ā€œIn the Country of unlearned lessonsā€: a summary of the book

Let's analyze the work of Leah Geraskina "In the Country of unlearned lessons" (summary). Statements that it is enough to watch the Soviet cartoon of the same name are not entirely true. The fact is that the chronology of events has been changed in the tape, some characters and storylines are missing. The age of the main character has also been changed - in the book the boy is in the fourth grade, and in the cartoon - in the fifth.

ā€œIn the Country of unlearned lessonsā€: a summary

Victor Perestukin, a fourth-grade student, once received as many as 5 deuces. According to the boy, unfair. Parents did not understand why their son is so spineless, lazy and irresponsible. Thus begins the book and, accordingly, the summary of the story "In the Country of unlearned lessons."

in the country of unlearned lessons

Reluctantly, the boy started homework. Classmates came to Vita who wanted to help with the lessons. But in spite he did everything in his own way. The boy quarreled with friends, and the guys left.

Meeting with Textbooks

We continue our acquaintance with the story written by Leah Geraskina, ā€œIn the Country of Unlearned Lessonsā€. The summary continues the meeting with the Textbooks.

The boy was left alone. He decided that he studies poorly, since he does not have willpower. And it can appear only when overcoming various dangers. In hearts, he threw his books to the floor. There was a roar, and before Vitya there appeared Textbooks in the form of little men.

They accused the boy of not knowing grammar, arithmetic, geography and decided to send him to the Country of unlearned lessons. The boy found out that there were many difficulties and dangers, and agreed. Geography has promised its help. The conductor was a soccer ball that could not be lost sight, and the cat Kuzya became a companion.

Start of travel

We continue to talk about the amazing journey described in the story ā€œIn the Country of Unlearned Lessonsā€. The summary tells how friends got into the mysterious palace. Vitya and the cat were in front of the palace. The entrance was guarded by question and index signs. In order to get to the palace, it was necessary to write the words ā€œkeyā€ and ā€œlockā€. Vitya remembered the rules.

geraskin in the country of unlearned lessons

In the palace they met with His Majesty the Verb of Imperative Inclination and Comma. The student was given assignments, but he could not cope. Then he was asked the last task - to put a comma in the sentence "Execute cannot be pardoned." The boy gathered and did everything right.

The water cycle in nature

Heroes continued the journey. They fell into the desert, and the camel told them that all the water was gone. A twisted old tree turned into a drought. She announced that water will appear only when Vitya remembers the water cycle in nature. Drought tried to confuse the boy, but he coped with the task. It rained and the drought disappeared.

Math problems

We continue to analyze "In the Country of unlearned lessons." The summary describes the correction of errors in mathematical problems. Immediately a new danger arose. A polar bear jumped out into the clearing. The camel said that the beast is very angry at Perestukin. Heroes had to flee.

The cat and the boy got into the city with houses in the form of geometric shapes. They met two little men selling water for the correct solution of examples. The cat asked for an easy task. The men asked how much would be two and two. Vitya answered and shared a glass of water with Kuzey.

summary of the story in the country of unlearned lessons

At this moment, excavators appeared - legs and a whole man. The digger asked Vitya to solve the problem correctly and help his comrade. The boy managed, and there were two diggers. The polar bear appeared again. Victor and Kuzey hid and found a sad tailor. He said that he was accused of stealing fabric due to an incorrectly solved task. Victor corrected the error, and the tailor was free.

Then the student met a cyclist who nearly died. Vitya could not help him, he took the bike and left. The next meeting took place in the forest. The old woman, due to an incorrectly solved problem, for many years can not meet with her brother. In front of the boy's eyes, the old men met. Perestukin correctly solved the problem, and they turned into children.

Meeting unusual animals

Vitya went to look for Kuzyu, who was lost, and found him in a bag where the evil racer had hidden the cat. In the meadow, our friends are breadfruit with rolls and iron with spoons, forks, knives. A cow appeared and said that she was a predator and would eat everyone, as Vitya called her carnivore. Heroes caught up with a polar bear. Perestukin and Kuzya climbed a tree and met a kangaroo bird, which thanked for the transformation and flew away. The boy called the cow a herbivore, and she calmed down, and the bear asked his friends to show where the north pole is.

summary of the story in the country of unlearned lessons

History error

A car drove into the road along which friends were walking. The cat and the bear fled, and the boy ended up in the palace of Ivan the Terrible right during Napoleonā€™s attack. It turns out that in a history lesson, a student mixed up dates. Victor corrected the mistake, and the palace disappeared.


We conclude the story about the book "In the Country of unlearned lessons." Summary summarizes the correction of the last error. Vitya continued to follow the ball and found 2 mountains. One was covered with snow, a black woman and a monkey froze on it, and on the other under a palm tree the Eskimos and the polar bear suffered from heat. They were held hostage by the cat Kuzya, who was equally ill there and there. This happened because Perestukin mixed up the geographical zones. He was sorry for the cat, but he couldnā€™t remember the names he needed.

in the country of unlearned lessons

The boy called for help Geography. In her presence, he immediately remembered the necessary names, and everything fell into place. Vitya asked Geography to return them with Kuzey home.

The next day at school, the boy told his classmates about his adventures and began to study much better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4745/

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