What rhyme for word inspiration

Very often people who write poems or other literary works use the so-called rhyme in their works. Many of them cannot even explain what it is, and what are the basic rules and tips for inventing it.

General rhyme

Speaking in scientific language, a rhyme is a consonant combination of words or their parts located symmetrically in different or adjacent lines and sentences. In classical poem, rhyme is a coincidence of stressed vowels. The main functions of the rhyme are as follows:

  • highlighting the end of a line of a poem;
  • underlining a pause between lines of a work;
  • sets a special rhythm for the reader.
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Depending on the stress drop, the following types of rhymes are distinguished in the words of the poems:

  • if the stress in the word falls on the penultimate syllable - female;
  • if the emphasis falls only on the last syllable, then such a rhyme is called masculine;
  • if the third syllable from the end is dactylic;
  • finally, if the vowels and consonants coincide - exact;
  • if there is a match in 1 or 2 sounds - inaccurate.

Rhyme for word inspiration

In order to find a rhyme for any word, you should remember some tips:

  • synonyms or anagrams can be used;
  • you can rearrange the stress on another syllable;
  • can change the ending.
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In some cases, it can be difficult to find a suitable rhyme for the word inspiration. This word is quite popular in the literature, so it is important to make a list of rhymes for it. Using the above methods and tips, you can create a list of rhymes for the word inspiration:

  • Union;
  • compound;
  • perplexity;
  • disgust;
  • a fall;
  • pleasure;
  • creation;
  • exemption;
  • rejection;
  • self-expression;
  • collision
  • humiliation;
  • continuation;
  • Delight;
  • traffic;
  • vision and others.

From this list, you can choose the rhyme appropriate to the context.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4688/

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