Almond Pink Foam - Planting and Care for Ornamental Shrubs

Ornamental shrubs can transform your garden, give it a festive look. You can pick up the necessary plants in specialized stores, in nurseries. How decorative bushes look charming in the garden , the photo clearly demonstrates. In spring, lush fragrant lilacs, decorative cherries, Japanese quinces bloom. The borders of the garden will be decorated with barberry, rosehip, derain, mock-up. Will be able to advantageously shade flowering shrubs coniferous evergreens. Dwarf shrubs and trees planted on the lawn will look unexpected and exotic.

shrubs decorative photo

A wonderful addition for a summer cottage can be a spring bush almonds Pink foam. Landing and caring for it require special attention. This genus of almonds is also called sakura or Louiseania trilobate. He has beautiful, pink flowers that are arranged in pairs and cover the entire length of the shoot. The plant was discovered by European botanists in the 19th century, having discovered it in the mountainous regions of Northern China. Three-lobed almonds (or Pink Foam) is a sprawling bush reaching two meters in height. Dark pink flowers resemble roses. Their diameter can be one to two centimeters. When the almond blossoms in spring, it resembles pink foam or a cloud descending into the garden.

almond pink foam planting and care

In the garden, caring for trees and shrubs requires a choice of planting location and compliance with the rules of their maintenance. Almonds are propagated by individual shoots, cuttings, or grafted onto other fruit trees, such as apricots. The soil for the shrub should be sandy, loose, loamy, nutritious. During flowering, especially if the weather is dry, the plant needs abundant watering. It is not necessary to plant decorative shrubs one by one, otherwise a feeling of isolation from the general composition of the garden and incompleteness appears. For the plant, a well-lit area protected from the wind is suitable.

Almonds cannot stand shading. Pink foam. Planting and caring for it involves top dressing and pruning. The last operation is necessary for its healing and increase flowering. Pruning is carried out when the shrub fades. The gains that have occurred since last year are greatly shortening. It is also necessary to thin out the crown to avoid its thickening. Then the plant is treated with a fungicide containing copper. This is necessary to protect the almonds from moniliosis.

tree care

It is not entirely true that almonds Pink foam do not tolerate winters. Planting and caring for it requires the following. The plant adapts well to cold. In order for the almond to endure frosts, it is necessary to provide it with a snow cover that will protect it from freezing. If these conditions are met, the plant can tolerate even frosts minus thirty degrees. But even if the ends of the shoots freeze, the plant is quickly restored. In winter, it is recommended to tie the crown so that there are no breaks under the weight of wet snow.

Almonds Pink foam is rarely found in gardens; planting and caring for shrubs, according to gardeners, cause many difficulties. Nevertheless, the plant transplant tolerates well. Almonds are resistant to drought, diseases and pests, and also serves as a magnificent decoration of the garden.


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