A beautiful date palm at home is real!

Do you like flowers? If yes, then this article is for you. Now, alas, the prices of flowers in flower shops are quite high. Especially, various kinds of palm trees are expensive flowers. And every amateur grower dreams of having at least one large and beautiful palm in his house. And this is a pretty simple dream to implement. I offer you a cultivation recipe called "date palm at home." This beautiful and powerful plant will delight your eyes for decades. So where to start? What do you need to know? And most importantly, how to grow a date palm correctly?

Stage number 1. Material for growing.
It happens that seeds (seeds) are sold in flower shops, but it's even easier to just buy dates at any grocery store. Eat this tasty and healthy fruit, and get a stone, which will make a great home-made date palm. It is advisable to plant it for several days.

Stage number 2. What and how to plant.
You can, of course, take any earth, mix it with sand and plant bones in it. But, it’s better to buy a special soil mixture for palm trees. It has the right balance of various types of soil, it is clean and safe, it has no pests. You can plant a bone in any dish with a diameter of about 8 millimeters in diameter. The ideal option is, of course, clay pots. Take the most ordinary, without patterns and varnish on the surface, pots. Believe me, all this decor reduces the level of air circulation to almost zero. Be sure to provide good drainage. Do not forget that the palm tree is, after all, a tropical plant, and it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Stage number 3. Watering and the intricacies of care.
Pots with seeds inside should be regularly watered, to prevent the earth from drying out, put in a well-lit, but without direct sunlight, place. Remember that the date palm at home should feel as comfortable as in the natural environment of its habitat. In order for your bones to sprout, within three months, provide them with a sufficiently high ambient temperature of about 25-30 degrees. The ideal time for planting is the end of spring. By winter, your plants will appear in the light and have time to grow stronger. Winter is a resting period for palm trees. Air temperature can now be much lower and should be watered a little less often. But, all the same, the soil should always remain slightly moist. So we grow our palm trees until spring.

Stage number 4. Transfer.
You already realized that planting a date palm at home is not so difficult. And now it’s important during the time to give the plant the opportunity to develop further. In the spring, about a year after you planted a stone in the ground, the plant should be transplanted into a new pot. Its diameter should be 10-11 millimeters. Further care is the same. Watering in summer is plentiful, in winter moderate. The temperature in the warm season is 25-30 Β° C, in winter at least 15 Β° C. Water, always with water at about thirty degrees. Palms do not like cold water.

Stage number 5. Problems you may encounter.
A grown date palm at home can give you a little trouble. Basically, all problems are associated with errors in care. What are they:
β€’ If the leaves turn yellow, this is the first sign that you are not watering the plant well enough. Dry leaves are unlikely to return to life.
β€’ If only the ends of the leaves turn yellow or brown, this is evidence of overdried air in the room where the palm tree is located. To prevent this, in the hot season, regularly spray the leaves. Another possible reason for this condition of the leaves may be cold air or a draft.
β€’ If brown spots appear on the leaves, or if the whole leaf turns brown, this may be a signal that you are wetting the plant and it has begun to rot. But, do not confuse the state of decay, with the completely normal withering away of the old lower leaves.

Well, in general, a home date palm is not a very capricious plant, which is quite simple to maintain and maintain. And what is interesting is that it can live up to 200 years. So maybe you can grow a palm tree that will please more than one generation of your family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4770/

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