"The Tale of Bygone Years." The oldest written source of Russia

Most of the news about the life of the ancient Slavic state - Kievan Rus - was drawn from one source. This grandiose literary and historical monument is The Tale of Bygone Years.

The creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years" is attributed to Nestor - one monk who lived in the Kiev-Pechersky monastery. A great work was written by him in 1113. The chronicle characterizes its author as an extremely well-read person with the ability to select sources and analyze them, as well as give them a special form. Scientists who investigated the "Tale of Bygone Years" came to the conclusion that it was compiled from an earlier source that did not reach us. In Russia, chronicles were common. Therefore, perhaps, the work of Nestor was based on the Ancient Kiev Arch.

tale of bygone years

The very tradition of recording the history of the state originated in the Sofia monastery, but in the eleventh century the main shrine of Kiev became the center of the annals. Many renowned hermits and saints lived in the Lavra, who had a hand in preserving historical knowledge. Among them are not only Nestor, but also Nikon the Great, Theodosius, Anthony.

The Tale of Bygone Years was written in order to satisfy the interest of the people in their own past. This work tells about the origin of the golden-headed Kiev and Russia, about the first princes, Askold and Dir, about the arrival of the Ruriks from the Varangians and their influence on statehood. This chronicle glorifies the greatness and power of the state; it contains a sincere and great love for the motherland. The author admires the courage of the squad, which goes on a brave campaign and brings victory. He mourns for defeats and cries over those who died in fratricidal feudal wars.

chronicle of temporary years

The chronicle of the intervening years is the earliest source available to scientists today. It includes historical facts recorded for future generations, as well as parables, stories, traditions, sayings and even songs. It not only describes the origin of the Slavic people, starting with the resettlement of the sons of the patriarch Noah across the Earth, it quite accurately and objectively describes the neighbors of Kievan Rus. Nestor gathered together data on the traditions and customs of the nearest tribes, on the Greeks and Bulgarians. Not only did he document important milestones in the history of his country, he showed its place among other world powers. And without a doubt, this place was honorable and very influential.

creation of a tale of bygone years

Unfortunately, The Tale of Bygone Years did not reach us in its original form. It was collected bit by bit from the arches, which are a continuation of the story. The Ipatiev and Lavrentiev annals cite the work of Nestor in their beginning. It can be assumed that it was also generously decorated with pictures and miniatures. In addition to historical value, the code represents literary wealth, since it reflects the speech and atmosphere of the state of that period. The chronicle, like patterns, is strewn with phraseological units, hyperbolas, comparisons.

The main thing is that the meaning of this old ancient Russian work still reached us, and we can enjoy these lines full of wisdom and admiration for the Fatherland.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4735/

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