Penalty for not admitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing

What is the penalty for not admitting a pedestrian? This question is asked by many motorists who, by their own carelessness, very often do not give way to the same traffic participants. Yes, there is a penalty for not admitting a pedestrian and amounts to 1,500 rubles. This will be written in more detail in this article.

the main thing

All participants in the movement must respect each other and comply with traffic rules. This applies to both drivers and pedestrians. The latter should always cross the road very carefully, after having looked around. After all, the situation on the roadway can unfold in the most unexpected and unpleasant way.

penalty for not admitting a pedestrian

Last year, the traffic rules were amended, which gave the walking participants of the movement even greater advantages. Therefore, if the driver does not miss a person at the crossing, then a fine will be guaranteed to him. It is also worth noting that hundreds and even thousands of people are killed and injured on the roads annually. This is due to the carelessness of pedestrians and the arrogance of drivers. Therefore, participants in the movement should know the rules and try to comply with them.


Amendments to the traffic rules give a greater advantage to the pedestrian traffic participants. Of course, the law does not punish anyone for accidentally spraying someone while driving through a puddle, but if he did not give an advantage to a pedestrian who was walking along a zebra across the road, then he would face a considerable fine.

penalty for not admitting a pedestrian on a pedestrian

In the event that there is no passage on the carriageway, a citizen has the right to cross it at the intersection along the sidewalk and roadside.

Since 2016, a pedestrian crossing can also be located on tram tracks. A moving car should also stop and allow a person to cross the road. The penalty for not admitting a pedestrian is 1,500 rubles.

In addition, other adjustments have been made to the rules since last year. For example, the expression β€œskip pedestrian” is no longer valid. Instead, a new interpretation of "give way" appeared.

Another important innovation is that before the driver had to stop his car and let a person pass. Now he is allowed, without stopping, to continue moving through the passage, if at the same time he does not interfere with people walking across the road. Otherwise, the driver will have to pay a fine for not admitting a pedestrian.


Never forget that when moving along a transition, only a person has an advantage, but not a car enthusiast. Therefore, if the latter saw people on a zebra, he must immediately give way to them.

penalty for not admitting a pedestrian at the crossing

If a frightened person begins to rush along the roadway or steps up so as not to be under the wheels of a car, it can be said that the driver violated traffic rules. The penalty for not admitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing is one thousand five hundred rubles. This punishment for violators behind the wheel is provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In what cases is a fine imposed

A motorist will be required to pay a penalty for not allowing a pedestrian at the crossing if he has performed the following actions:

  • did not give the person the carriageway at the moment when the prohibition signal of a traffic light only caught fire;
  • I went to the crossing and blocked the path for people moving along it;
  • did not miss the person holding a white cane, i.e. blind person;
  • did not give way to citizens traveling across the road for boarding or getting off public transport.
    penalty for not admitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing

If innocent

Situations on the roads are different. Sometimes pedestrian traffic participants themselves violate traffic rules, running onto the road towards a moving vehicle. What should a driver do if he is not to blame for not missing a person? In this case, the DVR may help. If, nevertheless, the driver touched the citizen crossing the road along the zebra, then it would be useless to unlock it, especially if the latter received minor injuries.

In the event that the motorist did not miss a cyclist at the crossing, he can easily prove his innocence by the fact that the latter is not a foot participant in the movement. So it is written in the SDA. In addition, the cyclist must pick up his transport and carry it across the road.

In order for the driver not to receive a penalty for not letting a pedestrian pass at the pedestrian crossing, he needs to bring witnesses to this case who will confirm the fact that the person stepped on the road suddenly and the motorist was not able to stop in time. Good evidence here will be traces of braking on the roadway.


Of course, it is always very difficult to prove the lack of fault of the driver when hitting a person. After all, the citizen who drives the machine must be aware of the fact that his transport is a danger to others and can become a source of injury. Therefore, if the motorist noticed a citizen crossing the road even in an unspecified place for this, then he should slow down and skip the latter. This will allow him to rid himself of unpleasant consequences. Indeed, in accordance with the law, the driver who knocked down the pedestrian will be forced to compensate for the damage caused to the latter, regardless of whether he is guilty or not.

what is the penalty for not admitting a pedestrian

The sad development of events

Hundreds and thousands of citizens die annually under the wheels of a vehicle when crossing a road on a zebra. And even after toughening the punishment, the situation does not get any better. As a rule, in such accidents the responsibility is always the one who was driving. This happens even in situations where a person suddenly stepped out onto the roadway.

It should immediately be noted here that if the driver simply did not give way to a citizen, thereby forcing the latter to speed up his step, such a motorist should pay a traffic police fine for not letting a pedestrian pass. Currently, it is 1,500 rubles.

how much is a penalty for not passing a pedestrian

If the driver knocked a person on a zebra, but the latter was not badly injured, then the motorist will have to part with his license for 1.5 or 2 years. In the event that a citizen sustained serious injuries or died, the transport manager may face criminal penalties.

Who will be responsible

Many car owners are interested in the question of what kind of penalty for not passing a pedestrian a person who is driving can get? Currently, it is 1,500 rubles. Deprivation of rights in this case is not provided.

It should also be noted that the amendments to the SDA greatly tighten the punishment specifically for drivers. Pedestrians, as a rule, are brought to justice very rarely.

If earlier overtaking was allowed at the crossing when there were no people on it, now it is forbidden in any case. Despite this, both motorists and pedestrians need to be very careful on the roadway. After all, situations are different. In addition, mutual respect for the traffic participants to each other will help reduce the number of accidents, which means that the number of dead people will be significantly reduced.


It should also be noted that a driver who hit a person can be held liable, regardless of his guilt. This is indicated by the provisions of article 1079 of the Civil Code. Therefore, if the victim applies to the judicial authority for compensation for harm, then the motorist will need to fully compensate him. All expenses for treatment and restoration of health will be borne by the citizen who was driving.

After all, a car is a source of danger to others and in case of an accident can cause irreparable harm to a person. That is why every driver should be more careful and prudent.

Effective or not

How the accepted norms will operate in practice is still to be seen. However, the situation will not change if drivers and pedestrians do not respect each other. People should not run out onto the road right in front of a moving vehicle, and motorists must pass the latter even in a place not specified for the passage. The situation is not entirely clear. Nevertheless, the situation is such that a person can cross the road in a place where he is comfortable if there is no crossing nearby. This situation is very alarming for many drivers. In addition, the latter are increasingly interested in the question of how much is the penalty for not admitting a pedestrian and can it be avoided?

fine traffic police for not admitting a pedestrian

Administrative punishment will have to be in the event that the traffic police inspector reveals a motor vehicle violation. The CAOA sanction provides for a fine in the amount of 1,500 rubles. This punishment can be avoided by providing evidence that the SDA was violated not by the person driving, but by a pedestrian. Although in practice the driver always becomes guilty, and the person crossing the road is only affected by the wrong actions of the latter.


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