What is the average IQ?

We are all different. Differences are manifested in appearance, in physical and psychological characteristics, and, of course, in mental abilities. The international measure of intelligence is IQ. This concept was introduced in 1912 by Stern, a scientist from Germany. Note that most people have an average IQ, and only a few have high or low. For this reason, there are far fewer talented scientists in society than, say, office clerks.

average iq

The average IQ is 100 points. However, values ​​from 90 to 110 are acceptable. IQ is determined using special test tasks. A certain amount of time is given for their implementation. However, it is worth noting that the great interest shown in the level of human intelligence has contributed to the creation of a variety of types of tasks, which is why the results of performing different tests from the same person can vary significantly.

It is noted that the repeated execution of tasks to determine the level of intelligence can subsequently increase the number of correct answers, the speed of the solution, and, accordingly, the indicator itself. Before testing IQ, it is better to solve several typical problems: nevertheless, they have certain specifics, and it will be difficult for an untrained person to cope with them the first time.

Hans Eisenck is the author of the most famous and popular tests. According to his system for determining the level of intelligence, the maximum IQ cannot exceed 180 points. However, it is believed that the tasks of other researchers, including Kettell, Wexler and Raven, have the greatest accuracy of the results obtained.

maximum iq

According to some studies, the average IQ in the modern world rarely exceeds 90 points, although ideally this value is the norm for a teenager of 14-15 years old. Other data show that the value of the coefficient of intelligence, say, for students who have just graduated from American colleges, is approximately 115 points. And this, despite the prevailing stereotype in society that Americans do not differ in their special minds. According to official figures, the average IQ of Russians is 113 points.

The lowest level of intelligence is in Australia (with the exception of Botswana). But the maximum IQ is fixed in Japan, Korea and China. And this is not at all surprising, especially considering the level of development of scientific and technological revolution in these countries. Researcher Richard Lynn did not study the level of intelligence among representatives of nationalities, but among representatives of individual races. Therefore, to say that the Australians are the most stupid people is meaningless, because the indigenous population there is about 2.5%, while in eastern countries this figure is 70%.

how to check iq

It has been proven that heredity affects IQ. In addition, the results of test tasks, with which the level of intelligence is determined, depend on the environment.

This is rather strange, but according to studies, breastfeeding has a positive effect on both the child’s IQ and the mother’s level.

In general, we can say that the average person can affect the level of his intellect with the help of regular mental stress, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4737/

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