Is it possible to spray trees during flowering or is it better not to do this?

Hearing that treating trees is beneficial and knowing exactly when to spray trees is a different thing. If the spraying of fruit trees in the spring does not happen on time, then at best you will not get the desired result, and at worst you will be left without a crop. Trees are processed not only when the fruits have already formed, but also in late autumn, when the leaves fall, and in early spring, when the buds have not yet opened.

Is it possible to spray trees during flowering
Based on the experience of many gardeners, a conditional plant processing calendar has been created. It takes into account both drugs that should be used in a certain period, and the time of the procedure. Is it possible to spray trees during flowering? This is the most urgent question of all beginner gardeners. In most cases, you will find one definitive answer: no, this should never be done. But let's try to parse everything in order.

Spring garden treatment

The first work with fruit trees is planned for early spring. Experienced gardeners are advised to start fighting pests as soon as the snow comes down and the air warms up to + 5ยบ. This usually occurs closer to mid-March, when the kidneys are just beginning to form. The first thing to do is brush the tree trunk. On the same day, make the necessary solution and process the plants. Pay special attention to cracks in the cortex, where harmful microorganisms could winter.

spring garden treatment
The next treatment takes place in April, it is aimed at protecting the buds of apple trees, plums and pears from fungal diseases and the stag beetle. But in May, trees need to be protected from possible diseases and other pests, but this is done after flowering. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering seems to be clear. This should be done before or after flowering. Although there is one "but." In order to increase the yield, you need to attract more bees and other insects to fruit trees. Therefore, pears, cherries, apple trees and plums are sprayed with honey and it is during flowering. It is prepared at the rate of 100 g of honey per 10 liters of water. This will attract a huge number of insects, abundant pollination will occur, which always guarantees a good harvest.

So there is one positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering. But it is not necessary to limit oneself to spring cultivation, since autumn spraying of fruit plants is also of great importance.

Processing trees in the fall

Closing of the season and preparation of the garden for wintering takes place from October to November. This should be done when the foliage is already opal, especially if you use chemicals. Before treatment on trees older than 6 years, it is advisable to remove the old bark and lichens so that various pests and pathogens do not winter under them. This is done with a metal brush. After such cleaning, you can proceed to the first spraying with a fresh solution. You can do the second spraying after the first frost, when weeds and all fallen leaves are harvested.

Drugs used for treating trees

spraying fruit trees in spring
Domestic gardeners most often use the following means:

- Copper sulfate - protects plants from moniliosis, curliness, scab, coccmycosis and phylosticosis. Processing is carried out in the first half of March and at the end of October.

- Iron sulfate - supplies plants with the necessary iron and effectively protects against pests. Processing occurs twice a year, when the garden has not yet managed to turn green and when it is already preparing for wintering.

- Urea (urea) - destroys pest larvae and slows down the rate of awakening of plums after wintering (by 1-2 weeks), which protects its color from spring frosts. Processing occurs last before winter and spring after flowering.

- "Preparation 30" - it relieves plants from wintering leafworms, whiteflies, aphids, ticks, moths, mealybugs and copper flakes. Processing occurs in the early spring and late fall, although this tool is used in the summer. Gardeners advise it to be used no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Now you have an idea of โ€‹โ€‹whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering, and also when it is best done. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of your garden, and it will delight you with a plentiful harvest for decades.


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