A new kind of needlework - knitting from bags

This type of needlework, such as knitting, arose very, very long time ago. The first knitwear dates from the third century AD, they were discovered in Peru. But some researchers claim that even the ancient Greeks knew this type of needlework. It is established that the Scandinavian Vikings also wore knitted items. Over the centuries, new knitting techniques have arisen, materials for it have been improved, but even ten years ago it was impossible to imagine that it was possible to knit from plastic bags.

knitting from bags

Knitting from packages becomes so popular that the craftswomen put up things for sale and organize their own exhibitions, which attract a large number of spectators. A variety of models are knitted from packages: napkins, toys, bags, hats, shoes and clothes. Of course, such clothes will be an exhibit rather than a practical and convenient thing, because few people want to put on plastic. But other crafts from plastic bags can be an interesting, unusual and exclusive gift.

crafts from plastic bags

Knitting from bags allows you to do very practical things, such as shopping or beach bags. Fine sand or crumbs will freely spill out of them, and the product itself can be safely washed in a washing machine, it will retain its shape and appearance.

Do you think knitting from bags is hard? Nothing like this! If you know how to knit or crochet, then you can safely proceed to this lesson. But first you need to make "yarn." To do this, stock up on plastic bags and devote a couple of free evenings to preparing the โ€œthreadโ€.

Where to get packages? You can use those that are already in the house for needlework, or you can buy them in a store. Now they began to produce garbage bags in different colors, so they will suit us. Such material will make very colorful crafts. In order for the product to have a presentable appearance, you need to choose matte bags, not transparent ones. To get started, you need to expand the packages and cut off the handles and the bottom seam. Then bend the workpiece in half several times vertically and cut into horizontal strips, which, when deployed, will turn into rings.

knitting from bags

A few words should be said about the width of the stripes. The denser the plastic bag, the thinner the strip should be, and vice versa. If you will be knitting from garbage bags, then cut strips about two centimeters wide, and dense bags from supermarkets can be cut into centimeter strips. Well, in order to make the โ€œthreadโ€ of the same density, you need to try to make strips of the same width for one product, you can mark them with a ruler and a pencil. If you put together several packages, then things will go faster. But first you need to fill your hand so as not to overdo it with their number, otherwise the scissors may not cope. Now the finished plastic rings need to be connected together and wound into a ball.

knitting from garbage bags

Knitting from packages itself is no different from knitting from ordinary threads. It is necessary to determine the model, find a pattern, depending on the thickness of the plastic "yarn" to choose the size of the hook and knit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4739/

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