An imaginary friend in the Sims 3 game. Where to find it and how to revive it?

With the addition of "All Ages", the game The Sims 3 came with a charming innovation - the ability to make an imaginary friend. It can appear in a child of a preschool age (toddler) in baggage. If the baby makes friends with an unusual creature, he will get a great friend who will be with him all his life and will be able to live the same as the child himself: grow up with him, go on dates, and even marry. Moreover, one fine day an imaginary friend can turn into a person!

imaginary friend

How to create an imaginary friend?

When a baby is finally born to a happy couple , a special notification arrives in the mail, which refers to an unusual gift for a child. A distant relative gives the doll, and this is the first and last letter from him. More notifications for his authorship will not be received throughout the game. Feel free to click on the mailbox and select the function "Pick up mail." After that, the toy will appear in the luggage of the child. If the toddler was created in the mode of creating a family, then the doll will appear in his luggage automatically.

What can an unusual friend do?

Walk slowly. In fact, his gait is very peculiar: he walks slowly, while swaying from side to side. From the side it looks as if the character had just stepped off a frantically spinning attraction. But seriously speaking, the Pattern (one of the options for the name of an imaginary friend) can be a great toy for a toddler, and for a child, teenager, and so on - a great friend, ready to come to the aid in difficult times, calm, cheer.

imaginary friend in sims 3

Or, on the contrary, you can quarrel with a former toy to smithereens, breaking it off properly with pillows. In this case, an imaginary friend can become an enemy of the character, and hoping for his revival is already pointless.

How to communicate with an unexpected gift?

While the child is very small, it will not be able to communicate with the toy. But his parents will be able to do this, spending several hours at the baby’s bed with a doll in their hands, which is the future imaginary friend. The game can provide all this with the help of the "Arrange a Presentation ..." function, where instead of the ellipsis, the name of the child is selected. After the performance, both the parent and the baby will come into a good mood.

When the character grows up to a toddler, he will be able to play with an imaginary friend, like a teddy bear. When the child falls asleep, the toy appears automatically in his crib. At this stage, it is very important that the child plays with the doll as long as possible - until the message appears that the unusual creature has now become a special toy for the baby. This means that when a child grows up, an imaginary friend also grows up with him. If this message does not appear, then the baby is not so much attached to the toy, and the doll will forever remain with it.

about imaginary friends

If everything went well, then after the former toddler celebrates his birthday, a message appears stating that the imaginary friend wants to take a little walk, and advising him to remove it from the baggage. After obeying and laying the toy on the floor or the ground, after some time the player will be surprised to find that the doll has grown!

Now you can talk and develop relationships with an imaginary friend. He will go after his owner as attached: where the child is, there he is. If a friend gets bored, he can always be put back into inventory, waiting until he turns back into a toy.

The benefits and harms of unusual friendship

Communicating with a new friend, the child raises the communication scale to the maximum. This means that attacks of loneliness beloved child are not guaranteed. Especially such a toy will help the little man with the "Loner" character trait. Since such people are tired of long conversations with strangers or unfamiliar people, and they just don’t like to talk too much, an imaginary friend will become a real lifesaver.

imaginary friend game

In "Sims-3" it is arranged so that only the one to whom he belongs can see an imaginary friend. None of the characters in the game world can see him anymore. Therefore, as in the real world, it may become unusual for people around that a child begins to talk to someone, laugh, or even beat his fists into the void. In this case, they will consider the character talking to his invisible friend, inadequate person, and will try to stay away from him. Especially parents will worry about their beloved child. After all, they do not know about imaginary friends! To avoid misunderstanding, you need to make sure that the child is not distracted by conversations with those whom people around cannot see.

How to revive an imaginary friend?

If earlier on the agenda was the question of how to make an imaginary friend, now we will talk about how to breathe life into him. As mentioned above, if you offend a friend very much, you will not be able to revive him. To revive the future sim, you need to be with him in a very good relationship. Then, in a conversation with him, you can select the option "Offer to become real." Of course, the subject of his fantasy, friendly to the character, will give his consent to turning him into a full member of society. The only thing left is to get a potion of an imaginary friend. "Sims-3" is designed so that without this substance it will be impossible to turn a fictional man into a living person. There are two ways to get this unusual potion.

how to make an imaginary friend

The first way (easier) is to create a potion on a special table. Only a character with 8 logic points and above can make magical fluid. It does not matter who exactly makes the potion - the character himself or his parents, or maybe even a roommate. The second method is more difficult: a task will come from a scientific institute with a proposal to send them a special stone called "Treasure of the Rainbow". You need to find this stone and send it to a scientific institute. Then, as a reward for the work done, they will give an unusual potion, with the help of which an imaginary friend can finally become a man. The method is complicated in that not everyone can get this stone, so you have to work hard.

After an imaginary friend becomes a person, he will be a full member of a society with natural and social needs. He will be able to attend school and college, throw parties and do the same thing as an ordinary person.

Can I have fun with an imaginary friend in The Sims 3?

Of course. To people who are often lonely, such a character is even necessary. An imaginary friend is always with his master and is ready to communicate with him when he so wishes. And if necessary, it will become a vest in which you can cry. But when the toy comes to life, such expanse will no longer be. This will be a full-fledged person, with his needs, thoughts and desires. And sometimes the former owner of the toy may simply not find a place in them.

What about a romantic relationship with a former favorite toy?

And it could be. With a former puppet darling, you can go on dates, run away from home, kiss under the moonlight and make love. You can even marry him and have children with him. A child from a former imaginary friend can inherit from an unusual parent unique features: eyes, gait, hair, etc. True, all the magical possibilities will appear only when the child reaches school age.

how to create an imaginary friend

Is it possible to make such a friend in the Sims 3 game without the All Ages add-on?

Without the add-on "All Ages", your toddler will not be able to receive an unusual toy as a gift. In this case, he will have to be content with what is - a xylophone, a box for toys, a teddy bear. ... Unlike a funny little man, you can’t joke with them, talk and express your irritation on them. But then all the characters will be able to see them, and the child will not be considered inferior due to the fact that he is talking with an empty space.

What features does this unusual creature have?

An imaginary friend in itself is a feature. But still he has unique abilities. For example, when the baby is distracted by something else, the toy can move around the house, while changing the position of the body. And when no one pays attention to a creature, it can turn back into a toy and wait for the moment until it again becomes necessary for its owner. An imaginary friend can be controlled, for example, ask him to wash the dishes. At the same time, the student himself can do absolutely extraneous matters, but all the dishes in the house will be clean. What a mystic!

imaginary friend sims 3 potion

Of course, you should remember that imaginary friends are good only in the game. In reality, a person’s confidence that he has an imaginary friend is a signal of a serious mental disorder. Therefore, it is better to follow the adventures of imaginary friends and their owners on a computer monitor.


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