Urolithiasis in cats: symptoms and treatment, nutrition, reviews

Urolithiasis in cats is quite common. Doctors, upon examination, diagnose the formation of sand or stones in the kidneys or bladder. The disease has a scientific name - urolithiasis - and most often affects males due to the structural features of the internal organs. Salt deposits concentrate in the urethra and ureters. Pathology is considered a serious disease and without the qualified assistance of a veterinarian can be fatal.

How to help a cat with urolithiasis

The essence of the problem

Urolithiasis in cats is a disease in which deposits of salts occur in the kidneys of an animal or the bladder and its ducts. The danger is that at first the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, therefore it is difficult to notice the first alarming bells. But as soon as the stone comes off the wall of the internal organ, it begins its journey through the genitourinary organs. But if a small formation brings microscopic damage and pain, then a large stone is able to completely block the urinary tract. A similar problem leads to stagnation of urine, severe pain and intoxication of the body. If in this case you do not provide timely medical care, then a fatal outcome occurs with a high probability.

Provocative factors

Veterinarians often find it difficult to name the main reason for the development of pathology. Urolithiasis in cats can manifest itself under the influence of many factors. The main reasons are associated with errors in nutrition, heredity and improper care of the pet.

Therefore, the most likely provoking factors, doctors distinguish:

  • genetic predisposition of a particular cat breed;
  • anatomical features of the urinary canals when they have too much curvature;
  • congenital pathologies (narrow ureter);
  • low-quality water containing an excess of minerals;
  • reduced metabolism;
  • low fluid intake;
  • mixing dry food and homemade food at one feed or during the day;
  • a large amount of minerals consumed, happens with frequent feeding of fish and fatty meat;
  • feed of inadequate quality;
  • overeating and, as a result, obesity of the pet;
  • sedentary image of an animal;
  • injuries and inflammatory diseases of the genitals;
  • neoplasms in the urinary tract;
  • staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

Among the dangerous and requiring medical intervention is urolithiasis in cats. In order to seek help in a timely manner and not to waste precious time, it is important to know the symptoms that should alert.

How is urolithiasis manifested in cats

First symptoms

At the beginning of the disease, it is quite difficult to discern a problem without appropriate research. Therefore, all breeders need to know how urolithiasis manifests itself in cats. Symptoms and treatment, which is subsequently prescribed, will be more favorable only if appropriate measures are taken. At first, your favorite pet becomes lethargic, his appetite decreases and you may notice difficulty urinating. These signs can be associated with the manifestations of the disease, and only a urinalysis will help to make the correct diagnosis.

Gradually, and it happens very rapidly, the amount of salt deposits increases. They break away from the walls and move along the urinary tract, completely or partially blocking the ducts. At this stage of the disease, any veterinarian can easily diagnose a pathology.

How is urolithiasis manifested in cats:

  • The pet meows or rumbles on the tray when urinating. This is due to cuts and discomfort.
  • Due to frequent desires, the animal constantly runs to the toilet and can begin to crap in the wrong places.
  • You can see reddish granules in the filler due to blood secretions.
  • When feeling the abdomen, increased elasticity is felt. The pet reacts painfully to attempts to touch the stomach.
  • Urolithiasis also affects behavior. The pet can behave fussy, trying to draw all the attention of the owner to himself. Other animals, on the contrary, hide in secluded corners and avoid any communication.
  • The cat may experience rapid breathing.
  • In a severe case, urination stops altogether. The animal pushes for a long time, meows, but nothing happens. If nothing is done, then the prolapse of the rectum is possible and in the future - a fatal outcome.

Urolithiasis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which is important for every breeder to know, is quite dangerous. In case of any suspicion, it is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a set of procedures.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

Diagnostic Methods

At the examination by the veterinarian, the clinical picture and the answers of the breeder are compared. Based on the data obtained, analyzes and other research activities are assigned:

  • genitourinary x-ray;
  • Ultrasound
  • urine analysis to determine the type of salt deposits.

