Two-story house heating system: choose the best to keep you warm

First of all, it should be noted that today, one-story country houses are a rarity. Most of the cottages are built in two or three floors. Of course, two-story houses are most common: in comparison with one-story houses, they have much more living space, and compared to three-story houses, it is faster and cheaper to build, including due to a much less powerful foundation.

Diagram of a heating system of a two-story house
However, the heating system of a two-story house should cope with the heating of all rooms with the onset of cold weather. To do this, it must be properly arranged. Therefore, the scheme of the heating system should be determined before the start of construction of the house.

There is a great temptation to choose a scheme with natural circulation of the coolant, since such a heating system of a two-story house is independent of electricity. However, in order for it to work, it will be necessary to use large diameter pipes in the communications and perform wiring under a slope. These disadvantages may eventually outweigh the "energy" plus.

The scheme of the heating system of a two-story house with forced circulation of the coolant is optimal: the water does not stagnate anywhere and evenly flows into all heating radiators. It is understood that in the house or under it will be installed a heating boiler that runs on wood, coal, kerosene, natural gas or electricity, an expansion tank, a collector, as well as a circulation pump that is directly responsible for the circulation of water in the communications.

Two-story house heating system
However, one should seriously think about what material they will be made of.

Of course, the "polymer revolution" also reached the two-story cottages. Polypropylene pipes are not only the convenience of weldless installation (which can be done without professional qualifications), but also the impossibility of internal salt and lime deposits, corrosion resistance. One problem: the polymer has a large coefficient of thermal expansion, which causes the deformation of polypropylene pipes and can lead to leaks at the joints. They tried to eliminate this drawback by reinforcing with a thin aluminum layer. Indeed, plastic pipes are almost insensitive to thermal expansion, but such pipes and fittings, to put it mildly, are not cheap.

The pipes made of stainless or galvanized steel are more difficult to install: welding or reliable threaded joints are required , and all operations must be performed by qualified specialists. They are more expensive than polypropylene ones, tend to overgrow, and their service life is short.

The heating system of a two-story house can be built on the basis of copper pipes, if the owner of the mansion has enough funds for this. For their installation, high-temperature soldering and solder with silver content are used. However, the benefits of copper communications ultimately exceed their cost: they are resistant to high temperatures and high pressure, do not overgrow and do not rust, they can be tightly embedded into the walls of the house. Service life at least half a century.

Two-pipe heating system of a two-story house
Typically, for heating a two-story house, one-pipe and two-pipe wiring systems are offered. But the one-pipe heating system of a two-story house does not have any ability to adjust the temperature in the room - it is impossible to block one of the heating radiators while the others are working, and hot water, successively moving from one battery to another, can reach the last one that has already cooled down.

It is a completely different matter if hot water enters the system through one pipe, while the already cooled one goes to the next heating. Such a two-pipe heating system of a two-story house is universal. In this case, it becomes possible to separately control the heat transfer of each radiator by increasing or decreasing the flow rate of water passing through it. The advantages of such a system slightly reduces the double set of pipes laid at the same time.

There is no absolutely universal water heating scheme for a two-story cottage, in each case it will have to be selected individually. The ultimate goal of such a selection is obvious: the most rational heating of housing.


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