Features of the content of epiphytes: how to prune an orchid after flowering

Orchid looks like a luxurious capricious woman. If she likes everything, she is delighted by the magnificent cascades of flowers. If not, it discards the buds, dries, and may even die. How to achieve the appearance of buds and how to prune an orchid after flowering? The most common types of orchids are quite unpretentious, but in care they have a number of features. Most often, flower growers prefer to grow phalaenopsis, dendrobiums, and their hybrids - dendrobium phalaenopsis.

how to prune an orchid after flowering

This is a classic for beginners. It is undemanding, blooms twice a year, retaining its fancy flowers for almost three months. During the period of active leaf growth, when the plant lays flower buds, it needs bright light and a long (at least 10 hours) daylight hours . During flowering, it absolutely does not need bright lighting: it can be put on a bedside table in the back of the room or in a wall niche, and it will still bloom. There comes a time - flowering stops. Sometimes you can make an orchid blossom immediately again. How to prune an orchid after flowering so that bright butterflies blossom on the old arrow? The peduncle is cut to the first sleeping bud on top, the cut is sprinkled with cinnamon. The buds wake up and the phalaenopsis blooms again.

Almost all phalaenopsis sold in flower shops are hybrids. Very similar in appearance, they can behave after flowering in completely different ways. Some immediately dry the entire arrow: then it must be cut off, leaving a short stump. Others may throw a new twig within a month. Still others keep the arrow green and peppy, but the kidneys can release in a year. After observing the faded arrow, you can decide whether to prune the orchid after flowering or wait for new buds.

whether to prune the orchid after flowering

At home, most often hybrids of dendrobium nobile are contained. During flowering, their thick trunks-pseudobulbs are covered with many flowers of different colors, with a delicate delicate aroma. Flowering continues for a long time, then the flowers fall. How to prune an orchid so as not to weaken the plant? If the old peduncles have not fallen off, they must be removed. The trunk itself (pseudobulb) is not cut, new flower stalks will form on it. If the old pseudobulb is wrinkled, you have to wait until it is completely dry. Then it can be deleted.

Dendrofals: Dendrobium + Phalaenopsis

This beauty is the most n

how to prune an orchid
the unpretentious of all dendrobiums contained in living quarters. Its flowering is predictable, stable and regular. Depending on the plant variety and season, every 6-8 months new pseudobulbs mature in it. If the plant is strong, they bloom simultaneously with old pseudobulbs. The question of how to prune the orchid after flowering is irrelevant in this case, because even flower buds that have repeatedly faded will lay new flower buds. This is not typical for many species of orchids, in which faded bulbs lose their ability to bloom.

In the end

Of the many tips on how to prune an orchid after flowering, you need to learn the main rule - do not rush. What is no longer needed, the orchid will dry itself. She lives by her own rules and blooms when ready for this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4766/

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