

The glory of all mankind

Bach, Beethoven, Goethe, Brecht - the list goes on for quite some time. Robert, Peter, Gunther, Erich - these names are known, loved, they are common and popular. The most important thing, at least in this article, is that these are the true German names of men. In a global, cosmic sense, it is obviously not very important what name a genius bears. But just as the names of Ivan Turgenev and Pyotr Tchaikovsky sound for the Russian ear, so for the German one are Heinrich Heine and Robert Schumann.

Smiles of time

It is absolutely impossible to ignore the name Karl. And not only because Marx wore it (although most of humanity is certainly familiar with it). Charlemagne, king of the Franks, is no less famous. Faberge and Lagerfeld, a world-famous jeweler and king of fashion, are also notorious. What to say about Karl Urban. He played the role of one of the heroes of The Lord of the Rings! All the other Carls fade - who knows the growth of Marx or Faberge? Urban has grown to 185 centimeters. Any football fan knows Karla football players - Rummenigge and Kort. And Papa Carlo is a symbol of an unlucky worker! In a word, the name is famous, ancient, which has not lost its popularity today.

Ancient names

handsome german male names

The same ancient German names include the names of the heroes of the national epic “Song of the Nibelungs” - the blue-eyed and blond Siegfried, a symbol of the thoroughbred Aryan, Sigmund, Alberich and others. Despite more than a respectable age, these names are in demand. Siegfried Schneider is a two-time Olympic champion; Siegfried Lenz is a popular film actor. Sigmund, thanks to Freud, is a legendary name. Augustine also belongs to the old, the name glorified over the centuries by the Austrian folk song "Ah, my dear Augustine." Such male German names as Herman, Martin, Friedrich, Wilhelm, Gustav and Alfred have a respectable age, but are still popular today.

Availability and impact of information

german names for boys modern

Information flows are very large, the number of heroes that young people want to emulate is infinite. The Internet has made the globe one home, it has a lot of favorite names, and I want to name the child in honor of an idol. Therefore, foreign names sometimes become the most popular . At all times, fashion played an important role, and it did not bypass German names for boys. Modern ones clearly confirm the influence of the USA on the whole life of Western Europe. Ben (topped the list of popularity) - when did this name become German? According to 2012 data, less than a third were included in the list of the most popular names for native German babies. There is nothing to be done - modern integration processes. The child lives in society, and it dictates its own conditions. There are many examples in the literature when children lived with hated names, blaming the whole life of their parents. An example is Publius Valerius, one of the heroes of the Forsyte Saga. He was so named by his father in honor of the horse, the first to come in the race. But this is certainly an extreme case.

Internationality of Names

male popular german names

The list contains many French names - Louis, Luc, Leon. Many Scandinavian - Jan, Jacob, Johas, Nicholas, of course, American - Tom, Tim. But the name of Noah is somehow double. It is believed that this is a Hebrew female name, however, if translated as Noah, surprise still does not pass. Noah is a popular Israeli singer. Probably, after all, German boys are named after the American actor, who has Indian roots, the hero of the film "The Elementalist" - Noah Ringer. Let's hope that French and American names combined with German surnames do not sound as wild as Harry Kravchenko. So, the most popular German names for today are Ben, Leon, Lucas, Luke (the song brought fame and love to this name). It only says that, despite the popularity of “Berlinaria”, there are a lot of American products on the screens of German cinemas, as well as throughout the world.

Names that have retained significance for contemporaries

Perhaps Hansel sounds archaic, and it is better for the boy to live with the name Johas - to judge the Germans. It is pleasant to note Philip (horse lover) and Alexander (courageous defender), who have not lost popularity since ancient times. In the list of 2012, in addition to the above, there are such popular male German names as Felix, David, Henry. Times change, and names change with them.

Common Nouns

most popular german names

Every nation has names representing it as a nation. Russian Ivan, American Uncle Sam, German Fritz. They bear a negative stamp. “Fritz” was called during the war all the invaders. If we consider Fritz as shortened in the full name of Frederick, then the picture changes dramatically. It testifies to the greatness of Germany - Nietzsche, Engels, Schiller, Barbarossa. These were great people. The royal names of William and Henry are generally out of competition in terms of monumentality and grandeur. In Europe there were dozens of reigning persons who wore them with honor. Heinrich Heine, a poet, added him world fame. Given the wars unleashed by Germany in the 20th century, every German name, the most beautiful and noble, can belong to a war criminal. Heinrich Müller, the head of the Gestapo, did not add to his human sympathies.

Typically German names

Erich, Gustav, Alfred, Henry, Wilhelm, Adolph, Friedrich - these are the most common German names. And the most characteristic. German and Otto can be safely added to them, the most famous of which was Bismarck, the “Iron Chancellor”, who united the disparate German principalities into one state. But, people of the older generation knew very well the West German actor and handsome Otto Wilhelm Fischer and Otto Yulievich Schmidt.

Some male German names underwent well-deserved obstruction. Very unlucky Adolf. Derived from the ancient German name Adalwolf (translated as "noble wolf"), it characterized a very decent person. He was characterized by elegance, restraint, sociability, possession of will and intellect. And it belonged for the time being to pretty pretty, talented people - Erichson (architect, master of Russian modernism), Andersen (the largest chess player), Dassler (founder of the Adidas company). Adolfs were the king of Nassau and Dobryansky-Sachurov, a prominent public figure, philosopher and writer. Thanks to Hitler, this name, like the name of King Herod, for centuries will personify and inspire horror and disgust.

common german names

Beautiful names

In Germany, as in any other country, there are beautiful German male names. Rarely is someone who is now called Maximilian, and even before it was not very common. But a very beautiful name. And Maximilian Shell, a West German actor, was very handsome and talented. The name translates as “the descendant of the greatest,” its carriers have many positive features. The scholars were Maximilian I, the German king, and Maximilian Voloshin, the Russian encyclopedist. But aren't the names Alfred beautiful (he was carried by the famous French writer Musset), Arnold (maybe there were famous Arnolds, but Schwarzenegger overshadowed everyone), Martin (Martin Eden). In some sources, Altaf, which translates as “the cutest, most charming,” and simply “handsome,” refers to German names. Such male German names indicated in directories as Lorenz, Raphael, Walter are most likely just names often given to boys in Germany. They are certainly of foreign origin.

Rare names

german men names

Herman deserves special words, which is translated from Latin as close, uterine, true, even brother. The name is so international and popular that the Germans consider it German and the Russians consider it Russian. In favor of the first version speak pastor Kant, as well as the famous Jesuit Busembaum. In favor of the second - the hero of The Queen of Spades, the astronaut Titov, the saints of Valaam, Constantinople, the hermit Solovetsky. They were all Germans.

In Germany, as in any other country, there are rare German male names. There are a lot of them, from the noble Abelard to the bright Angelbert. These include Berndt, Villafrid, Detlef, Etzel and many others.

Names - the image of Germany

In general, paying attention to male German names, you are shocked by the grandeur of the picture. No matter how many are listed, it is impossible to reach all Germans who brought glory to their country and made their names immortal. Is it possible to ignore Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart if the pictures called “Amadeus” appear on the screens of the world one after another. The names of philosophers, composers, writers - Liszt, Hegel, Kant and Schopenhauer - will always be the most famous for the Germans. And only they themselves can judge the significance and popularity of their names. I would like to believe that the time will never come when the names of geniuses will be known to mankind only as the nicknames of a tortoise and a dog (Raphael and Beethoven), and no one will remember the carriers of these names.


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