Darth Andeddu is a character in the Star Wars universe, the lord of the Sith

Darth Andeddu is a character in the Star Wars universe. Dark Lord of the Sith, he was the first to take the title "Dart." Also known as the Immortal God King Prakit. The biography of this hero, as well as his abilities and character traits are presented in this article.

About character

The Star Wars universe attracts mainly the eternal confrontation between good and evil, and more specifically, the Jedi and Sith. The latter is of great interest to fans. Perhaps because the life of the Sith is full of dark secrets, intrigues, and betrayals. The biography of Darth Andeddu was no exception. According to legend, it was he who discovered the secret of immortality and learned to prolong his life after physical death, moving the soul to another vessel.

darth andeddu

Before his disappearance, Andedu placed all his knowledge in the holocron, which was subsequently hunted by more than one generation of Sith. The Jedi Order tried to destroy all information about him, but their efforts were in vain.

The beginning of the story

There is no information on how Darth Andeddu became a Sith. All surviving historical records begin from the moment he was betrayed by his followers and forced to flee. After the Centuries of Darkness (another clash between the Jedi and the Sith), he settled on the planet Prakit. Years passed. Here he improved, became wiser and much stronger.

Far from fighting, he studied the true paths of the Sith lords and the peculiar rituals of Carnes Muur. This became the basis of his future power. Muur studied the possibilities of the Dark Side in the field of healing, Aneddu went further - he was only interested in immortality. As a result, the lord of the Sith found what he was looking for. He had a way to keep his mind open, however, while losing his physical body. Andedu actively studied how to move his essence into another living vessel. He soon rose from among the other Siths and became ruler of Korriban.

Fear and betrayal

The stronger Darth Andeddu became, the more he was afraid of betrayal by the allies, who, in his opinion, were just waiting for the moment to take away his skills and knowledge. And these suspicions were not in vain. Andedu's secrecy led to the fact that the Sith decided to secretly seize the brother's discoveries, and then destroy him. And indeed, soon Darth Andeddu was overthrown. He again had to flee from his followers.

lord of the sith

Just before the escape, he decided to deceive the pursuers and created his false tomb. When everything opened, they began to look for him, but to no avail. It never occurred to anyone that a Sith might hide in his own fortress. Fear of losing accumulated knowledge led to the creation of a holocron, which included not only the results of research, but also the crystal of the lightsaber Andeddu.

Soon, he conquered Parkit and re-organized the cult of followers, calling him Ominous. He personally taught the neophytes to use the Dark Side. The strength of Andedu was great, so he was able to significantly extend his life and rule over the centuries on the planet. Because of this, his followers also called God the King, believing that he would rule them forever. It was a kind of empire of the Sith. This state of affairs was also facilitated by the fact that, due to the collapse of hyperspace routes, Prakit was cut off from the whole galaxy.


But the fear of Andedu that his knowledge would be stolen did not disappear. He decided to bury himself with his books and scrolls in order to carry knowledge with him to the grave. He also took the holocron with him, and he lay with the body of the owner for more than one thousand years. His Sith empire all this time implicitly obeyed his lord. Therefore, after his burial, they continued to guard the tomb of God the King and waited for him to rise again and take his throne again.

star wars universe

Artifact search

Information about the life and research of Andedu soon fell into the hands of the Jedi, who decided to destroy them and not try to find the tomb and the knowledge hidden in it. However, the Sith searches did not stop. And finally, Darth Bane, one of the Sith Lords, found the coordinates of the planet and got the holocron and all his knowledge, but did not have time to use it. Then the artifact went to another Sith, Seth Hart, who was able to learn the ability to transfer his consciousness to another body.

The Star Wars universe is incredibly huge, but the Sith have always managed to find a path to secret knowledge. Hart, after studying, returned the holocron to the tomb. And through the centuries, Darth Tyranus wanted this knowledge. He sent his students for him. One of them betrayed the mentor, but the second managed to return the artifact, and as a reward he received the crystal from the lightsaber Andedu.


The Sith Lord Darth Krayt was attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong race. They introduced armor into his body, which was supposed to subordinate his consciousness. The Sith fought, but he lacked his strength. Then he ordered to find the holocron of Andeddu. After the artifact was delivered, Krayt summoned the immortal souls of the Sith, who could deceive death. But instead of information, he heard only ridicule from them. They refused to help a fellow and even forced the armor to devour his consciousness faster. Krayt great work worth driving out the soul.

Sith Empire

After this, the Sith, still suffering from armor, called on his adviser Wyyrlok and commissioned him to investigate the holocron. Darth Andeddu, whose immortal spirit was nearby, began to communicate with the scientist. After long conversations, the deceased Sith managed to convince Wyyrlok to resurrect him.

The adviser went to Prakit, where the Andedu Temple and his body were located, and resurrected the Sith. Although at first he had to defeat the followers of God the King.


The resurrected lord of the Sith called Wyyrlok a weakling and refused to reveal ancient knowledge to him. Then Krayt's servant challenged Andedu. The contest began in the abilities of the Force. The ancient lord evoked the illusion of flame, but Wyyrlok managed to turn him against the attacker himself. Andedu watched in horror as the fire devoured his priceless scrolls and books, and then went on to himself.

darth andeddu darth andeddu

Darth Andeddu was broken by his own fears and could no longer fight. Then Wyyrlok killed him. After that, it became clear that the destruction of the studies was only an illusion, and the winner got the opportunity to study them. However, there was nothing in them that could help his Mr. Krayt.


Darth Andeddu was one of the most powerful Siths, but by the time of his rebirth, his spirit was greatly weakened. The reason for this was the fear that haunted the lord his whole life. Andedu was always afraid that the enemies would take his knowledge and destroy him. It turned out to be his Achilles heel.

In addition, Andeddu was paranoid and suspected of betrayal to everyone around him, which also led to new conflicts and confrontations.


Possessed many of the secret arts of the Sith Darth Andeddu. His weapons are not only the lightsaber and Strength that the Dark Side gives, but also the incredible mind that allowed him to defeat death. Andeddu also possessed telekinesis, could create lightnings of the Force, controlled illusions. At the same time, he tried to keep all his secrets and did not teach his followers everything that he knew.

darth andedu weapons

But the most important achievement of the Sith was, of course, immortality. He managed to come up with a way of his resurrection. Until that time, his consciousness remained in the Force. That is why, despite his last defeat, he is considered the strongest of the Sith Lords.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4669/

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