Cherry variety Miracle cherry: description of the plant, planting and care

A hybrid of cherries and cherries is known to many modern gardeners as a duke, or cherry variety Miracle Cherry. Taranenko L.I., working on the creation of this plant by combining the best qualities of Griot cherries and cherries of the Valery Chkalov variety, was most suitable for growing in the conditions of the middle band. What is remarkable about this plant and for what reasons it won the love of a huge number of gardeners? All the details below.

The main characteristics of the variety

Cherry variety Miracle cherry is a tree-like plant that is reminiscent of its ancestors in structure: the shape of the crown is comparable in shape to the well-known tree cherry, and the branching to cherries. Flower buds Miracle cherry is able to plant at a one-year growth, therefore, it begins to bear fruiting very early: the massive collection of large berries collected in brushes of 4-8 pieces begins already in the third year from the beginning of fruiting. Duke fruits have a cherry flavor, but, unlike cherries, are devoid of characteristic acid.

variety of cherries miracle cherries

The shoots of the plant are straight and smooth, have a sufficient thickness, are covered with even and smooth bark of a dark brown color. Flower buds are large, similar to cherry. Flowering duke begins with the onset of steady heat, approximately in the middle or beginning of May. In colder conditions, it blooms by the end of the month. Fruiting in a developed plant begins by the end of June. From each tree, you can collect at least 7-10 kg of large, weighing from 7 g, berries.

Features of Wonder Cherry as a garden plant

Having absorbed all the best from cherry and cherry parental lines, Miracle Cherry, the photo of which is presented here, is considered much more winter-hardy and resistant to disease than other plants belonging to the same family. All this allows you to grow duke in conditions where frosty winters take place and outbreaks of moniliosis and coccomycosis occur periodically.

Planting and caring for Wonder Cherries

Before landing, special attention should be paid to the choice of place. Cherry variety Miracle cherry develops best in well-lit areas that are sheltered from the winds, especially northern ones. Planting material must be planted in pre-prepared pits filled with a fertile mixture. The distance between the plants to be planted should be at least 5 m, since Wonder Cherry, the description of the variety of which speaks of the large size of the tree, can suffer from close proximity, which will certainly affect both development and productivity. Deepening the root neck of a plant can lead to its death, therefore it is better to leave it above the soil surface. In order to form a tree, immediately after planting, the seedling is cut, leaving about 60 cm of the central shoot, and the side ones are shortened by a third.

miracle cherry grade description

Fertilizers and top dressing in the first 5-6 years of growth and development are not required. This is especially true for nitrogen fertilizers, because they can cause active growth of the aerial parts of the tree to the detriment of fruiting. In addition, top dressing can provoke the death of a plant in the winter due to immaturity of tissues. But from watering the cherry variety Wonder cherry only wins. After planting, it must be carried out once a week, pouring at least 20 liters of water under each seedling. In subsequent months, watering can be done less frequently, about 2 times a month.

The secret of a big crop

Wonder cherry, the description of the variety of which mentions the need for the formation of a tree, is capable of producing large yields. In order to guarantee to collect more than one bucket of berries from one plant, you need to take care of the formation of a tree:

  1. Regularly trim young shoots by 1/3, and thicken the crown completely cut into a ring.
  2. Since the branches of this kind of duke tend to stretch up, it is important to take care of their proper growth. To do this, first of all, you need to set the shoots in the direction of growth to the sides with the help of weights suspended from them, or, tying them to the stem, to give a horizontal position.
  3. For successful fertilization, the proximity of Miracle Cherries with cherries will be necessary. Thanks to this, the yield will always be high.

wonder cherry photo

Old, thickening and diseased branches on a tree must be removed in early spring before the sap flow begins, as late pruning can lead to drying out of the plant.


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