Information on the composition and amount of mineral crystals is necessary to know exactly how to cure urolithiasis in cats. For this, a urine examination under a microscope is necessary. But the procedure provides only part of the information on the composition of salt deposits. Due to the fact that different conditions affect the formation, growth and dissolution of stones, it is necessary to:

  • polarized light microscopy;
  • X-ha diffraction.

This is the only way to get complete information about the mineral component of kidney stones.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

Treatment methods

How to treat urolithiasis in cats depends on the general condition of the cat and the stage of development of the disease. Once the pathology is confirmed, the veterinarian prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which is primarily aimed at relieving the acute condition of the pet. Methods and methods are selected strictly individually and depend on:

  • the degree of damage to the genitourinary organs;
  • the age of the animal;
  • forms of neglect;
  • gender.

Only a veterinarian knows exactly how to treat urolithiasis in cats. In this case, two tactics can be used: the conservative method and the operational one. Depending on the severity, the removal of stones using a catheter or surgery may be prescribed. In the latter case, general anesthesia is used, with catheterization, local anesthesia is sufficient. This removes the sand and the urethra is treated with disinfectants.

Injections for urolithiasis in cats

Conservative solution to the problem

Many breeders are worried about how to help a cat with urolithiasis. A specialist with an uncomplicated form of pathology prescribes a set of procedures aimed at relieving pain and establishing normal urination. It is important to eliminate the inflammatory process, which provokes the irritating effect of mineral salts. However, treatment not only eliminates pain and discomfort, but also has a preventive effect so that a relapse does not occur.

Stagnation of urine (obstruction) occurs most often due to persistent muscle spasm, which is caused by the irritating effect of stones on the urinary tract. The pet is required to prescribe medications that help relieve spasm and restore normal discharge of urine.

If urolithiasis is diagnosed in cats, only a veterinarian should prescribe treatment and drugs. Most often, sedative medications are used to calm the animal, and antispasmodics that relieve pain and promote muscle relaxation:

  • "Baralgin";
  • "Atropine";
  • "Spasmolithinum".

Mandatory use of antibiotic therapy. The doctor may recommend drugs from the homeopathic series. Among the most common drugs are:

  • magnesia;
  • Apis
  • Kantaris.

As soon as it is possible to stop the attack of urolithiasis, the condition of the animal noticeably improves. It is recommended to use dry heat in the lumbar region and novocaine blockade in combination with general treatment.

How to treat urolithiasis in cats

Operational method

The main treatment for a complicated form of the disease is the surgical removal of salt deposits. Intervention is necessary, if the operation is not done on time, then serious consequences can occur:

  • pyelonephritis attack;
  • hydronephrotic transformation;
  • hematuria;
  • severe pain leading to pain shock;
  • fatal outcome.

Therefore, if a specialist considers it necessary to carry out an emergency operation, then you can not refuse. Intervention depends on the type of education. Cystotomy or urethrostomy can be performed:

1. Cystotomy is the most serious abdominal surgery. It is necessary in the case of very large formations, significantly exceeding the diameter of the urethra.

2. Urethrostomy involves an artificially created channel for the forced discharge of stones.

After surgery, the outcome is almost always favorable, urine outflow is normal. However, the pet will need restorative therapy and an antibacterial course.

Preventive actions

After the cure, one cannot completely ignore the advice of a specialist, because the disease is treacherous with its relapses. To prevent this from happening, you must constantly observe safety precautions. Especially important is the prevention of urolithiasis in castrated cats, because in connection with the operation, their hormonal background is disturbed. The complex of obligatory measures includes:

  • A balanced and balanced diet. Dry food will have to be abandoned. The best way is to feed with special therapeutic mixtures.
  • Constant monitoring of the activity and weight of the cat.
  • Regular use of diuretics included in herbal medicine.
  • Provide your pet with fresh and clean water without restriction.
  • Control ultrasound of the genitourinary organs at least once a year.
  • Urinalysis must be taken once every six months to study its composition and take urgent measures when relapse occurs.
  • Periodically show the cat to the veterinarian for manual palpation.
  • Immediate hospitalization in case of exacerbation.

