The most dangerous animals in Africa. Big african five

The black continent does not have a large number of monuments and monuments. In addition, local infrastructure is often not conducive to tourism development. However, Africa’s unique wild wildlife attracts a huge number of adventurers each year.

Africa seems to many a paradise, a corner of untouched nature, but this is far from the case. This continent is home to a huge number of living things. Meeting with some of them does not bode well for a person. Crocodiles and hippos reign in the river waters. In the savannas, carnivorous representatives of the cat family are threatened. The air is filled with deadly insects such as the tsetse fly and mosquito.

It seems that all life here is a threat to human life. What animals of Africa are the most dangerous and who should beware when traveling across this continent, we will tell in this article.

African five

During the colonization of the Black Continent, safari was a popular pastime. It is difficult to imagine a person who traveled around Africa and did not hear about such a concept as the “Big African Five Animals”. Trophies obtained by hunting these animals are considered the most valuable and desirable for all safari lovers. The Big Five is a list of wild animals in Africa that pose the greatest threat to humans. Hunting them always carries a serious risk to life.

To date, such a safari is prohibited in most African countries. Priorities have changed, cameras have replaced hunting weapons, thanks to which wildlife lovers watch the life of wild animals in Africa. The big five include:

  • a lion;
  • rhinoceros;
  • buffalo;
  • leopard;
  • elephant.
African lion

a lion

This representative of the cat family is rightfully considered the "king" of animals and one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. In terms of size and aggression, only a tiger can compete with it. It is noteworthy that in ancient times, lions lived not only in Africa, but also in India and Russia. To date, these animals are found only on the Black Continent and in the Indian state of Gujarat.

The largest population is observed in Kenya. The Masai Mara Reservation is home to the most numerous lion pride. African lions prefer the area where savannas predominate. It is there that they can be observed most often. To distinguish a male from a female is quite simple. Males have a luxurious mane and large sizes. Scientists believe that the size of the mane depends on the strength of the male and his testosterone level.

Lionesses, in turn, do not have manes. However, if they had it, it would greatly complicate the hunting process. The fact is that only female individuals obtain food. Males only deal with the protection of territory and pride. It is noteworthy that, in addition to leading a flock of life, African lions are often found. As a rule, these are young lions, which, upon reaching puberty, separate from their family. They are looking for another pride and trying to take a dominant position there.

Lions are the wild animals of Africa. They mainly hunt zebras, antelopes and gazelles. With sharp fangs and claws in their arsenal, they still kill their victim through strangulation. Most often, to observe firsthand this process is easier during the great migration. At this time, antelopes roam in search of new pastures, and lions pursue herds. The victims of predators are most often weak and sick animals.

African elephant

African elephant

Unlike lions, elephants are found in almost all parts of Asia. However, the most common there is the Indian elephant. This animal is much smaller than its African counterpart, which is found in Kenya. Scientists believe that the difference in size of Asian and Indian elephants, first of all, depends on the diet. The Indian elephant eats mainly leaves, a ficus is their favorite delicacy. The diet of the African elephant is completely different. Also, according to experts, the landscape plays an important role.

A meeting with an elephant in the wild of Africa does not bode well for man. Unlike Asian relatives, these animals are completely untameable and tame. It is highly recommended not to come close to these animals. Although these are not the most dangerous animals in Africa, observation is best done at a decent distance. For these purposes, the use of an open-top SUV is perfect.

Traveling through the expanses of Kenya, you can meet several varieties of the African elephant. A forest variety of these animals lives here. They are small in size and lighter in color. In addition, there is a savannah. It is the largest of the entire family and has long tusks and dark skin. It is noteworthy that these majestic land animals swim perfectly. However, like crocodiles and hippos, they do not feed on aquatic creatures and are vegetarians. An interesting fact is their attachment to each other. Having met after a long separation, they know how to truly rejoice.

African rhino


Not all representatives of the rhinoceros family survived to the modern era. Today, science knows only five species of these creatures. Two of them live on the African continent. These are black and white rhinos. Most often they are found in Kenya. It is noteworthy that these two varieties of rhino got their names not due to the color of the skin.

The name "white" comes from the Dutch word wijde. The British colonists perceived this word as white, which means “white” in English. The Dutch word, in turn, translates as "wide." It is noteworthy that the white rhino is really very wide and tall. In size, it is second only to elephants. The diet of these animals is plants growing in the savannah.

But the black rhinos really have a darker color, although visually the difference is not very noticeable. However, it looks different. Like many other herbivores in Africa, this rhino prefers to eat the leaves of trees and shrubs. This is due to his prominent upper lip. She helps the black rhino to pluck leaves.

Today, the problem of reducing the rhino population is most acute in Kenya and other countries of the African continent. According to Chinese beliefs, a powder made from rhino horns contributes to good potency. High demand has turned poaching into a profitable illegal business.

African buffalo


Like rhinos, there are only five species of these animals. However, only one of them lives on the African continent. This view is truly special. The African buffalo has the largest sizes. Moreover, the average weight of an individual exceeds seven hundred kilograms. And the largest buffaloes that live on the expanses of the savannah can weigh more than a ton.

