Spirit level - what is it? What to look for when buying

Many are interested in the spirit level - what is it and what is it for. When planning repairs, the presence of a building level in the tool bag is a must. The spirit level helps to avoid inaccuracies in deviation from the vertical or horizontal, which can lead to annoying problems. During the repair can not do without such a device. That is why many are so interested in the question of what you need to know before you go to buy the spirit level.

What construction level to choose?

Hardware store

Today's market offers a large selection of professional building levels or spirit levels. These include the following:

  1. Water. They are applied to large surfaces since they can reach sizes up to 25 meters. This level is a water hose, on both ends of which there are flasks with a marking. Of the minuses - sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.
  2. Bubble spirit level - what is it? The tool that is most popular. This is a strap made of metal or plastic, at different ends of which are inserted flasks with liquid and bubbles. The horizontal (like the vertical) is determined by the location of the bubble - it must be strictly in the center. Now these levels are complemented by various magnetic mounts, markings and other functions.
  3. Laser spirit level - what is it? This is the most accurate view, but also the most expensive construction level. The level with the laser beam is small in size, but has the largest range of use - up to 100 meters. That is why its main application is in the construction of houses, and not in the repair of a room.

Since the most common type is vesicular, it is advisable to consider this particular type.

Choose a bubble level

Bubble level

In order to choose a professional building level that will ideally fulfill the tasks, it is necessary to consider its characteristics. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which the basis of the bubble level is made. The heavier the level, the better, the more accurate its readings will be. Professionals advise buying levels of metal or thick plastic. Some may be complemented by rubberized pens and magnets. The next thing to consider is the number of ampoules with liquid in the spirit level device. Preference should be given to an instrument with three ampoules, so it will be possible to check not only the horizontal and vertical, but also the angles. It is also worth noting that the levels vary in length - from half to several meters. When choosing you need to consider the scale of the planned work. If the goal is the usual laying of tiles in the corner, do not spend money on a large spirit level, a size of about 40 cm will suffice. And, conversely, when building work from scratch, a level of 4 meters will be the best choice.

Successful purchase: what is important to know?

Construction level

The longer the device, the more accurate its readings will be. When buying, be sure to check whether the ampoules are securely fixed. The marks on the control strips of the level tool should be on the inside of the ampoule, and not on the outside (they are less erasable). The modern market offers levels with many additional features. The choice should fall on the level with those additions that are really needed.

In order to check the accuracy of the tool, you need to put it on the center of the foam sheet and put the entire structure on water.

Builder's conclusion

Experienced builder

The choice of the building level during the repair is very important, it allows you to carry out all the work accurately, to avoid errors, the correction of which may require additional amount of time, and most importantly, finance. Also, when choosing a tool in the store, it is important not to forget to check it for accuracy. No need to go to a store or market and buy the most expensive level. After all, expensive does not mean good. The more functions the device is able to perform, the higher the price. Initially, you should decide on what exactly you need it for. If in doubt, and you donโ€™t know which one is right for you, then itโ€™s better to use the services of a construction company or a store where you will be given advice on the product. And remember that the greater the weight of the device, the more accurately it shows. No need to be carried on the loud and popular name of the company. In this case, you can simply overpay a large amount of money for a simple, but such a necessary product. Many are interested in the question, spirit level - what is it. But not everyone knows that this is a building level.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4738/

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