It should be remembered that an active lifestyle is the best preventive measure, especially in neutered pets. Therefore, if the pet does not have access to the street, you must constantly play with it. If you adhere to these rules, then the animal has many chances to live for many more years without pain and discomfort.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats with a specialist

Nutritional restrictions

Cat nutrition for urolithiasis should be selected together with the attending physician. Only a veterinarian will be able to prescribe a comprehensive nutritional regimen, which depends on the type of salt deposition. It is the diet that will contribute to the establishment of metabolism and will not cause complications. Disorders in the body associated with urolithiasis can be of two types. The necessary type of food depends on them:

  1. Struvitic. To prevent the formation of struvites and restore the natural pH level in urine and its density, it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of minerals in the food consumed. This is especially true for magnesium.
  2. Oxalate. The diet will be aimed at dissolving the uroliths and maintaining the normal acid balance of the urine of the animal.

Power from the shared table

Urolithiasis in cats, veterinarian reviews confirm this, often associated with nutritional errors. Therefore, the best way to prevent pathology is considered an individual diet of the animal, developed in conjunction with a specialist.

If the cat eats from the general table with the owners, then it is necessary to give it an additional mineral complex, which includes vitamins A and B. With the oxalate form of the disease, it is recommended to enrich the diet:

  • boiled eggs;
  • raw and boiled carrots;
  • white beets.

If struvite form is diagnosed, then it will be useful:

  • cheese;
  • boiled lean meat:
  • White rice;
  • cottage cheese.

In any case, the following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • sausages and sausages;
  • pork
  • canned food;
  • fish
  • Chicken
  • caviar.

The principle of diet must be observed. All dishes offered should be non-greasy, unsalted and non-acid. Spicy and sweet are also prohibited.

Finished feed

Food for cats with urolithiasis of industrial production should be from the premium line and treat medical. The manufacturer reduces the amount of minerals in them, in particular phosphorus and magnesium. It is these minerals that provoke the appearance of deposits in the form of triphenphosphates, which are most often diagnosed with urolithiasis.

Cheap brands of economy class are completely prohibited. They contain many preservatives, dyes and substances that do not carry nutritional value. It is necessary to monitor the drinking regimen.

Castrated Cats in the Spotlight

There is a fairly common opinion that castrated cats are much more prone to the occurrence of an ailment. However, accurate medical research on this topic has not been conducted, and veterinarians disagree. Of course, removing the testes from the animal, the owner puts him in a knowingly dangerous position. The hormonal background changes in the pet, it is no longer drawn to the street, it becomes more calm and lazy. The cat spills out all the previous addiction to females for tasty food. Accordingly, the animal overeats, lies a lot and is gaining excess weight. It is known that a sedentary lifestyle plays an important role in the development of urolithiasis. Therefore, castrated cats are so susceptible to this disease.

The only way out is to rationally feed and encourage activity. It helps not only to reduce daily servings, but also a low-calorie diet.

There are opinions of some experts that castrated animals go to the toilet less often and do not have the need for marking the territory. Accordingly, this state of affairs causes disturbances in the organs of urination. There is a danger in early castration. In kittens, the urethra can stop developing, and the urethra remains very narrow. Therefore, salt deposition is more likely. In any case, a castrated pet is more vulnerable and requires careful care.


Cure for urolithiasis

Dangerous and painful is urolithiasis in cats. Treatment at home is unacceptable, because the pathology is insidious, freely circulating stone in the urinary ducts can clog them at any time, which will cause severe intoxication of the body and excruciating death.

The disease causes the animal to suffer from severe pain and can provoke the development of a secondary infection. Any suspicion of genitourinary disease is the reason for an emergency consultation with a veterinarian. Only timely treatment and subsequent preventive measures give a chance for complete healing and eliminate the risks of relapse. Clinical nutrition and diet in this case are necessary for life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4677/

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