The horns of these creatures grow together on the forehead, which is their unique feature. They form a kind of shield. It is noteworthy that this feature is inherent only in adult males. Buffalos communicate using sounds, have an excellent subtle sense of smell and a rather poor vision. Therefore, they focus on the first two qualities. Buffalos predominantly lead a herd life, but sometimes there are loners. Indigenous people in Africa call such animals Mbogo.

African leopard

African leopard

The name "leopard" comes from the merger of the ancient Greek words leon and pardos. This is due to the fact that ancient scholars considered this species to be a hybrid of lions and panthers. However, as you know, this is not at all true. Leopards are an independent species of the cat family.

It is noteworthy that, unlike cheetahs, which are increasingly difficult to see on the expanses of the Black Continent, the leopard population is only increasing every year. More than them, only domestic cats are common. In addition to Africa, leopards are also found in Russia. In particular, in the Primorsky Territory and in the North Caucasus. Such a wide distribution and a large population is due to the large number of game for these animals. Leopards see almost any animal as prey. Watching these predators in the savannah, you can see how they drag their prey on the branches of trees and eat there. Thus, they protect their food from hyenas and jackals, which can put a meal. Leopard prefers a nocturnal lifestyle. At this time he goes hunting, and during the day sleeps in the trees.

African crocodile

Nile crocodiles

Water is one of the most important conditions for life in all of Africa. Especially in the eastern part of the continent. It is here, in the reservoirs of salvation for many animals, that the most dangerous animals of Africa live, and one of them is the Nile crocodile.

Hundreds of people die every year from attacks by these creatures. They live in almost all reservoirs of the Black Continent. Unlike other species, the Nile crocodile has a huge size and increased aggressiveness. The size of these animals often exceeds 6 meters, and the weight can reach up to a ton. Thanks to the power and strength, absolutely any animal can become the prey of these reptiles. They prey on both birds and antelopes, buffaloes and even young elephants. Sometimes crocodiles attack even lions who came to a watering hole.

It is noteworthy that this predator is able to hold its breath for 45 minutes. At this time, he waits for a convenient moment, then immediately attacks the victim and drags him into the water.

African hippo


Despite their comical appearance and a rather friendly name, the hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa. These creatures can weigh up to three tons. They are the third largest land animals. In addition to its large size, the hippo has a very formidable weapon - tusks and fangs. It is noteworthy that the compression force of the jaw of these animals is considered the largest in the world. It doesn’t matter that the hippo has blunt tusks and teeth. Thanks to the huge compression force, they crush any bones. The bite of such an animal for humans in 90% of cases is fatal.

Another of the qualities that make this creature dangerous to humans is the speed of its movement. Hippopotamus only seems to be a slow awkward animal. However, its running speed can reach up to 30 kilometers per hour, which exceeds the speed of a person. The last feature of the hippo that makes it especially dangerous is its aggression. These creatures carefully guard their territory and really do not like violating the boundaries of their lands. Although hippos are usually characterized as herbivores, there are many cases of attacks on humans, antelopes, birds, and even crocodiles. According to statistics, every year in Africa from the jaws of hippos die from 500 to 3000 people.

Yellow scorpion

Dangerous insects

In addition to the rich wildlife, there are no less diverse numbers of insects on the African continent. Many of them are able not only to scare a person, but also to kill. Both tropical and desert regions of Africa are flooded with such unpleasant insects as a meat fly and all kinds of poisonous spiders. The northern regions of the Black continent are most favored by scorpions. The two most dangerous species of these creatures in the world live here. This is a yellow scorpion whose bite is particularly painful. Its venom is saturated with neurotoxins. The bite of this creature is not uncommon for humans to be fatal. The second no less dangerous is the scorpion androctonus. It has a larger size than yellow, and its poison is also fatal.

In addition to scorpions, a huge number of arachnids no less dangerous for humans live in Africa. Here there are such species as: hermit spider, sackcloth spider and black widow. No less dangerous are flying insects. The most dangerous is considered to be a fly-stand. This is a kind of meat fly that lays eggs on the ground and quite often in moistened human clothes. Larvae are born there. When they come into contact with a person, they begin to penetrate under the skin, where they eventually settle. At this time, they begin to feed on the flesh of the wearer until they grow. After that they get out and fly away.

Black Mamba


While all kinds of insects and parasites can kill quite slowly and for a long time, snakes act completely differently. There are no other poisonous creatures in the world capable of killing as fast as snakes that live on the African continent. Such species of these reptiles live here, the bite of which is capable of killing a person in a matter of minutes.

The most dangerous in Africa is considered to be the black mamba. In addition, she is also the fastest in the world. This snake is capable of speeds up to 11 km / h, and its neurotoxic poison kills a person within an hour. It is noteworthy that during the attack, this snake, unlike other species, strives to make as many bites as possible. In order to kill an adult, only one is enough. The bite of this reptile is notable for its painlessness.

In addition to the black mamba, another species of snakes is found in Africa, which is considered the most dangerous. This is a noisy viper, one of the strongest poison in the world. Its action is marked by severe pain and destructiveness. A bite of a noisy viper causes tissue necrosis. In such cases, sometimes even amputation of the affected limbs does not save.

According to statistics, in Africa, up to 30 thousand people die every year from snakebites. And even more are not fatal injuries.


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