How to get to Pulkovo-1 without errors

how to get to pulkovo
Pulkovo is a large Russian airport located in St. Petersburg. With the exception of part of one of the runways, it is mainly located in the south of the city, in the Moscow region.

When you need to know how to get to Pulkovo, you need to remember that in St. Petersburg there are actually two airports: Pulkovo-1 and Pulkovo-2. The first of them is more related to domestic flights (although international departures are also present), and the second to international ones. It is better to check the information about the airport from which the flight departs in advance or look at the ticket, because the terminals are located at a great distance from each other (about fifteen minutes drive), although in the same area.

For those guests of St. Petersburg who are in the northern areas of the city, the answer to the question: "How to get to Pulkovo?" First of all, it is the use of the subway, because traveling through the whole city by land means being at risk of being late for a flight. You need to take the blue line to the Moskovskaya station. Travel time, for example, from the Nevsky Prospect station to Moskovskaya will be about 20 minutes.

How to get to Pulkovo 1

Next, you need to decide on the exits from the metro - there are two of them at this station of the St. Petersburg metro. For this, it is necessary, without rising to the surface, to clarify with staff and passengers how to get to Pulkovo-1. They will tell you which way to go. It is better to ask again and look at the signs, because the exits from the metro are at a decent distance, which will be quite difficult to overcome with many suitcases.

If you got to the Moskovskaya station and correctly went upstairs, then the question of how to get to Pulkovo is almost resolved. To the airport there are city buses and minibuses. Bus number 39 goes to the Pulkovo-1 terminal for about 25 minutes, however, the probability of traffic jams must be taken into account. It runs from half past five in the morning until half past one in the morning. Of the minibuses, it is worth noting K39, which leaves as passengers fill. Stops of all modes of transport are nearby.

There are usually several taxi cars around the metro, but the likelihood that the trip will be quite expensive is high. Therefore, when deciding how to get to Pulkovo-1 at night, it is better to think about ordering a car from a taxi fleet, which is enough in the city.

how to get to pulkovo 1

In St. Petersburg there are many cars that form traffic jams during certain hours or after an accident, in which you can stay for an hour or more. However, in the evening hours for those who do not care how to get to Pulkovo quickly, there is an opportunity to drive through the central part of the city and come to the Moskovskaya metro station by public land transport. For this purpose, you can take bus number 3 on Malaya Morskaya Street and drive through the entire Nevsky Prospect.

Those who went to Pulkovo-2 instead of Pulkovo-1 are advised to immediately take the return bus (No. 13), get off at two stops at the third, cross the highway and take bus No. 39 or the K39 minibus. You need to go from the city towards the railway bridges and Pulkovo heights on the horizon.


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