Why and how are human rights related to their needs?

Any state seeks to create a society in which people would feel comfortable. At least because the power is held at the expense of the will and level of citizens' satisfaction. To do this, the state must protect its citizens, set one of its main tasks to ensure human rights, monitor justice in society.

how human rights are related to his needs

Human needs

Another famous scientist Maslow schematically depicted the basic needs of a person in the form of a pyramid, where the foundation was the initial, necessary, and then only those that are possible in a more civilized society, given that the basic ones are satisfied. Of course, this pyramid did not reveal how human rights are related to his needs, but it led to important thoughts, including in this field. For example, on the basis of this pyramid, it is concluded that it is impossible to completely satisfy the โ€œupperโ€ need (say, aesthetic) if the bottom one (say, need for food) is not satisfied. The basis of such a scheme has always been the biological needs necessary for human life.

State and needs

Several goals of the creation and existence of the state are aimed at meeting the needs of people. So, it protects the personal rights and freedoms of a person, provides him with ways to participate not only in his life, but also in political and other things. Otherwise, the state does not need society at all, does not represent any useful element and practical benefit for it, on the contrary, is a burden (taxation). The state is obliged not only to control the needs and human rights, but also to contribute to their implementation, to create appropriate institutions in society. Executive and judicial authorities are required to monitor compliance with rights. The legislature should clearly know how human rights are related to its needs.

needs and human rights


Of course, all social and legal phenomena are somehow interconnected. And in this case, it is necessary to highlight clear criteria for how human rights are related to his needs. Then we will be able to provide the most complete access to the possibilities of satisfying them. It is concluded that rights and needs are in a direct relationship with each other, but law is always derived from need. Suppose if a person wants to realize himself, and this is his need, then he needs the right to study, to work, to engage in activities that he likes, if it does not violate the law.

Most rights related to needs are presumed, that is, secured at the legislative level in the form of a basic, indestructible provision. Thus, one can cite the right to life, to freedom of religion and political views, which are also aimed at meeting basic human needs. Let us give a more visual comparison: the law is related to public relations in the same way as human rights are related to its needs. That is, first relationships arise, then there is a need for their regulation, then the process of lawmaking begins, and only the end of this long chain is the law. The situation with rights is the same - there is no need, there is no need to create and give people that right.

human rights

Why so?

The fact is that human needs play a crucial role for him in life. Moreover, his whole life process consists in the emergence of a need and its satisfaction. Dissatisfaction excites discontent, and this can lead to more dangerous and negative phenomena. It is necessary to separate needs that are legitimate and have a right to exist, as well as those that are completely incorrect and contradict the law. The former must be regulated by providing people with the right to their implementation. There, each citizen will decide further specifically whether he needs such a need and if he wants to satisfy it. But the second is required to be regulated by law by imposing a ban at the risk of liability. It is unacceptable for the satisfaction of the needs of one person to violate or infringe upon the rights of another.


personal rights and freedoms of man

Knowing how human rights are related to his needs, a significant conclusion can be drawn - such a connection is necessary, and it cannot be violated. Imagine if your rights depended only on the will of the legislator, and not on real needs. In this case, instead of the right to education, you would receive the right to participate in political life, instead of freedom of speech - the right to work or engage in entrepreneurial activity. Such a state is rather harmful to society. In addition, for a long time, people united in groups in order to satisfy their needs, then these groups grew, because doing it collectively is much easier than one, and, according to many opinions, this is how the first states appeared. Moreover, human needs are the engine of scientific progress, the main motivation of many scientists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4744/

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