Provisions in Cyprus: production time and reviews. How to get food in Cyprus yourself

Cyprus is one of the most popular resorts with very beautiful landscapes, warm waters and an unforgettable experience. For Russian citizens, a visa to Cyprus is a free pleasure, despite the fact that Cyprus is a member of the European Union. Since 2009, the inhabitants of our country have an additional opportunity in arranging a trip to the island - provisions for Cyprus.

provisions for Cyprus

What is provisions?

This concept actually means a visa with a simplified process for obtaining it. Provisions for Cyprus are issued as if in advance, that is, in fact, a real visa is issued only at the border crossing on the way to the island. The preliminary permission to travel is an A4-formatted leaflet printed from the Internet, which the person who ordered the permit received in response to the completed online application form. This paper is a confirmation when registering for the required flight at the airport. This mark is considered a short-term visa and is issued only for a period not exceeding 90 days. The provisions indicate the exact period of validity with specific dates within which a vacationer can enter the island.

self provision in Cyprus

Permission Requirements

A mandatory requirement for obtaining permission to enter the island of Cyprus is the presence of a foreign passport, which has been in use by a Russian citizen for at least 6 months. It must be borne in mind that the provision for Cyprus is issued once: a citizen receives permission for one trip to the island. If a person needs to enter there even several hours after departure, he will need to issue an additional permit.

How to fill out a food application form

If you want to obtain such prior permission to enter as a provision for Cyprus yourself, then everything is quite simple. First you need to download an application form from the Internet resource (better than the official website of the island embassy) to fill out an application for food provision. It is a regular file in document format, which can be opened on a computer with any office program. For this, only alternative office programs will not work, only Microsoft Office Word, since 2003. The questionnaire consists of mandatory items that must be completed in English. The name and surname must correspond to that spelling variant, as in the passport of a citizen. Among the basic mandatory data that must be entered on the questionnaire (name, surname, date of birth, gender, place of residence and citizenship), you need to fill out information about the parents, place of work, about the passport of the citizen going on vacation, about the airport and address of residence in Cyprus at Time relax. If the person will be staying at the hotel, it is enough to include information on booking a room in the application.

The data must be filled in very carefully, without errors. It is advisable to save the application in the same format as downloaded. Some experts advise using the version of the program until 2007. For the saved file, the person who wants to get permission to enter the island needs to make the name correctly: at the very beginning, the application submission date is indicated in the format year / month / day without any punctuation between the numbers, then the name of the person submitting the application in Latin letters. The answer to the completed questionnaire will come to the same email address from which it was sent. Provisions for Cyprus are presented at the border crossing. But it is better to have not only a printed version, but also a file with a resolution saved on a USB flash drive.

provision for Cyprus for a child

Prior permission for children

A provision for Cyprus for a child is made out without any problems if he has his own passport or his name is written in the parent's document. This is a prerequisite for prior authorization. When applying for a permit, it is necessary to fill out a separate questionnaire for the child, while in the column of information about the foreign passport you must specify all the data on the foreign documents of the parents. If the child has his own document, then you need to specify information about him. When sending such a questionnaire in the subject, it is necessary to make a note CHILD.

If a child travels abroad with only one parent, then no additional permits from the second parent are needed to apply for a preliminary visa, but it is necessary for a paper visa at the border.

provision in Cyprus what is it

The nuances of obtaining permission to enter Cyprus

When obtaining permission to enter Cyprus from the Internet, it must be borne in mind that it is issued only once. If a traveler needs to cross the border several times back and forth, it is better to issue a multi-visa. In addition, it must be borne in mind that provisions are issued only for 90 days for six months. There are practically no restrictions for receiving it. The following persons cannot obtain this permission:

  • who do not have Russian citizenship;
  • who plan to cross the border with Cyprus by sea.

In practice, provisioning takes no more than a day, but the rules state that this period can be up to 5 business days. According to the reviews of citizens who received this permission, the response to the application may come by e-mail in an hour, but there are some delays. Therefore, it is better to order food in advance, 10 days before the expected departure.

When ordering this permit, it is also necessary to take into account that it can be obtained only for tourist trips. You need to be a little more careful when crossing the border with Northern Cyprus. Rather, it is possible to enter this territory without problems, but it is better to travel across the border with Cyprus so that both the entry and exit marks are in the passport. And when leaving the border of Northern Cyprus, such a mark is not put, and a person subsequently may be prohibited from visiting the island for 5-10 years.

What rights after receiving provisions

Provisions for Cyprus, the production period of which does not exceed 5 working days, is valid for three months. This permission clearly indicates the date of issue, the expiration date of its validity. As already mentioned, the resolution is valid for 90 days, that is, three months. The person who received it can cross the border even on the last day of his action. A sheet printed by e-mail is presented at check-in at the airport or at the border crossing by other means of transport than sea, and the customs officer must put a mark on the passport of the person providing the provisions.

provisions for Cyprus production time

Benefits of Consolidation over Consolidated Permit

In fact, the visa and provisions for Cyprus (what we have already found out) mean the same thing, only the problem is that the permission issued by the consulate is an official document, but paper from the Internet does not. Although this is a preliminary mark, but it has a lot of advantages in receiving.

  1. Permission is obtained via the Internet and does not require a personal presence at the Cyprus Consulate in Russia.
  2. A simplified procedure for obtaining provisions.
  3. The time to obtain this permission via the Internet is as short as possible, sometimes it can be with you an hour after sending the questionnaire.
  4. When applying, additional documents, including airline tickets, are not required.

provisions for cyprus reviews

Reviews of vacationers in Cyprus on the basis of provisions

As already mentioned, since 2009 there has been a provision for Cyprus, the reviews of vacationers about which are quite positive. Even from the very beginning of the resolution of problems at the border there was a minimum, all of them were solved by the chief customs inspector. And in recent years, a simple sheet of paper printed from the Internet does not raise suspicion. The most important thing when leaving home is not to forget your passport and foodstuff printed out from e-mail.


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