Rounded houses. Houses made of logs

Lovers of natural materials have long appreciated the benefits of houses built from logs. Along with artificial materials, the log combines naturalness and high technology. Rounded houses are distinguished by the speed of construction, ease and attractive appearance.

Rounded houses

Preparatory work

Before construction, it is necessary to carefully prepare the terrain and document all the work performed. The project should be created by a professional architect who will take into account the features of the terrain, soil and climatic conditions. Thanks to these data, you can create a full-fledged project.

The simplest wooden material for the construction of houses can safely be called a rounded log. Projects of houses, the prices of which are on average 5,000 rubles / m 2 , as a rule, you can choose it in the company engaged in the supply of logs. If necessary, you can make small amendments to it.

If you have the education or experience in carrying out such projects, you can independently make a project for the future home on specialized programs. But it is important to note that you need to purchase a log from a quality manufacturer.

The choice of logs for the house

Rounded houses can only be built from high quality logs. To choose them correctly, you need to pay attention to the main criteria:

  • the log should be dark yellow or yellow;
  • existing cracks should be small, their maximum size cannot exceed a third of the cut surface;
  • along the entire length of the logs should be smooth and not twisted;
  • on the surface of the logs there should be no knots, tar pockets, if they are present, then there should be a minimum number of them;
  • on the cut, the log should be dense, even, and the core should be 3/4 of the cut.
    Logs house projects prices

The right choice of logs and their high quality will ensure the construction of a durable and reliable home.

Basic rules for building a house

Houses made of logs should be erected in a certain period. The most favorable season is winter - in winter frosty air humidity is minimal, which causes minimal shrinkage of the house.

Houses made of logs

However, the construction of the foundation, on the contrary, should end before the onset of cold weather. Since cold reduces the strength of concrete. It is most convenient to build houses with assistants in the amount of five to six people. This amount is enough for comfortable and quick work.

Logs should be stored in a prepared place so that they are protected from the effects of weather and high humidity. Only in this case will it be possible to build high-quality rounded houses, the price of which will be in the range of 500,000 rubles. per house with an area of โ€‹โ€‹up to 100 m 2 .

Foundation construction

The choice of foundation depends on the main characteristics of the soil and climatic conditions. The main advantage is the ability to create a lightweight foundation, since the weight of a wooden house is much less than a brick one.

Houses made of logs are built mainly on shallow foundation, it can be tape, pile or tile. The type of foundation is determined by the architect who designs the future home.

The construction of the foundation is as follows:

  1. The site is marked with pegs and a taut cord. Such a marking allows you to adjust the distortions and eliminate them, which in the future will allow you to build a perfectly flat house.
  2. After that, excavation is carried out along the perimeter to a depth of 50 cm to a meter.
  3. Arrangement of formwork into which concrete mortar will be poured. The formwork is made of plywood or unnecessary boards, in addition, you need to make a reinforcing frame for the foundation. To create it, you can use the finished reinforcing mesh or independently weld the reinforcement bars.
  4. When the frame is ready, you need to place it inside the formwork and pour it with concrete.
    Rounded houses price

It is important to remember that the height of the base must be at least 50 cm. Otherwise, the wooden walls will gain a lot of moisture from the ground and quickly collapse. You also need to create vents in the foundation so that the house is not damp and mold does not appear. After the construction of the foundation for about forty days should gain strength.

Erection of wooden walls

Rounded houses are built from specially prepared logs. Before laying the logs, it is necessary to warm the foundation with a burner and lay on it a roll waterproofing (for example, roofing material). The waterproofing material should extend beyond the foundation by 5 cm and be evenly distributed without distortions.

All wooden materials must be thoroughly treated with antiseptic agents before use. The first row are laid support beams, which are fixed using reinforcing pins. After fixing, the beams must be treated with bitumen mastic.

Home Logged Logs Key

At the top of the harness from the beams, ebbs are set, and then half logs. Their lower part is cut evenly, which allows you to tightly lay the logs on the harness and create a solid structure. All other logs will have a groove for styling, resembling a crescent in shape.

All logs are stacked parallel to each other and additionally fastened with wooden pegs, which are driven into two or three logs in a checkerboard pattern.

It is important to carefully monitor the horizontal stacking of logs and the overall vertical wall. If you break the plane, the wall structure may fall over.


Rounded houses, as a rule, are equipped with a wooden floor on the logs. To do this, it is necessary to fix the support beam in the first crowns by cutting it into the logs, and then lay the logs. It is necessary to equip the floor after the shrinkage of the house, and for convenience, you can create a rough floor.

If it is planned to build two or more storey houses, the arrangement of the ceilings is carried out in the same way. The insertion of the support beams should be in both the upper and lower logs in a percentage of 90:10, respectively.

Roof arrangement

The construction of the roof is carried out according to well-known technology:

  • the rafter system is equipped;
  • a layer of insulating material is laid;
  • mounted roofing.

But there are some nuances of arranging the roof on the rounded houses. Construction projects include a roof plan and all the necessary recommendations.

Rounded House Projects

The final stage is the caulking of inter-log seams and the installation of doors and windows. On this, the construction of a house of logs can be considered completed. The key to the house for another year will be unclaimed, since after the construction it is necessary to leave the building for shrinkage and only after a year you can move into it for living.


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