Electric circular saws. Description

Disc power saws have been used in the woodworking industry for decades to carry out the sawing process of mined timber, as well as for cutting wood billets, plates, plywood. Previously, this tool was only a bulky unit with a bed and a heavy electric motor. Modern instances are very mobile and convenient.

makita circular saw
in operation, since the new generation of circular electric saws are usually manual with a lightweight electric motor. For example, household appliances can weigh from 2.5 to 4 kg.

Electric circular saw. Design features

This tool has a fairly simple design: a horizontally located motor shaft, on which the saw blade is mounted. The disk is necessarily closed by a motionless casing above and movable from below. Electric circular saws have a base platform, which can be rotated by 45 0 , a nozzle for suctioning chips, starting fittings and a handle. That's the whole design.

On the front of the platform is a cut line indicator. Some models of electric saws are equipped with a viewing window on the case, which allows you to visually control the place of cutting. On the side there is a movable ruler with a guide for cutting at a precisely specified distance from the edge of the board. In addition to all of the above, you can also adjust the depth of cut. All these functions make the sawing process very convenient.

electric circular saw

Electric circular saws. Varieties

These instruments for their intended purpose can be divided into 3 categories:

- household;

- professional;

- industrial.

The main distinguishing features of each of the groups of tools are the resource of continuous operation and the depth of cut.

But if you compare professional and household electric circular saws, then these parameters will be almost identical. And this allows us to say that this classification is very arbitrary. Service capabilities of various brands of disk-type electric saws include adjustment and protective electronics. In particular, the standard design of the saw must necessarily contain a protective mechanism against overloads, from jamming of the saw blade, as well as a device for adjusting the shaft speed. Some models have the rare function of pre-setting the frequency of rotation of the motor shaft.


circular electric saws
Disc saws are equipped with special splitting knives that prevent the saw blade from jamming . It is located behind this element and does not allow the cut to close in the area behind the disk.

There is a very common practice of using circular electric saws as a stationary machine. To do this, they are fixed with clamps on a workbench, a table is placed on top, which has a slot for a saw blade. Thus, a sawing machine is obtained .

Circular saw Makita

Makita manufacturing tools are double insulated. This feature makes them safe. In this regard, they can be used not only in the garden, but also at home. Also, this model provides users with the opportunity to purchase additional saw blades.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4712/

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